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Project Phoenix

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Everything posted by Project Phoenix

  1. I hate Yamato sometimes... Click here to sell your soul... Mods, if this has been reported, please lock/delete.
  2. It's just saying this kit shown here is a prototype model to test the shape. The actual final product may be different.
  3. Now this set would be worth collecting just for the Crusader.
  4. And cheese! Don't forget the cheese!
  5. VF-2SS! HELL YEAH!!! I hope they will release the SAP separately!
  6. Watch Macross Frontier and read the entry in Macross Chronicle.
  7. Don't rub it in. Most of us didn't even have one and you have three...
  8. Once again, my wallet bleeds and screams bloody murder... I wonder how many repaints they're gonna do with this one. Time will tell I guess. Looks great otherwise.
  9. Oooohh...she reminds me of a dominatrix when she is dressed like that. Not that I'm complaining though...
  10. Gawrsh...I love pineapple AND steak...I bet I'll die of heart attack if I consume too much of the menu items...
  11. Dude, you're not the only fan who is or beyond the third decade mark. I am speaking about myself and several others I'm sure. Great birthday present you got there and so appropriate! I envy you having a wife that understands your passion for Macross! Congratulations and Happy Birthday again!
  12. HimeyaShop has for sale but shipping is murder.
  13. I thought the original version had shinier paint while the movie version had a duller coat? I own the Movie version and that is what I'm seeing.
  14. End of May according to the picture.
  15. Hey all, Phoenix Comic Con is open from Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I will only be able to attend the Friday event and if any Phoenix or surrounding area fans are looking to meet up and just hang out in general, please PM me. I'd love to meet with you guys. I'll be bringing a camera just in case. Registration and etc. is here.
  16. I'm so sorry dude. Until August of '08 I was living in Wichita.
  17. Maybe we'll see a retired and decorated version from M7 with an aging pilot, kids with balloons, etc.
  18. Vote? Who needs a stinking vote?! Buy the valk already!!!
  19. Nope. This time it will be khaki green!
  20. Am I the only one wants female characters from Mac2? I would like to have a Silvie please. *ducks*
  21. I can live with it if the Quarter is 20 cm and priced around $100 before shipping provided it is very detailed.
  22. I am that. You got a problem with it?
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