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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    I would totally buy a VF-1EX set. I love the look
  2. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    INB4 "OMGURD NY is asking for even more shipping money for my VF-31 amored packs" *screeeeeeching* Posts
  3. Sparkling batman. Faaaaaabulous
  4. Missed opportunity to include all 5 1:72 waifus to stand on the radar dish IMHO
  5. so... how much for a tac squad, or whatever they call tac squads of those heretical primaris marines?
  6. the VF-31D is evil. It allows people to display their lone VF-31A in beautiful fighter mode while allowing two cat girls to ride the 31D.... At least that's how I'd rationalize the purchase
  7. Just plop a couple of these onto a vf-11. There's your MAXL
  8. honestly it doesn't matter what VF they release it'll sell out. Just hope to god the VF-1A Cannon Fodder is web exclusive so that we can relive our VF-31A nightmares again woot!
  9. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Trident stand can hold 5 Valks btw. You can use two of the stage 5 arms on the two front holes on the base as well
  10. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    The problem is that the super stand adapter was made for units with arm fastpacks while the regular fighter stand adapter was made for straight legs only. The VT-1 has legs lowered for fastpacks, but also has no arm fastpacks so it's kinda screwed with either adapter for fastpack fighter. You'd think that just like with the VE-1 they would've made a custom adapter for fighter mode for the VT-1 :/ Pretty much the only solution is you gotta use a regular fighter stand adapter, but trim the sides so that it has clearance to fit between lowered legs.
  11. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    while having fun on my ebay app for 10% ebay bux today these three hi metal vf-1's popped in my queue.... such an insanely low price... i checked seller feedback and both were in Japan with 99.9% positive and over 4.5k positive feedback. after i nabbed all 3 the prices jumped right up to 131 for the hikkies and 236 for the max. whoever set the prices probably flubbed hardcore and they couldn't fix the prices in time. 99.9% chance the sellers will cancel the order, but ya never know....
  12. Just imagine how much space it would take to display 5 1/20 VF-31's. It's obviously a "pick just ur favorite waifu's VF-31" and leave it at that :0
  13. WOW. RX-121-2 Gundam Hazel II with options for the GM Quel and Hazel-head GM Quel was shown at Shizuoka..... Since every other MG AOZ was P-Bandai, this new GM Quel will also be paywalled by P-Bandai. *queue epic salt*
  14. Hot Damn the RG X-bone looks so friggin good. Too bad I already got the X1, X2, X3 and X2-EX in MG format... RIP wallet... (damn you P-Bandai)
  15. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    I've had my original Hi-Metal Skull squadron decked in supers in fighter mode and displayed from a trident stand for about 2 years. The thin plastics hold up pretty well, just need to make sure you tighten the small joints, but not to the point that they crack over time.
  16. DL brand are actually pretty good decals. Sometimes they need trimming but I've used them on several different models like the MG FA-78-1 (non thunderbolt) and GM Sniper Custom and they just fine.
  17. inb4 "selling exclusive freebie 1st press stand" posts in the for sale forum EDIT: Holy crap peeps are already doing that elsewhere lol
  18. 35K seems steep O_o ... that's literally the cost of my two Max 1A preorders before shipping. I could understand the premium for a mega-hot tamashii exclusive like the 31A but not a main-character mecha that has the highest chance of being reissued.
  19. That laser does look a little long. Maybe the laser hinge is on a slider that moves back and forth to allow a little extra clearance when transforming.
  20. in 15 minutes of postings Tek commits to more Completed resin kits than many members have completed in 15 years
  21. Worst case Chinese aftermarket firms are always willing to step up to the plate to get us Decals. If it weren't for them my Poor MG Jegans would still be Nekkid
  22. That Max 1A is looking really nice. I wonder which color schemes will be tamashii exclusives down the line? (Kaki 1A? Max / Milia 1J?)
  23. god.... if they release just a 3-pack of scopedogs with various parts I would be tempted to army-build
  24. Please PLEASE PLEASE don't have the stupid psycho-frame gimiick that the MG had. I don't want another RG Hand Grenade
  25. At this point why don't you guys just use a bead of hot-glue or silicone caulk? As long as you don't have painted surfaces resting on them there should be no problem.
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