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Everything posted by LinxCrossq

  1. In middle transformation it looks like a chicken. 0_0
  2. In summary I see we don't know anything yet about this re-release. In amazon.com you can preorder for around $30, which is a little cheaper than buying the 2 DVD's individually.
  3. I've been away for a while and recently started wathching Aquarion. I like the show a lot so far. This the only show this season that makes me feel the same excitement as when I watched anime as a little kid. I had no idea Aquarion was created by Shoji Kawamori. I just found recently. I don't even rememeber how I get into the show, Aquarion sounded like such stupid name at first. I guess I was bored. Still, I'm impressed on how Kawamori's work get me so easily. It happened in Macross, Escaflowne and now Aquarion.
  4. I must admit that I am... I'm a consumer whore and will buy anything Macross... Anyway, I love Macross 7 and Macross II wasn't that bad.
  5. okay.. let's say they did meet up.. would it go something like this: Shin: so uhm, where are we? Sara: (babbles something about kadun and look at shin with her mad face) they wait for years and year and year and years.. and then they wait some more. Hikaru and the Megaroad show up: Hey... uhm... where did you guys come from? Shin: From EARTH! Hikaru: Really? Sara: That's a big sky bird you came in on. Hikaru: Uhm... I guess. Shin: never mind her. they wait for years and years and years... and then a pod of space whales comes along with gamlin and basara all out of breath.... Hikaru and Shin: Hi... Basara: LISTEN TO MY SONG! the end. Yeah, yeah, just like that! But Basara needs to sing with Minmay.
  6. I know this is just wishful thinking, but wouldn't it be cool if all these characters meet at the center of the galaxy for a real Macross conclusion? SOunds like Robocrap. bleh... Anything but that please... PLEASE!!!
  7. I know this is just wishful thinking, but wouldn't it be cool if all these characters meet at the center of the galaxy for a real Macross conclusion?
  8. Profitable indeed, but not in the case of Macross thanks to the license problems. I mean, would I ever see an R1 release of Macross Zero? And I do believe we'll get new Macross for the 25th anniversary.
  9. I got the one from FX with all the 5 episodes in one DVD. The quality is kind of good but not outstanding. The sound is really good and the subtitles are typical bootleg. I have one question about the DVDs made from fansubs. Are these the fansubs put on a DVD or did they used the script from a fansub and added it to the DVD (say you can turn the subtitle on and off)?
  10. Funny that Macross 7 is the longest Macross series of all:lol: And listening to Basara is good!!!
  11. Wait a second... This means that HG is making toys of an animation error in SDF Macross... LOL They just don't know how else to make money...
  12. Of corse they do but if you say Plus you are impliying Guld's helmet whether they like it or not. I think Basara not using a space suit add a lot to his character.
  13. Yeah, they are very similar and still a lot of people say "Plus all the way" and Gamlin's helmet sucks... Good thing Basara doesn't use a helmet, I can't imagine how it's be
  14. I think gamlin`s helmet is cool!
  15. Indeed. In some shots he looks like a bobblehead. Finally someone agrees with me. Isamu's helmet looks funny
  16. WOW! It really makes a big difference!!! Go visor!!!
  17. No flames! Please! I still think that Isamu's helmet looks kind of funny. Also, I'd like to see some of those helmets in the games.
  18. I totally agree! The 21 looks ugly while the 22 looks cool somehow I wanna see a picture of that.
  19. I decide to get one of these bootlegs and I amazed. They are actually really good and once I paint my Fire Valkyrie is gonna look really cool. They around 30 cm tall (I'm not good with inches).
  20. I like the helmet desings in Macross Zeros too. I think Isamu's helmets looks a little funny. Didn't know so many people didn't like Macross 7 (the best Macross show so far!!!)
  21. What do you people think it would be a good title for a SDF Macross remake? SDF Ver. 2?
  22. I go with that!
  23. A non-japanese Macross made by the money of fans? The idea scares me...
  24. I like Macross the way it is, even with inconsistent animation.
  25. I just wish someday Macross 7 and Macross Zero will be released on this side of the shore.
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