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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. This is great news. I can now throw my switch into the ground in a fit of frustrated rage and scream obscenities as I repeatedly stomp the life out of my broken switch's carcass..... In PUBLIC. THANKS CUPHEAD
  2. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm impressed that the VF-31 Armored pack costs nearly as much as a VF-31 O_o I only have 1 VF-31 left and it's for a custom. Gotta nab this armored pack for that
  3. Film was enjoyable but yeah it felt kinda rushed. It's almost like it was supposed to be 2-3 movies and then got crammed into one lol. My Wife has refused to go watch a movie with me ever since I took her to the Last Jedi (she said she couldn't trust my taste in movies)... but I convinced her to see Alita because Edward Norton is one of her Celeb crushes. Surprisingly she enjoyed the flick too
  4. It was extremely underwhelming, but I'm hoping things change as the Devs stated they wanted feedback from the community
  5. Considering this was a "First Press Edition" You'd just have to assume the 1J is gonna get re-released again. I don't know if it'll be as early as when the GBP or supers are released, but for sure it'll happen again.
  6. It's an updated Dom featured in ZZ Gundam and also in Unicorn. You really can't tell as easily from the front but when you look at it from the back it has much more variation. WOW. that's a lot more updates than I had imagined. It's more like a DOM 1.5 at that point. Really puzzling that such an updated kit would be P-Bandai O_o
  7. That is like the 1st Dom in 1/100 in a long time O_o Though the Dwadge being P-Bandai has me worried it's going to be using 20-yr old DOM as a base, which would be just as disappointing as the MG Heavy Gundam and Powered GM which also used ancient base-kits :0
  8. I am in for one blowsup. gonna skip the legioss for now
  9. Some pics of the Minmei Resin fig that come with that VF-1 Eggplane re-release are out. Something seems really off with the face
  10. The missiles are totally worth it if you consider you can fully kit out 3 valks with 1 weapons pack. Since it's a TV 1J I'll likely just be using the AMM-1's and then save the Micro missiles and reactions for a fast-pack valk down the road.
  11. Not sure I understand the question. I was just letting spacemanspiff know that he shouldn't need to worry too much. Yeah, I use them for all my P-Bandai goodies since they charge fair shipping prices (For example, when MG Hazel 1st came out NY wanted 3500 yen for SAL while Bandaionline charged 1700 ..literally half O_o
  12. The Alex is an instabuy for me. Been wanting one every since the GM Sniper II came out. The EFSF 0080 line only needs the RX-77D and the GM Cold Climate type now hehe. 0080 Zeeks are still sorely lacking though
  13. Don't worry about it. Autofittings is actually Kurama webshop which is bandaionline.com They are super legit and I've used them as an alternative from NY since NY's shipping charges are pretty sketch
  14. I finished up the first of my 1/35 Kaiyodo Gachanen Safs figures. Here's a comparison of it to the good-ole Hobby-Base blind-box fig from 2002. Hobby Base is on the left, the Kaiyodo I painted up on the right. 1 Down, 39 more to go....haha.....damn you w40k army-building sickness
  15. oooh, always wanted a Wyvern model. Too bad it's 1/144 Would kill for a 1/72 version
  16. I love those Patlabor 2 design and bought the UN hannibal way back. Too bad they don't scale up with anything else in my Patlabor collection.
  17. Remember everyone. you need to get 4 of the Korchima Soltics Only buying one would be heresy.. kinda like a Gundam fan only buying 1 out of 3 of Doms for the Black Tri-Stars
  18. I Just got a set of 1/35 Kaiyodo Ma.K SAFS / Snakeeyes. The clean-up is relatively easy, but I hate the huge gaping holes they have in their legs. I've been filling them first with Milliput super-fine and then fixing the imperfections with Mr. Dissolved putty. After I finish these last two These colorful eggs will be primed and will get some more SD3d-appropriate paint schemes. I love these tiny capsule-toy model kits. They even came with full decal sheets in the capsules.
  19. Funny enough I always wanted that Minmay VF-1A. I'll nab one for my collection hehe EDIT: Wow the PO for it opened today too. Nabbed 1 on HS https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10088439
  20. OMG. FInally, a new Alex model. Hoping for 1/100 Hopefully MG GM Cold-climate type gets a release too. Would die for the Mass Produced Guncannon in MG or Re-100 to fully flush out the 0080 EFSF line but not gonna get my hopes up too high for that.
  21. I really hope they just stick to TV valks too. DYRL valks are so boring now
  22. Why? Because Toynami feels like recycling the same product they peddled over a decade ago to a starving robotech fanbase Funny enough even these SD valks are a copy of ancient toys from the 80's
  23. Man. Just knowing there's going to be a lot of Recolors I think I might have to go no-doubles on these 1/48's, just like my old 1/48 collection a decade ago. I think I'll stick to the TV versions only as DYRL valks are pretty boring for me now.
  24. Was at Housing Works (recycle shop chain in NYC) with the Wife and found these little gems. Hobby-base 1/35 MA.k SAFS series 2 figures from like 2003. I used to nab these in the UFO catchers when I was an exchange student in Japan. Housing works tagged them at $.50 a piece which was a total steal. I sanded out the scuffs, used some tamiya weathering powders to add back some dirt, satin-coated them and put them on 28mm bases. So happy to have these little SAFS buggers on my work desk.
  25. I have an extra for sale (non profit) for US buyers in the sales thread. posted just now
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