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Everything posted by LinxCrossq

  1. I got my Disc One some time ago now but I haven't been able to get the rest yet. Yeah, I can't describe the feeling I got when I finally got to watch the original SDF Macross. All I saw before was Robotech and I can say that Macross is thousand times (or even more) better now.
  2. Look! Look! A direct connection between Macross Zero and Macross 7.
  3. However Macross Plus is more like a side story compared to Macross 7. And yet again, I don't see why a lot of people consider flying rocks and birdhumans magical. As we seen the rocks could be related to the antigravity technology of the protoculture and we all agree that the birdhumans were the protoculture mechs. Ah, and even though The Vision of Escaflowne takes place in a phantasy setting there's not much magical stuff in it as one could expect.
  4. Agree, Macross Zero was really good after I watched the whole thing again. I can't believie Dangard Ace just put Macross 2 over Macross 7....
  5. Space whales rule! Macross 7 Dynamite!
  6. Very nice. Any good Macross Zero DVDs (not R2)?
  7. Scary... That won't stop me from singing Fire Bomber's song in the shower though! Thanks for the welcome! I'm watching Macross Zero again and wow, it makes a lot of more sense now, specially that birdhuman and fishhuman myth. Also, I just realize that Sara, Mao (and the wind clan I guess) must be direct descendents of the protoculture! Well, maybe that was a little obvious but anyway.
  8. Hey everyone! I'm new to the forums and this is my first post. Anyway, I just wanna a few comments after reading 11 pages of posts! I think Macross Zero did an amazing work bringing together the original series with the later Macross 7 and the spiritia theories. And yeah, the last episode was good, but some of the imagery used (i.e. little floating Mao and flying ships) looks a little out of place but it wasn't really out of content of the story. My only real complain is the music. Am I the only one that felt like Sara wasn’t singing at all but just like moving her mouth while a stereo was playing the song in the background? Also about the "magic" stuff. I don't see why these "magic" things can't be considered advanced technology. It's just like when a culture meets with a more advanced one, and they start calling "magic" to the things they can't understand.
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