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Project Phoenix

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Everything posted by Project Phoenix

  1. I am pretty sure you're talking about Tosho Daimos. Is this what you're talking about?
  2. Thanks Opus and mikeszekely for the guides. I'll be sure to look into those stores the next couple of months up there. And yes Opus, I can bring you food. Would authentic Chinese fried rice appeal to you? I know someone on the board here would waylay me for it.
  3. To me, it still justified to get at least one of each TRU and CF versions. I will take CF numbers #142 & #738. It's my badge number and my car tag number.
  4. Hey thanks! I will certainly take the time to check out these stores. Estarland looks like EBGames or GameStop though.
  5. Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Just time for me to get back from my trip! I'll have to pick up two of them!
  6. LOL. I will certainly take that up under advicement. hanks guys. mikeszekely, you mentioned DC, where in DC should I go for shopping then?
  7. Guys, I'll be leaving on the 16th for a 3 month working trip. Most likely I'll end up in the Eastern or South Eastern parts of the US. During the trip, I'll most likely be picking up Macross stuff along the way, so any MWers who live near or around the states of Virginia, West Virginia, North and South Carolina, could be so kind as to point out where I could go for shopping? I'll be looking for valks mostly like, 1/48s and 1/60s and whatnots in between. A million thanks in advance.
  8. Nanashi's site is doing the subs. Edit: Post modified. Sorry about that.
  9. I finally got myself an mp3 of the TV Size OP. Not a bad song I must say. It fits the Super Robot theme of the show.
  11. Found this couple of minutes ago. Check out the trailer for it and you will get to see the Itano Circus featuring the F-15J! Boy, this sure reminds me of the old days when I would watch them faithfully every weekend. Mods: Kill this thread if it has been posted before.
  12. Actually, the parasite idea was already in used during WW2 by the Luftwaffe. I believe the name of the design is called the Mistel. Near the closing stages of the war, Me-109 or FW-190s would be mated to a converted bomber(usually Ju-88 or any other available designs). The fighters are mated on top while the bomber below is unmanned with the entire head section converted into a giant bomb. The idea was to have the fighter fly both planes to a target, usually a bridge or fortified position, and then have the bomber dive straight at the target while the fighter break off at the last possible moment. In other words, it's flying torpedo. I found something here. Hope it helps.
  13. Aquerion is...interesting. Not bad for a first episode as it hits the spot for dropping subtle hints of things to come. Then again, if you watch enough super robot anime or anime with combining mechas, you'd probably guessed half of the main plot already. The Aquerion is of course typical Kawamori design. Now I want to see if Eureka 7 would be as good as this one. This new anime is certainly nothing new as it has strong shades of Getter Robo, Mazinger Z, Danguard Ace and a host of other super robot animes. I think I'll call Sousei no Aquerion the "Turn A" of combiner mechas.
  14. Subbed first episode out in Download Anime. Go get it.
  15. Seriously, this thread is just asking for it. Already I can hear MW members sharpening pitchforks to go troll hunting.
  16. This "what if" crap is getting tiring. What's more, it's about Homotech, which most of the upstanding members of MW doesn't-give-a-damn-about! The only "what if" I wish for is what if there is a electro shock button for purging Homotech peddlers on the forums. I'd be the first to hit that button right now. Edit: This is the MACROSSWorld forum, not the Homotech forum. I don't have to accept that ripped of crap anytime and I don't have to STFU just because you disagree.
  17. Nice video. Very well made!
  18. Hey guys, know a good place besides ebay to get the 1/48 Super & Strike Pack? I need one for my Valk but I don't wanna overpay for it. Know what I mean? A million thanks in advance.
  19. All we need now is HG to come out and claim Aquarion's license then brutally rape it to something call "Robotech: 9000" or something. Yeah, since it has transforming mechas, HG could sell super-posables or Masterpiece collections with it.
  20. Looks like the connection has been reopened. I got it. Thanks.
  21. No luck. I tried using several programs including Go!Zilla and FlashGet and they told me the same thing: connection closed or login request denied. I guess his server must've flooded or something. I'll wait till tomorrow to try again unless someone else could let me download it.
  22. Is the ftp closed? I got stuck at 97%.
  23. *Raises hand* Mislovrit, didn't they already disbanded SEATO? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SEATO
  24. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think SRX means Super Robot X-Type. The X persumably denotes eXperiment I guess. It's suppose to be the first of a line mechas to be mass produced. I got the information while playing GBA's Super Robot Wars Original Generation a while back. It's part of the Federation's SRX Project with Ingram Plisken(not sure about spelling) as Project Leader I think.
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