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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. 35K seems steep O_o ... that's literally the cost of my two Max 1A preorders before shipping. I could understand the premium for a mega-hot tamashii exclusive like the 31A but not a main-character mecha that has the highest chance of being reissued.
  2. That laser does look a little long. Maybe the laser hinge is on a slider that moves back and forth to allow a little extra clearance when transforming.
  3. in 15 minutes of postings Tek commits to more Completed resin kits than many members have completed in 15 years
  4. Worst case Chinese aftermarket firms are always willing to step up to the plate to get us Decals. If it weren't for them my Poor MG Jegans would still be Nekkid
  5. That Max 1A is looking really nice. I wonder which color schemes will be tamashii exclusives down the line? (Kaki 1A? Max / Milia 1J?)
  6. god.... if they release just a 3-pack of scopedogs with various parts I would be tempted to army-build
  7. Please PLEASE PLEASE don't have the stupid psycho-frame gimiick that the MG had. I don't want another RG Hand Grenade
  8. At this point why don't you guys just use a bead of hot-glue or silicone caulk? As long as you don't have painted surfaces resting on them there should be no problem.
  9. Welp. That YF-19 is an auto-buy. Too bad it's an Expo Exclusive.
  10. Wow I never thought of swapping the parts to get that look. Looks pretty nice
  11. The last owner probably sold it when he saw the retarded sticker sheet that arcadia expects you to wrap around several curves. The 30th anni was only doable because of decals and lots of softener. Stickers look like ass
  12. Ofc they'll release the Nu, then they can release P-Bandai HWS kit for it too
  13. It would've gone for around 275 USD for the set
  14. I was literally about to pack this guy up and put him for sale but when I cleaned him up and took some sales pics I was like "Oh Hell No"
  15. I got 2 of the base units and one E/S set paid in full at Bandaionline. With that I can create the S-type which was my favorite of the F90 A/D/S set. I'm sure they'll release the Plunge and VSBR sets later on, and if the F90 is popular enough we'll get the P-Bandai of a P-Bandai F90-II , hopefully with the Long-range parts. Never really thought I'd be able to get modern version of the gundam kits I built in Jr. High ... With Bandai promising more F90 / F91 mecha from the P-Bandai Shop you can only assume they'll release a bunch of Cross-bone vanguard units or even F91 Silhoutte Formula stuff like the Vigna-Zirah or F90 Cluster
  16. Holy Crap it's HAPPENING! Could care less if it's P-Bandai I'll get multiples. They'll release the Base kit and then "mission packs" separately. First mission pack is the E and S packs
  17. I already have a buyer lined up. One who only knows robotech and was totally blown away by the arcadia. Should be getting all my money back + what I paid in shipping :0
  18. Nah. I'd rather just sell it to somebody else and then just build the cheapo 1/72 Hase version lol
  19. Thanks Noel. What a crap release then. I can never go back to crappy stickers after experiencing decals :0 This is my in-short review of the 35th anni 1J
  20. Sorry for the Necro. I picked this sucker up 2nd-hand and noticed it didn't have decals, only these horrible stickers. Did the 35th anni not have decals like the 30th did? If so, that's really an epic fail O_O
  21. Awesome. Thanks for the info Looks like I'll be ordering a VF-31 so that I can recast the pilot figures lol
  22. quick question. anyone have both a vf-31 and vf-1ex? wanna know if you can fit a vf-31 pilot fig. into the resin vf-1ex pit. if so I may have to pick up a vf-31 for some resin-casting hehe
  23. Duymon

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I cringed looking at that break. It's a high-stress area but you'd imagine die-cast would be able to handle it unless there were imperfections during the casting process. Maybe we need to have machined or forged parts now for our DX valks O_o
  24. Got to work for the night shift and this had arrived during the day. Was only $24 shipped on Ebay. I know I have a backlog of like 20 other Hasegawa valks but I always regretting not getting this one for some reason :/ It has parts for A n J as well so when I do my Anniversary builds I'll make them all 1J's
  25. This is a tiny point, but I wish we'd get a full face-mask Hikky pilot fig like the Max pilot figure. I'm sure they'll do a reprint of the Hikky 1J, but hope they don't give the Max and Kaki 1A the VF-25G/RVF-25 treatment
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