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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. AC silent line is an ok game. I really hated how they nerfed quad legs in AC3 by making them walk instead of glide like they did in ac2. You could make some pretty cool looking tanks in AC2 with hover legs Main issue I have is the control interface. Sure it is operable, allowing one to do all the basic functions but it is too clunky. They should make use of the darn analog pads that are there for once. Make it a first person style control where the left analog is movement and the right is turning. Then convert the flippin shift buttons to weaponsfire. after that increase the turn speed of the ac's. If this were done it would certainly be more fun And for those of you who think the control interface is fine .. Try boost-strafing while firing a machine gun in each hand while turning AND looking up and down to track a mobile target
  2. Looks pretty good to me. on a side note... oh no..she's a meltran with red hair and she's an ace..she's a ripoff of so and so seriously.... almost reminds me about how people thought that new veritech in robotech 3000 or whatever was a ripoff of the vf-4 since it had nacelles
  3. New boards are looking slick but I too am wondering where the RObotech and other sci-fi section went. Prolly was way too high of a traffic area and was removed like the "everything else" forum there used to be a while back.
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