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Project Phoenix

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Everything posted by Project Phoenix

  1. Somebody voted Mikhail?! I can almost hear yaoi fans around the world sigh in unison...
  2. Maybe they will equip the VF-25s with chainswords in the future, seeing how gunpods and missiles aren't that effective on the big red Vajras. Imagine a close combat, armored 25 with a friggin oversized chainsaw cutting them and spilling alien blood all over the place... That's just my WH40K side talking after watching the knife attack Ozma pulled on the red lobster.
  3. Not trying to be nitpicky, but the "arms" are not the Daedelus and Prometheus. They are the space carriers ARMD-1 and ARMD-2. I just hope Wave will release a TV version with the two aircraft carriers eventually. But then again, I doubt it. Or maybe they will do Battle 7 and/or Battle 13? One can only hope...
  4. There is such a thing as fashion contact lenses you know...
  5. It could very well be. The scaffolds are definitely hiding a vessel of some sort. Which means there will be 2 transformable carriers in the fleet at least. One belonging to the NUNS and the other to the SMS.
  6. Or that was the only song the radio station is playing currently.
  7. Since they are bringing the VB-6 in to the series, that makes VF-X2 pretty canon to me.
  8. I am hoping to see destroids but so far no show...
  9. Episode 2 was the equivalent of a good chicken soup for my cold. I love a good episode of Macross when I'm sick.
  10. Amen to that. But I think Graham mention once that they won't be doing one. But I sure do pray and hope everyday they will change their minds and do it. Macross 2 needs some Yamato love too!
  11. But they are both good Macross porn nonetheless right?
  12. I just finished watching AIA-IZ's sub of the first episode. I think I'll wait for Shinsen to release their version. They do a WAY better job. But that's just my opinion. At least we won't see the "Brief-25" reference here.
  13. I foresee a Nyan Nyan t-shirt coming soon!
  14. Just finished watching the raw first episode. I can't say I like it or dislike it. It took some parts out that made more sense in the Deculture Edition. On the other hand, the added scenes are quite cool and fun to watch. Not a bad deal. I just hope the DVD edit version (if there is such a thing) would incorporate best of both versions and made it into an extended version ala Battlestar Galactica's DVD releases. But that's just my hope. The OP is growing on me. The ED made me cringe. The BGM when the VF-171 was first deployed reminded me of the original SDFM's valkyrie scramble BGM. Very nicely done. The new SDF for Macross Frontier is absolutely gorgeous. and that is cool in my book. Now that we've established Ozma's color is yellow, Alto is red, Mikhail is blue and Luca is green. Can anyone confirm the length of Frontier? I think I heard that it was 25,000 meters long. Now to wait for Episode 2!
  15. Lockdown? What lockdown?
  16. No prob SR. The fact that you are trying hard is already appreciated. When and if you get one for us, that will be a different story. I'd like to thank you in advance for what you are doing on behalf of us MWers.
  17. I'm keeping my fingers crossed SR... You're my only hope.
  18. Macross always gotta have several elements to be "Macross-ish": a) Love triangle b) Transforming mechas c) Micro-missile swarm d) A singing lead or an idol I see these are already present in Frontier.
  19. I think shipping is reasonably cheaper if several of them are shipped together.
  20. VF-25 Impala VF-25 Magnum VF-25 Focus VF-25 Caliber VF-25 Alamo VF-25 Maxima VF-25 Altima VF-25 Sunfire VF-25 Thunderbird VF-25 Viper VF-25 Helldiver
  21. Count me in for one! But I thought it's limited to one per person/per address?
  22. kresphy, my money is that HJ stands for Hobby Japan.
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