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Everything posted by LinxCrossq

  1. Nice. I got all Fullmetal Panic, well at least from 2-7 since vol 1 was sold out, and 1-4 of Fumoffu. =)
  2. About the helmet. I thought that was Emma's helmet but I didn't pay much attention to that part.
  3. The first view to the new Aquarion OVA! Well, at least I think is an OVA... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R60xyvjZA7Y...ted&search= Looks like a prequel explaining the events 12,000 years before the series.
  4. Hey, the torrent is working again! Can't wait to watch it.
  5. Copy/paste from other site with little changes to the descriptions: 1. Macross, all the series. 2. Mobile Suit Gundam, practically created mecha anime as we know. 3. The Vision of Escaflowne, reached almost perfection at every single level. 4. Sousei no Aquarion, hippy fun for everyone. 5. Eureka seveN, greatest ikano circus on digital format. 6. Saint Seiya, I got to choose a shonen title, didn't I? 7. Last Exile, after watching it for the 7th time it wouldn't be fair to not put it here. 8. Neon Genesis Evangelion, greatest bleeding mecha. 9. Fullmetal Alchemist, best combination of humor and drama ever. 10. Gungrave/Trigun, Trigun manga is better but I gotta love Nightow's work. Yeah, I cheated on the last one.
  6. If you liked Macross 7 why not keep watching Kawamori stuff? Try Escaflowne and Sousei no Aquarion. =)
  7. That last scene doesn't appear in Nanashi's version. Maybe it was only shown on TV since I can see the clock there and Nanashi did the fansub from R2 DVDs.
  8. HELLS YEAH!!! At least they were nice enought to release all the episodes at once. =D
  9. Happy birthday Macross!!! *Waits for something good to come on the 25th anniversary.*
  10. According to the lastest PSM, Zone of the Enders 3 is coming to the PS3. This guaranteesI'll be getting one, probably next year when Sony works out all the bugs. Besides it seems the best games are coming late 2007.
  11. Oh Dorvack. Good mech show that I'll probably won't able to watch ever again. Those variable kits sound like something worth checking out but kind of rare too. Edit: I used to have this toy. T_T http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Japanese-Takat...1QQcmdZViewItem
  12. Awesome deal! I finally completed Melody of Oblivion and Hellsing. Also got me some Harlock OVA and Akira (meh, but I couldn't think of anything else).
  13. I got a friend of mine to translate Newtype. The title was "Haruhi Returns... in DVD." Sorry, I was a little to excited there too. =\
  14. What's this I heard about Haruhi 2nd season coming according to Japan Newtype?
  15. I was little worried with no info of the release of Go Lion uncut. Gotta wait a little longer then. Also they need to get Tekkaman Blade out. =\
  16. Aquarion doesn't really pick up until episode 12. Even later you got more "filler." Here, looky at my AMV to make you feel better. =) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hnKYpWd0nY
  17. Truck form? http://www.slashfilm.com/article.php/20060711210540839
  18. Yeah, quick... >_> Well, 8 more eps to go!
  19. Way to go Italy!!! And that was a real shame Zidane. =\
  20. Last episode is finally out! Stupid BT go faster, damnit!
  21. The final: Italy vs France.
  22. I waited like 2 hours for the freaking video to load and I'll got was a shadow. =(
  23. Eps 13 is out and it's good ep as always. Finallly stuf like closed space and it's realation to Haruhi is explained in detail though Haruhi herself is one big mistery. The next ep is supposed to be the last. The SOS Brigade shall never die!
  24. Yeah, the same suit just all black is really lame. At least they could put the big white spider. =\
  25. More Aquarion is always good news! Hopefully this will be a full series and not just a movie or OVA. Btw, is Satelight working on anything else besides the Hellsing OVA at the moment? Noein is excellent (need 1 more ep to finish it), I really want to see something new from them.
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