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Everything posted by LinxCrossq

  1. Finally the new Macross DVDs with the dub are coming on January. Might preorder one DVD just to have the dub to compare it with Robocrap... er tech.
  2. Episodes 16, 17 and 18 are out! From the awesome dudes of Mahou, of corse.
  3. I guess its the same reason why they waste all those missiles and N2 mines on Evangelion.
  4. New Aquarion!!! I <3 mahou!
  5. mahou is working on Aquarion, only that they are a little slow though really good. They recently released ep 12 so I hope we'll get beyond ep 13 soon.
  6. Cool, the site has a trailer up but... is that going to be the voice of Renton? Sounds too old...
  7. I really like the movie but the series is way better. I enjoy the movie more when if I try to forget about the series and see it as an different stroy.
  8. That Gepelnitch was a really hot dude! My favorite parts of Macross 7 are the characters and the story. The "monsters" seemed out of place first but once it was explained about the Evil series it fit perfectly. And there's just something about Basara the brings people to him. By the end of the series I became a big fan. Gubaba rulez! Edit: Gubaba? Wtf was I thinking?! FIRE!
  9. Hey, I got a question! I finally got the Macross Dynamite 7 OVA from Central Anime but is not widescreen 16:9 ratio as the one I got before (from ASS I think). So, is MD7 really in widescreen format or not? I'm confused.
  10. Just watched episode 11 and wow, theEND is pretty sweet looking. Epsiode 12 is out by the way...
  11. Why, oh why Macross fans have to suffer so much?! Really, I can't believe other Manga's movies get a good treatment, like Ninja Scroll and Ghost in the Shell but they won't do anything to the M+ Movie. Anyway, I got this set too and I got owned indeed.
  12. It took them 10 freaking episodes to get to the story!!! I actually stop watching this for a while (since Mahou is slow) but now I totally hooked. Can't wait for the next episode.
  13. YEAH! Take me for example. I've got a nice collection of lesbian orgy Sailor Moon pics. I want some of that!
  14. After watching that sketch of Misato I felt like taking my eyes out with a spoon. I didn't do it because I need them to watch more anime.
  15. More Futurama! That's a must buy. It would be funny if the movies were live action. Not really.
  16. I bet they're Robotech fans and don't know the difference. Yeah, I was thinking the same. I wonder if they even know that's Minmay from DYRL?
  17. That Gunbuster looks awesome. I want one.
  18. I agree with the MGS4 was the best trailer (even it didn't show anything of how the game is going to look like). The PS3 looks very sweet, but for now I'm hyped about some PS2 releases such as KH2 and FFXII. MGS3: Subsistence it's a must (damn, just like Substance), multiplayer MGS!!! The new Zelda is looking awesome too.
  19. Yay! Epsidoe 6 is finally out!
  20. The greatest problem for me it's just that he looks young while Obi wan is still old. This site has some screenshot of the changes: Digital Bits
  21. Check Right Stuf, they have a good deal on Animeigo's Macross boxsets.
  22. Not many people now about Eureka 7 because it was licensed by Bandai before it even came out. That's why there's almost no fansubs. I watched the first episode and it was amasing. I agree with the main character bein a Naota clone. In fact, Euraka 7 even looks like something from Gainax. The animation is great, those guys at Bones are the best. Kawamori did a good job with the desings, better than with Aquarion.
  23. By that preview of episode 7 it seems like the plot it's finally getting more development. I enjoyed ep 5 but I wanted to see more of the Shadow Angels (or whatever they are) rather than just plain training and a random fight. Well, nothing to do but wait until next week.
  24. w00t! Aquarion ep 5 is out! Must watch more Aquarion...
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