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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. The Preorder madness was intense between 2012 - 2015, then it got really easy and everyone got lax with PO's. YOu could leisurely PO a valk within 5 MInutes during those "peaceful times" ..........
  2. Luckily the thunder thighs aren't an issue on the S-Gundam Booster Type You can create the S-Gundam booster type from the deep striker and some extra parts. I nabbed the hand cover and backpack beamguns that were leftover form my S-Gundam build. For the crotch-piece you can just take out the back of the crotch piece and push the unused core-fighter nosecone in there for a near-perfect fit. Gonna leave the extra wings on the shoudlers off and just waiting on two extra red forearm covers to arrive from Japan before I actually work on paiting / etc.
  3. My Wife just checked into her hotel in Akihabara. She got me a 2nd hikky PO to be picked up by my MIL in November as our 5th yr anni gift. I think I married the right woman.
  4. I'm happy with the one I got. Not gonna get multiples of anything except Canno Fodders anyways :0
  5. NY just died as soon as Hikky went up
  6. Finally got thru at HLJ. Jesus christ.
  7. Trrrrrryyyyyyyyyiiiiiiinnnngggggg toooooooooo cheeeeeeeeccckkkooooouuuttt aaaaaaaattt HHHHHLLLLLLJJJJJJJJ.......
  8. HS went fast. cartjacked
  9. These are Katoki Designs so I def need to make them match my other Ver Ka's, which means they need to be littered in red text and lines. Luckily I have a few generic warning signs decal sheets I can use.
  10. So the shortage of 1J's is because that exhibit
  11. Yeah everyone goes for the EX-S these days. I think I'll keep this as the S and after I paint it up and get some decals it'll be nice. It's really stupid that these $100+ kits don't have Friggin decals. Just like the deepstriker I'll need to source 3rd party decals for this too.
  12. Was snapping up the S-Gundam 1.5 at work the last two nights. Def glad I waited, but still undecided if I want to make it the S or EX-S before I take it apart, paint it and do the final assembly.
  13. All of Netflix'es budget went to Dark Crystal which is why the nilfgards in Witcher look like they're wearing trashbags
  14. Maybe they're debating cancelling the orders and then selling them at a 80% markup :0
  15. I really hope they take a look at the handlebar pegs for Yellow. My Rey had a little too much paint on the peg area and it was really tight so when I tried to slowly rotate the handlebar I ended up twisting the peg right off too (O_O)
  16. hot damn look at all those expo exclusive model kits hanging in that pic
  17. The walls won't be able to contain the salt on June 3rd
  18. same here. not that it matters I always take elcheapo SAL. Not like getting the missiles 3 weeks later will hurt really.
  19. Yeah that peacemaker looks just as fiddly as the copy I got. The switch from ABS / Poly to PVC is what makes it feel so horribly cheap. Still my fav of the Brave Gohkin line is the OVA version of the ingrams. The Unit 2 shoulder-pad is dope.
  20. CM's Brave Gohkin line was friggin Awesome. Some of the best Ingram action figures imho. Their cheapo all plastics weren't so good though. The ingram economies were ok but the Brocken and peacemakers were realy sketch. The worst part? If you wanted both Unit 1 and Unit 2 for the Peacemakers it was a total crapshoot as to whether you got unit 1 or unit 2 from HLJ >_< I really hope they revive the side labor line and give us the Econo Ingrams, Phantom, Helldiver and Peacemaker :0
  21. Depends. Some places like Rural areas are super easy to get PO's but if you're in larger cities it could be a problem. Even then it's a crapshoot. During VF-1A madness my friend who lives in Gunma (pretty Rural BUFU) had his wife goto their Yamada Denki (kinda like Yodobashi Camera but in Rural areas) . That big store only got an allotment of 3, and they got the last one at 4:15PM JST , so even there it sold out in 15 minutes. (Press "F" for his unimpeded macross collecting btw, since she now knows how much they cost lol)
  22. If the Strike Parts have interchangeable symbols for all of Skull Squadron, are people going to prebuy several of them now and hope to nab some valks later? I really hope they do some of skull squadron as P-bandai :0
  23. Wow that is pretty insane. That's probably the worst I've seen 91% rubbing alcohol do in just 30 seconds
  24. What is wrong with me. I trimmed my 1/48 collection down to just a couple of low vizs 1/2's and the stealth, because I "needed the display space" , and now I'm going to be putting more 1/48's back in....
  25. I have a love-hate relationship with Bandai Webshop. Gunpla on webshop: Bandai GOTO HELL Macross on webshop: Thank the Lord Metalbuild Crossbone X-02 will be P-bandai too thank god
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