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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Man those new 1/60 goodsmile kits are showing some promise. I really hope they're popular enough for the helldiver to come out, I been dying for a new helldiver since the revoltech days. However, these are going to be some small kits. at 135 mm the Ingram is only about 1 cm taller than the recent <Side Labor> AV-98's from Bandai.
  2. yeah but he's talking about the arms. In the TV version the flight controls and Arm controls are separate. From the master file, assuming it's fair to use it as a reference, 10 is the left arm, 9 is the main flight stick, 8 is the right arm
  3. In the TV show I could swear there's two side joysticks on the sides of the dashboard that pilots could use for the arms.
  4. hm, never seen that one. just says missile pod and gun in the center and legioss armo fighter on the right. top says 2nd something which as above poster mentioned was prolly reference to the 2nd expeditionary force. I wonder if imai based their models off this lineart but for some reason it was cut from the animation?
  5. That's also a great setup. X-56's are great and it's what i used before going Virpils. As for rudders, if you don't mind no toe brakes VKB T-rudders are some of the most comfy rudder pedals ever.
  6. Other than Macross I do mainly gunpla and a lot of gaming. Because bandai macross I actually want are few and far between these days it's been easy to afford a decent space-sim setup for Star Citizen
  7. Yeah I was thinking of making some UN Navy valks
  8. I just bought some smooth-on kits and made a two piece mold of the figure using legos and clay for the first half, and then did the second half with some mold release. To fit in the hase 1/48 i had to trim the hard legs just below the knee and then cut away a little bit of the extra bulk under the arms for a perfect fit
  9. Finally had some time to recast the gummy Yamato lowviz pilot for my 1/48 Hasegawa VF-1 build
  10. I been through enough Bandai DX order cycles to know that there's no point in paying inflated prices for a preorder of a regular release item. Whenever these are close to release there's always a glut of preorders opening up as final stock numbers are determined and then all the cancellations go thru as people don't pay. Even then, I doubt you'll see the immediate aftermarket hit $350 right away after release.
  11. I know the FOMO is strong but I won't shell out over retail until the thing is actually out
  12. Usually paypal refunds take a few days, depending on how you paid. The longest refunds in my experience are when you use a bank account to pay.
  13. AE is legit good. I've used them for many things over the years.
  14. It's really no worry. the reason we see a big amount of stock drop around release time is the orders of all the pre-order scalpers who couldn't flip their $0 Down payment preorder will just let the preorder goto cancel. It's actually easier sometimes to nab one closer to release, because you actually have to have the scratch to backup your order
  15. well...that explains why I'm still waiting on my strike packs I ordered in ....october? LUL
  16. for something I am gonna transform once or twice and entomb in a detolf nearly double price seems insane
  17. Super Set as we all thought
  18. If it was a tamashii web complete set I'd laugh at all the scalper PO's that get cancelled
  19. this unit will pop up again from time to time. Just like the TV VF-1J and many previous frontier valks did. There's no need to worry about it too much. Only pay the mark-up after release. don't encourage the scalp preorders beforehand
  20. hahaha HLJ so funny with the troll add to cart button
  21. And People wonder why I don't balk at other F5 sales for other items like in Star Citizen.... I've been well trained
  22. Dammit. I wasn't expecting to get a VF-1S because I'd assumed it'd be the DYRL version and I have a TV-only rule for the Bandai 1/48's Damn you Bandai!!!! *puts aside $300 in paypal for PO night*
  23. Yeah it's really sad. That plus Comic book industry got hit really bad and the big two have stopped most of their production ever since diamond , the sole distro to direct market, is on hiatus with little to no product expected to go out until August. At this point I'm just happy to still be employed and not sick (yet)
  24. So on a different note, with this whole Pandemic I get the feeling Sentinel's Legioss will prolly not make its June release date :0
  25. Even if they don't add everything to the P-bandai store it's not like I can't just order it like I used to thru Kurama or other proxies
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