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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Wow. We haven't seen NY multi-round price ups since the Mac F Renewal days
  2. This has been crazy anti climactic. I easily got 2x Amiami and 1x HS....
  3. I don't even know why I'm so excited over a VF-1J that I've bought 6 iterations of already (Yammy V1, 1/48, V2, Arcadia Armored, Bandai Hi-Metal, Hi-Metal R) I guess it's like how Gundam fans have no qualms buying the RX-78-2 over and over again.
  4. ONE? ONLY ONE?!??!
  5. Surprisingly affordable. Honestly I don't even care if I even have to pay all up front for this sucker to secure a preorder or two...... or three..... MY 1/48 collection is limited to just 2x Low Viz 1's and an Armored Low Viz 2 and I already sold off my entire 1/60 V2 collection so the funds are ready
  6. Don't believe what anyone says about "skipping" the Preorder on this. Everyone and their brother will try to preorder one on 7/27 and spend 2-3 months actually thinking about whether or not they want it. As an East-coaster I will be fully caffeinated and already took a vacation day from work. Even if I am defeated by Spinning Death Wheel of NY I get a 3-day weekend. win-win
  7. God F--cking Dammit all..... now I have to re-do my year-end budget for this. On the plus side I have a spare Gummy 1/48 Yammy DYRL pilot that I'm going to slap into this sucker.
  8. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Woo hoo, my VF-31S from NY is Prep in Progress. Now I get to wait 3-4 weeks
  9. Hey Guys! I heard you like P-Bandai, so we made a P-Bandai of a P-Bandai of a P-Bandai!
  10. This thingy would be great for when you need a tiny piece here or there painted but you don't want to setup your airbrush. Just whip this up. Crack open a window and spray outside lol
  11. Maybe we should rename this thread" Show off your backlog"
  12. As I said in the other thread. You could live in the model box if your wife kicks you out over buying this lol
  13. If your wife kicks you out for buying that kit you don't have to worry because you can live in the box it came with.
  14. At this point I can't really bitch about P-Bandai when I give P-Bandai so much money........ They've been bleeding me dry these last two years with all the P-bandai GM's. It's as if they knew I had a weakness for Feddie Grunts. The only P-Bandai MG GM I don't have is the Kenneth Jung Gm Sniper. Would prolly buy a MG Lydo-Wolf Gm Sniper II in a heartbeat....
  15. That looks pretty awesome for those that love bling. This guy is really lucky to be able to have the know-how and the means to goto an electro plating facility to do this. Though he is limited to ABS it certainly works well for him :0
  16. WOOOOOOO..... P-Bandai White Dingo versions of the regular GM and GM cannon coming out. I bet the Regular GM just has parts from the ancient RX-79G with some adapter to make the shield work on the 2.0 frame
  17. Is that the same old 2004 HGUC Gelgoog as a base for Shin?
  18. I would be happy if Ace Combat VII comes even close to having the simple cheesy but engaging story-telling we got in V and Zero.
  19. They had the HGUC Loto twinpack and those were tiny. I think ther'es even an R-44 convo kit to turn the loto into the F91 guntank. Would hate to work on something that small.
  20. I've been starving for good Front-mission stuff ever since the good-ole FM3 days and those super fragile PVC wanzers I had everywhere. I already have the Zenith preordered from HLJ. Also really looking forward to Front-mission: Left Alive coming to PS4 and steam later this year. With some vets from Armored Core and Metal Gear helping out it's starting to look pretty good.
  21. Such a cool-looking kit, but at that price + a 2000-3000 yen I could literally grab a PG Unicorn in Akihabara or somewhere else :0
  22. Ah man..... I want those three GM's updated so bad, though in 1/144 they'd be pretty petite :0 It's almost guaranteed we'll see the F91 ver MG Jegan in P-Bandai
  23. The moment I found out the GM II unicorn version came with both regular GM II head and the GM Kai head I started buying them en-masse lol
  24. Most of them were just detail painted, decaled and top-coated. The dual SMG GM was painted, however.
  25. I really feel like this movie was going to be the first of a trilogy, considering Alden was signed up for 3 movies based off his accidental leak in an interview. The Han we see in this film is Han in name only. He's a super optimisitc and naive kid like Luke. I really wish I could see what happened in part 2 and 3 to make Han what he is now.... Or maybe I just don't care about Han's origins background and wish he stayed a mysterious swashbuckler pirate bro who doesn't need to be explained. Why does this current generation need to have everything explained to them? Is there no more room for freaking imagination?
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