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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. I use two different glues. Mainly for small parts and such I use Tamiya liquid cement (with the brush). I use it simply because it sticks really really fast since its acetone based. FOr really really large joints that need to be glued, I use testors liquid cement (non toxic type) that comes in a black bottle with its own pipette applicator. It works much better for me than the tamiya for big parts simply beacuse the tamiya reacts way too fast and by the time you finish brushing the end of one piece the starting end is already reacted and non-sticky. Super glue is a last resort for some crazy pieces.
  2. Mr. Surfacer 1000 or 1200 are the best ever. Before I used to use Tamiya primer from a can but after switching over I'm never going back
  3. Am I the only one that thinks this is a tad bit too much and it ruins the lines of the VF-0? I'm still trying to get used to the look of the VF-0 but this sucker suffers from some of that super extreme omg wtf pwn gundam syndrome and it just looks ugly with all that crap tacked on. Some simple conformal fuel tanks on the top ala F-16 block 60-style instead of the ghost would have looked better imho. The leg fastpacks were done just right though. And about those micromissile pods... they look ugly As far as I can tell Kawamori based them off the Lau 3 or Lau 10 rockets the US used to use. Those rocket pods had fairings that would pop off and expose the rockets inside. These pods, however, seem to have taken another rocket-pod design found in many european airforces, BUt also added the fairing on the back.... ;p Imho it wouldal looked better if the micro missiles were just like the Lau 3/10 rocket pods in design. At least then we would have that ugly front pod-part if we wanted to show the missiles, and It would be more true to the Standard macross micromissiles with their removable covers on each side (this is going off the Tanmen 1/48 uum-7 pods)
  4. Duymon

    Macross PS2 Game

    Do what I did and just buy a japanese PS2 It wasn't so expensive, only around 150 dollars ;D No more worrying about stupid mod chipcs that might burn out or become obsolete
  5. Oh, the dub wasn't that bad. It was the first version of DYRL that I got to see so I'm still happy with it... Clash of the bionoids brings back so many memories. I remember we used to try to pause the VHS right at the part where Hikaru fires away to kill the bag bad guy who's name I forgot how to spell. When I watch it today, I still think it's cool and Roy Fokker's English voice totally cracks me up. "Deploy and form the suit!" "Just watch Jet Jockey in Action!" "You call yourself a man?" :D
  6. Poor Snake... we knew him well. MGS1 and 3 rocked. Part 2 was..er.. blagh ;0 I feel sorry for Snake... he's still trying to pull that McGuyver look at 60 when instead he should try to go for the "older but still badass" look of Sam Fischer from Splinter Cell.....
  7. I will forgive all if they make Scott just like his Mospeada counterpart...as in turn him into the same absolute ballziest hard-headed bad-ass character in any of the 3 original series that turned into Robotech.(well.. Roy comes a close second imho). "I will never forgive the inbit!" gar!
  8. I don't know why but I'm not psyched about this release at all. For me the whole allure of Macross was how real it could be. The 1970's style 4th generation design of the body, the old-school riveting all over and even having different blocks of aircraft like the real ones of today made me love it so much. Actually, I've pretty much had trouble liking any macross design past the vf-1 series.... but I think a lot of other people have the same opinion as me.. why else would there be a billion VF-1 variations on the market in comparison to the other designs ;0
  9. Bandai already pooped out a gundam seed game. It sucks because it only goes up to like the Alaska incident. It's also a side scroller and painfully easy. Controls are clunky too THankfully I only paid 2380 yen for it at the used shop so I don't feel horribly bad about it. As for Gundam DX 2, woot! It's already on sale here but I'll wait a few weeks for the price to go down or for some used versions ot trickle into the used shop. 5980 yen is a rad steep.
  10. Okinawan Shorei ryu here, but only Brown Belt First Degree. At my uni we have kyuudo which is Archery with old-school yumis. Hard as heck if you're used to easy to use western hunting bows that actually have...er.. a grip Funny thing is... the university I'm at has a Tae kwon do club but not a Karate club... kinda weird for a Japanese University you'd think...
  11. Yeah I was wondering why they never brought lost war chronicles over. When I arrived here in August I was trying to figure out what the hell it was until I ended up buying it Lost war Chronicles is like 10x better than that JtJ crap they brought out in AMerica
  12. I don't know why but to me it doens't look like Sara..just a busty babe wearing her clothes
  13. I miss the glint too The shinies are probably why DYRL still looks better to me than today's macross offerings Today's animation is flat at practical
  14. The old Machine robo is like a million times cooler than the refurbed machine robo that's showing these days BTW poor Zeta gundam I liked the gundam MkII more anyways
  15. It's kinda hard to tell if it's a "ku" or a "wa" in Katakana. The way it is written in the ad makes it hard to tell . ƒ -wa ƒN -ku The characters look more like a "wa" to me, but judging by the way "ri" was written it may be "ku" ;p *shrug* @
  16. The Blue on Top reads "mi su ta- su pa- ko ru" and will sound like "Me staw Spawkoru" As for what HOmer is saying... well... I can read it In Japanese but I got no clue what it means... "Ha wa- wari-n" which ends up as "hawah wareen!" ... Again I got no clue what it means.
  17. Graham got most of the points down. I'd like them to fix some really small things like having the shoulder lights on the pilots stay Yellow instead of any custom color picked for the VF's. like when I pick grey I get grey shouldpads onthe pilot and I don't like that because I'm anal More VFs would be nice, a skull squadron style VF-1j would rock () I'd like them to work on the camera so that I can view my VF from the front and top () Lastly..... Customizable controls.
  18. The only good Marines figures were the GI JOE 12" conversion kits and the resin 1/35 scale Colonial Marines made by..er...forgot who they were ;p
  19. Max Hikaru and Roy's 1S's are by brute force S ranking ;p didn't get Fokker's till I hit 20
  20. Using Fokker in Pine salad has nothing special My friends and I were pretty upset about it If you have trouble getting Max's 1j you gotta go back to the space stages and use the VF-1a sans Fast Packs. they didn't have fast packs that early in the Macross series so the devs prolly thought it'd be cheating It's not that bad but I'm sure you'll be hitting your head on the table in the Daedalus Attack mission with that slow 1a After playing a while It's my opinion that there IS a difference between the 1A, 1J and 1S in terms of speed and transformation time. That's only because I feel slow when I'm using a vanilla 1A as oppossed to a vanilla 1S. The Paint schemes kinda had me pissed. I was hoping for different Valks not color schemes You can get pretty close to Max and Hikaru's 1S by using Indigo and Carmine. However, on my 1s I use grey because I think it looks better, especially with that Orange symbol on the heat shield in Battroid mode. Fast packs just carry more missiles and are slightly faster. This was tested by doing the first part of Daedalus attack several times with a vanilla 1s and a fastpack 1s. It was like 1 second faster..wooo Strike Gun is great save the ammo restriction. Only worth using in Battroid mode too
  21. Yeah it's over here in Japan but me and my buddies aren't so sure if we wanna shell out around 6000 yen for it since we're all not big TF fans. From the looks it's in 3D and you play as Optimus. The screenshots showed that you have a life bar and radar so maybe it's a mission based game or a beatemup. Whoknows None of us wanna pay 60 bucks to find out lol.
  22. total score shouldn't count it tallies up scores even from repeat performances. Anyhow, here are my scores heh. P01 - S - 47190 P02 - S - 42350 P03 - S - 46560 P04 - S - 36380 P05 - S - 52960 P06 - S - 38940*** P07 - S - 44160 P08 - S - 42340 P09 - S - 41770 P10 - S - 40280 P11 - S - 44700 P12 - S - 62350 A01 - S - 47420 A02 - S - 48320 A03 - S - 44500 A04 - S - 43080 A05 - S - 40400 A06 - S - 50540 A07 - S - 40780*** A08 - S - 46720*** ***Indicates EXTREME difficulty in obtaining S ()
  23. S on P-06 was the biggest pain in the arse..EVER. not only must you worry about the time but also your damage. Best trick is to be easy on standard missiles. In that mission standards just lower your hit percentage as they always miss. You've got to use only mediums, and even then only let off the salvo when the Scout ship's back is towards you or risk having your missile blow up from gun fire. Try to keep enogh distance to avoid the scout ship locking onto you and lasering you to death, but close enough to use the gunpod. Use the left and right dodges like hell too I've played that mission like a bllion times and got an S out of sheer luck () But I followed the above strategy to win the mission.
  24. If a man doesn't take a break from Japanese girls he won't live long enough to make it back to the states. Models are only mentally taxing while girls are both.
  25. I got a bottleof rubbing alcohol and put that and my messed up parts in a jar. It's been a day now and I can see the primer coming off, slowly. Prolly gonna take a while. While it'd be faster to use mr. Thinner a comparable bottle of Mr. Surfacer is 800 yen while rubbing alcohol is 280 () THanks for the tips Can't wait to get started on my CF vf-1j heh heh
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