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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. I think the series is ok so far. As for what Roy Fokker is saying about it not feeling Macross... in my opinion, nothing has felt like Macross since DYRL. The only thing that I don't like is the super over-the-top comical anime stupidity that seeps its way into the anime. Like..say.. almost anything to do with Ranka or Bobby Margot. Also I didn't like how when they fire the Macross Frontier Cannon into the Battleship in Ep 7, you have that funny Kanji spiritual crap show up on Bobby's Targeting Screen like it's supposed to be all cool and shiz or something. Honestly, that kinda stuff really detracts from the awesome battle taking place. However, it seems like a lot of us here are old farts that favor the old Macross Formula and a lot of us will just have to accept the new direction they are going eventually. Well... most of us prolly won't give a shiz when Bandai releases all the new toys
  2. God if I could build models as fast and as well as HWR MKII I wouldn't have a 4-5 year+ backlog of models in my basement
  3. I've been waiting on a gundam sniper kit for the last 3 years. The date gets pushed back a day after each "due date". It's been so long that I prolly will never get it since the cc I used to Preorder it expires in a month
  4. That's Hasegawa, nuff said
  5. The 1/60, from the side, has much fatter legs that are used to hide the low-hanging arms. It looks funny The fat legs and the stubby nose don't look good in Fighter mode imho. Battroid mode, however, looks better in 1/60. Either way, I'm not buying the 1/60 only because I have many other hobbies that I'd like to pursue rather than plunking down big bucks to purchase a Yamato VF-1 line... for the 3rd time
  6. My CM's Rey just came in. I'm going insane with the lil pegs Nuff said
  7. I am not worthy
  8. I'm surprised we haven't gotten any "For 330 dollars I could get a girl to....." Jokes
  9. For 600 dollars you could get somebody to dress up like houquet and..uh.. damnit I just got off the 1/4 minmei thread
  10. I have enough trouble convincing my wife that transforming planes are cool to collect, let alone freaking 50 cm tall dolls
  11. DAmnit I have like 100000 ingrams already, but 1/24 O_O... must buy
  12. I like how it looks, though I hope it's not too dark like it looks in the pictures. Also, why are they still packaging this sucker with the first-gen DYRL pilot? No love for gummy guys
  13. Can't believe the lil 1/200 buggers are coming out in April, only 1 month notice eh
  14. Now we know what Graham meant by an expensive future Says 1/60 destroid is coming in September 1/48 weathered version of yamato's best selling 1/48, no release date known
  15. Duymon

    Macross Revoltech

    After collecting All the Revoltech VF-1's and the recently released patlabors (movie 1 and 2, helldiver), My money is on Kaiyodo. They have it down pat and I've yet to have a QC issue with them (I got 2 of each VF-1, 4 helldivers, and 1 of each movie ingram lol)
  16. On the plus side, it's one of the first Yammy Releases that's shrink wrapped from the factory...
  17. I wonder just how much people breath in to get that problem O_o When I'm gluing I just use small dabs and always close the superglue first before continuing on to cut down on the fumes. Also, having the fan on helps a lot If you use it as directed you shouldn't have a problem.
  18. Before you know it they'll be putting the Low Vis 1A and the three clear VF-1's with the special Cartograph decals for the model grafix schemes
  19. Completed pics of VT-1 and Minmei Guard har har
  20. big bad toy store. 5 bucks a pop when you buy boxes of 10 O_o I bought 20 lol
  21. I just realized that the Hikky Super A has a newly tooled Head! Now it is in a more TV-style 1A head and has the "space" on the top of the head with more laser detail!
  22. Seamline is still there but noticeably smaller. Backpack assemblies were all glued on correctly on mine O_O Though, the 1A heads are all still glued in funny and you'll have to take them out, cut off the nub and reglue them in for a nice looking 1A I'm going to make a Max 1A out of one of my extra hikkies. I'll then take a 1s head, slap it on yet another extra hikky, and make the real skull squadron after I change the lines to yellow. Only then can you have the real skull squadron Oh, the VT-1 is a swing-wing Ruskii
  23. I got my boxes in. QC got a lot better for sure over the first series. Less Weird gluing and a lil neater paint apps imho. Also, they freaking fixed the slightly uneven wings on the swing-wing units! yayyy!! Don't expect to get a full set in one box. I ordered 2 boxes box 1 1x TV super 1s 2x Minmei 1s 1x VT-1 2x Max 1j 2x Hik 1A normal 1x Hik 1A super 1x Kakizaki Chase -- I got a full set in this box, woo!! Box 2 4x F*cking hik 1a normal 1x TV super 1s 2x Minmei 1s 1x Hik 1A super 1x VT-1 1x Kakizaki Chase From my two boxes, the VT-1 is just as rare as the freaking Kakizaki Oh, pics of the VT-1 hi hi. It comes with a full sprue of accessory parts and even has a painted lil fuel node to slap on the booster heh heh. Rest of the valks are the same as the last batch, just new paint apps. I Just wish they'd give us CF's instead of freaking Hikky 1a's up teh arse
  24. I don't really care about the spray cans, I usually only use Mr. Surfacer 500 and 1000 in the bottle for touch-ups on gaps and what-not anywho. As for tamiya putties, oh well I guess it's back to Milliput
  25. If people don't bitch and moan about something then nothing ever changes. Anyone remember the VF-0 Shoulders? Hell, prolly if it weren't for the insane amount of bitching and moaning about the lack of an upgraded VF-1 since Yammy started it's premium 1/60 line of M0 and M+ valks a bit back, would we even have a 1/60 PT VF-1 to be bitching about right now?
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