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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. I played 1, 2, 3 and 4 like crazy. Best team is the Paris Team, they also have the best looking koubus As for Part V... it still sits in my cabinet, unopened. Kinda hard to play a Japanese dating game at home when: 1. Your Fiance Lives with you 2. Your Fiance is Japanese Besides, I could never get over the red-headed cowboy girl with samurai sword thingy. btw... Machinegun Sister = best mini game, eva!
  2. Man, Valis 3, I remember that game. I actually have the JP version of Arcus Oddysey, that game rocked () Target Earth was also a romp, we liked how the CF suits were brown, just like in macross The ending cinema with a kagillion brown CF"s downing cruisers was the high point. Assault Suit Leynos II for Saturn.... WTF it made me want to break my saturn multiple times. Assault Suit Valken 2 was really fun. Lots of front-mission-esque battles and the suits were pretty cool. As for Warsong (Langrisser) Man you missed out on a lot Quite a few titles came after that and they were all pretty good Same thing happened to Shining FOrce III on Saturn. 1 came out in US, 2 and 3 never made it and it pissed me off so much I imported and couldn't play them fully until 5 years and a Bachelor's in Japanese later lol.
  3. I took a long hiatus from Macross..then all the sudden Hasegawa VF-1's came out and I cleaned out all my 1/72 modern jet fighters for Macross. Then I wanted something variable and was able to resist 1/48's until one day I was at an Asobit City that was closing and bought 1 stealtha nd lv2 for 1/2 off :0 Ever since that stupid impulse buy I've been hooked >_<
  4. Just like Hikaru's 1j, cept with grey highlights instead of red.
  5. I'm a fan of Fighter Mode. Gerwalks comes a close second. Battroid mode sucks! Only because I'm too scared of them falling off the high shelf
  6. It doesn't look just fat, it looks hideous.
  7. TV 1/48 Vf-1J (Hikaru): 001 1/48 Vf-1J (Hikaru FP): 001 1/48 Vf-1J (Miria FP): 000 1/48 Vf-1J (Max FP): 000 DYRL 1/48 Vf-1A (Hikaru): 003 1/48 Vf-1A (Max): 001 1/48 Vf-1A (Kakizaki) :001 1/48 Vf-1A (CF): 002 1/48 Vf-1S (Hikaru): 001 1/48 Vf-1S (Roy): 001 Variations 1/48 Vf-1A (Low Vis I): 000 1/48 Vf-1A (Low Vis II): 001 1/48 Vf-1J (Stealth): 000 1/48 Vf-1J (Stealth FP): 001 Accessories 1/48 Vf-1 GBP (Blue): 001 1/48 Vf-1 GBP (Camo): 001 1/48 Vf-1 FP: 007 1/48 Vf-1 FP(Clear): 000
  8. Lol I also placed my first ever Preoder on HLJ O_o
  9. My Eyes!!!!
  10. Thank fooking god I held out on slapping down 300+ per valk.
  11. I played Macross on the PS2 and always used a Grey vf-1s in Free Mode. Working on getting some decals for the PS2 Game Squadron for the fastpacks and heatshield, then I'm all set with the custom lol
  12. Updated pic. Managed to squeeze a few more valks onto one shelf heh heh. Too bad I only have VF-1's, I just can't seem to like an other valk for some reason O_o Anyhow, separated them out with DYRL in the center, TV on the right and Non-cannon on the left. (though 1J hikky should prolly goto non-canon )
  13. Anyone have both the Low Vis 1 and urban GBP to try out? I'd just like to see a pic so that I know if it actually looks ok heh heh
  14. I dunno, after seeing funny bird alien thingamajiggas and lil island people in M0 I'm worried
  15. Regardless of whether or not Macross II is canon or not, it's still part of the Macross Franchise and is listed on the official Macross homepage (which opened a few days ago) Check it out at: http://www.macross.co.jp
  16. Neova is still up and running, he just hasn't updated in a while I ordered a Roy + FP there last month and it arrived pretty quickly.
  17. Here's what I get to display Going to use the second shelf when Ms. Fiance goes out on vacation to display the rest of my collection
  18. They don't look better than the MG Ingrams that came out 6 years ago. MG Ingrams are less sturdy, but they look a helluva lot better without all the screw holes Plus MG's also had reactive armor versions which were the bizomb
  19. That pic made me preorder a box
  20. Yamato should make a product that shouldn't need aftermarket parts to make it be able to do what it was suppossed to do in the first place. My hope is that they can make a polished, durable product that can be *gasp* played with out of the box.
  21. Duymon

    VF-1A Kakizaki

    Did it over ebay, just make sure to confirm with them by e-mail before you bid and buy har har
  22. Duymon

    VF-1A Kakizaki

    Fortunately, I haven't been one of them. Ordered my 3rd CF from them and the transaction was just fine. Box came packed in lil styrofoam peas and another box and was in perfect condition when I got it.
  23. Duymon

    VF-1A Kakizaki

    Haha all the VF-1a's have different head lasers >_< Hikaru has Silver Band / White Barrel Max has Black Band / White Barrel Hayao has BLack Band / Black Barrel I painted Hikaru's Band Black and stripped the barrel of Hayao's laser with some 1000 grit sandpaper and a lot of elbow grease.
  24. I don't see a Hikaru 1J /runs away
  25. Animation and designs had better be better since DYRL is after all a 2nd run of the space war 1 story. Why I like DYRL better? Roy + Strike However, only one thing turned me off from DYRL. Miria shoulda become tiny again and flown a valk I didn't like seeing Max in girly skintight suit How could they have done that to my fav character? >_<
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