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Project Phoenix

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Everything posted by Project Phoenix

  1. Goodbye Mr. Doohan. We will miss you.
  2. Mechas in a half-shell! Turtle Power!
  3. Last count: Episode 13.
  4. Gundam, for better or for worse, will never die. We may never get another good UC story, sure... but when the SEED universe has outlived its financial usefulness, another "reinvention" will occur, a new Gundam alternate universe will be born, and legions of 12 year old fans who either haven't watched the originals are don't appreciate the originals because they're not fully of flashy new animation will post things like "New-character-X would totally PWN Amuro!" or "WTF?! Char is such a rip-off of New-character-Y." 311906[/snapback] I just talked to my 15 and 12 year old cousins. It already happened.
  5. Hopefully the purple Alphas belong to an all female hottie squardon 311654[/snapback] Or an all cross-dresser squadron.
  6. Some of you probably know this already but there is a new SF submarine anime out and it's called Tide-Line Blue. It is created by the same guy who did Blue No.6(the manga/novel, not the anime). I've checked out the first episode and it looks promising. Of course, it is just another Blue No.6 storyline with a bigger and elaborate plot. Background: Over 14 years have passed since the great catastrophe known as the "Hammer of Eden" consumed 90% of the Earth's land and 6 billion lives with it. In the aftermath, Secretary General Aoi tries to create a New United Nations out of the surviving population, no living on scattered islands. But the feud, greed and hatred between the former nations still exist and the bickering continues in this new era. Enters Gould, captain of the tactical nuclear powered submarine, the USS Ulysses, who believes that a new world can only be created through a force of arms, demands the surrender of the member nations of the New UN. Trapped in this struggle is Keel and Isura, who suddenly found their peaceful island life shattered by the Ulysses' sudden attack on Yabisu, seat of the new UN. Meanwhile, watching from orbit, is the partially damaged observation space station Freedom...
  7. Let's see if Eick and Moore can break the old curse and push the story beyond 2 seasons.
  8. My only hope is that it won't be overly artistic like Casshern. At least Ultraman The Movie was alright.
  9. Why is this thread even opened?
  10. Yup. Me and Skull here pretty much had a little unofficial flotilla with friends from all over. The game was fun for me. But it takes too damn long to upgrade. One wrong mistake in investing your prestige points and you're screwed. My advice for those of you wanting to level up VERY quickly: join the IJN and load them up with nothing but torpedoes and fire away. You pretty much pwned the game that way. Of course, the above method automatically makes you a torp whore, the target of every torp-hating player in there. There are players who prefer to fight the old-fashioned way: big guns. Be warned, it is not an easy game. I still have my account. I might even give it out.
  11. Fumo-fumo-fumo-fumoffu! <You're right about that!>
  12. Thanks guys, that helps a lot. Lik-Sang is offering free shipping for the game so that is just perfect!
  13. Okay, that's it. That video just made me commit my next month's pay on getting it. It's the best looking SRW I've seen so far and I am sure I'll be enjoying it tremendously. Here's a question, what is a good site to get the game? I know HimeyaShop and yesAsia carries them but a very premium price. Any good suggestions besides those and ebay?
  14. Yep. And it will be on my birthday.
  15. Ah, it makes sense now. Another name change.
  16. I don't see anywhere that mentions it being SRX-0. I thought the name is SR-01 SRX Altado "Banpreyos"? If I am mistaken, I am sorry in advance.
  17. Thanks Mechamaniac. That's a great site.
  18. Admit it, you love the attention don't you MGREXX? I bet you're here insulting us MWers because you felt that is your God-given duty as a Homotech peddler.
  19. Uh, I'm an idiot when it comes to cellphones. Any help on which data cable I need to get to upload it? Thanks in advance.
  20. Mechamanic, I would like to get those ringtones. Post it here or PM me. Thanks.
  21. I'm beginning to seriously think trollboy here has a sick fetish on verbal abuses we dish out at him.
  22. Oooh... we're so scared of the teenie-weenie wittle homotech troll trying to display it's 'superior' intellect. When you say 'superior' you mean 'inferior' right? It's okay, everyone except you are grown-ups here, we forgive your immaturity. Just don't forget to change your diapers.
  23. Uhmmm... yeah... it's easy to label him one when he actually trolled the boards before as robotechpurist and other names. He signs up just to actually flame Macross. Do you remember Macross? The supposedly focus of this forum? So I can actually call him, with all that it means on the web, a troll. Aww c'mon guys, MGREXX just wants a lil' love and attention from us all since he didn't get any at home(i.e. Homotech forums). We could show him a bit more courtesy by telling him to shove his lies up where the sun don't shine.
  24. As far as I know it is a classic anime; and a Super Robot type that is.
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