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Everything posted by LinxCrossq

  1. Newtype scan without the fold in the middle. I don't this one has been posted yet.
  2. And the subs for Wings Glory are out!!! Go get them at tokyo toshan. The subbers were nice enough to release an .ass file for those who went ahead and got the the raw file. Awesome.
  3. The first episode airing on Xmas, that's just perfect. The greates gift for Macross fans! And we need better scans. So hot...
  4. Someone from the techTV forums linked me here. That was just a little before G4 took over.
  5. Agh, I'm not going to listen to 45 mins of a guy talking to himself. Anyway, I only listened to Macross part and yeah, it was pretty stupid to attack something that makes a third of its beloved Robotech. Too much fandom is never good thing. Now I'm going to watch that Macross F trailer for the 5135325253532532th time.
  6. Er... you know I'm the guy that first linked to the OVA 1 subbed... I'm talking about OVA 2 which is also the conclusion of the story. ^^; Have a couple of screenshots: Ah, I'm glad to say but I'm not so glad to say
  7. Thread revival! Ok, first it seems FUNI will release Aquarion in two boxsets, $50 each according to Anime on DVD forums. Sounds like a good strategy to me and that way I won't have to wait for the individual releases. Second! I just finished Wings of Glory... I got mind raped. But it was an awesome mind rape. I watched it raw so I didn't get the specifics of the story. Many changes from the series but all good. In fact, the OVA might actually be connected to the series. Can't wait for subs. So anyone who gave up on Aquarion just watch the OVA. It takes all the good stuff from the tv series and makes it its own story.
  8. I'm getting all confused with these alternate universe theories. Anyone mind to explain what's the deal with this time space anomaly?
  9. http://rapidshare.com/files/70597510/mfcommercial.flv.html It's the orignal flv file posted before. Hopefull we'll get a better quality one later.
  10. Awesome kresphy! I was looking for that vid the whole afternoon, thanks.
  11. Here http://rapidshare.com/files/69779523/macro...railer.flv.html
  12. Sorry about that, the Apache server thing I was using crashed my laptop. Thank you Windows Vista. Anyway, it anyone wants it to get it on the PSP for some reason just go to RSS and open the Crackle website. Login to the Macross account, macross@world.com and password mworld. At least this way anyone can get it anytime.
  13. I uploaded it to the RSS channel, just look for Macross.
  14. I got the Best Buy pack just because BB is the closest place to my home. I don't even like these toys that much.
  15. Great news indeed. Now just need to wait to see how it turns out. Hehe, I love VF but hate Tekken.
  16. Well he could have asked Gimmy to give it back if he needed too anyway. It would be cooler if he just makes one with his strong will. Anyway, that's the way I like to see it.
  17. I still think that scene from episode 1 happens in those 20 years it took to achieve peace with the other spiral races. I certainly hope a movie that would lead to a fight with all the freaking universe.
  18. Funimation said Fall 2007 but I haven't seen any specific date yet. They're calling it simply "Aquarion" which is fine by me. Now a real question is where the second part of the OVA and the movie?
  19. I got my copy today and the video quality is just fine. Actually it is much better than Anemeigo's Macross. And 10 bucks per disck, this release is totally worth it.
  20. I just finished the first part of Aquarion: Wings of Betrayal. #$%$&@#!@#$@!!!! O_______________O Totally freaking awesome. It's a retelling like DYRL? and Escaflowne: A Girl in Gaea so watching the series first always gives you a better idea of what's going on but it can stand on its own too fairly well. A lot things have been changed, for example the Assault type is now the standard Deva mech, yay! And there are lots of them, pretty much every character gets one. Too bad you don't actually see who's else is piloting the vectors together with the main characters, only their names are mentioned and just for one unit. Also Sirius... Spoiler: He is dead from the very start. It seems that was done to give the spotlight to Reika and introduce the new character, Scorpios. I don't see why else this change would be neccessary. Unless there's something for him on the next part which I doubt from I saw on the preview. The animation is fantastic! Satelight has come a looooooong way since Arjuna. There are a few scenes that used animation from the series and it feels a little out of place since they're not as smooth and detailed as the rest of the OVA. Otherwise perfect. Now I just gotta wait for the second part, Wings of Glory, comin this fall. =D
  21. The OVA is out and subbed! http://www.datorrents.com/download.asp?id=...al-.mkv.torrent
  22. The firs set Tekkaman Blade released by Media Blasters has the Twin Blood special. I guess they'll put the other two in the following releases.
  23. Man, I already lost any hope of seeing any Macross after Plus here in the US. But excellent news! I hope it might show what happened to Shin and Sara. Haha, I want to know more about then than actually Hikaru and company but Kawamori doesn't like to come back to old characters anyway.
  24. Yeah, but with volume one is 11 items and the sale is for 10 for $50. =)
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