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Project Phoenix

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Everything posted by Project Phoenix

  1. "VF-1J included on first 100 limited edition package."
  2. I thought RahXephon was sorta a remake of Raideen?
  3. I'm definitely a member. I am so sick and tired of being branded a geek like those back in my old college. There are so many times I am so tempted to join the college Anime Club, hoping to share my opinions, experience and knowledge of various genres of anime. However, after seeing how the horde of them being Homotech, DBZ, Samurai X and Gundam Wing cultists(this being back in 2000-2001) and the fact their president and vice-president were geeks who went as far as to suggest members cosplay every weekly gathering, I'd decided to back away and wash my hands of the lot of them. As a result, I have been real ashamed whenever people ask me if I am an anime fan ever since. Not anymore today. I am not alone.
  4. Let me know when it comes standard with eye lasers. Maybe then I'll pick it up.
  5. I agree. The VF-2SS w/SAP would be a sweet deal. I'm sure the pricing would kill me. But what the heck, I'm a fanboy to the core.
  6. I liked Jason Statham. What turned me off in the first movie was the casting of that Taiwanese what's-her-face softcore porn star as the damsel in distress. I think her name was Shu Qi. I never liked her and I despised it even more after watching her bad acting in Transporter 1. They should've cast Maggie Cheung. I apologize to all Shu Qi fans in MW. This is just my $0.02.
  7. I'm willing to pay someone for it plus shipping if the bargain is still on!
  8. The VF-0 is gonna be a big ass toy! I only hope the price won't kill me.
  9. If Homotech can be considered SciFi, what happened to Astro Boy or even Voltron? They were here before Uncle Macek and his goons raped Macross, Southern Cross and Mospeada. If those morons at the SF awards need to honor a production, they should give it to Star Blazers. The OTHER raped anime. On a side note, I'm surprised MGTroll hasn't show up. I was waiting for his 'input' in this matter.
  10. USPS: The employees at the nearest branch were all alright and friendly except for two: an older male who is always moody, grumpy and snaps at people who irritates him with silly questions. A little racist 'cuz he is only nice to white and black folks but never to Asians(yes, I am a Chinese). Usually he would be very formal and very unfriendly whenever I ask him questions about shipping stuff. I usually resell my college text books at the beginning/end of a semester. The other one is a female who seems to have little regard for courtesy to customers. Her famous line is "Yes? What do you want?". As for the delivery part, the mails are always on time but packages tend to be either damaged, crushed or even mishandled. I used to subscribe to Newtype USA and there is always a huge sign that says "DVD inside. DO NOT bend." They bent it anyway. Then, if there are packages that barely fit my mailbox, instead of giving it to my apartment manager, they just shove it, breaking the packaging without a care in the world, hoping I won't notice. USPS needs some good ol' spanking IMO. UPS: ALWAYS late with deliveries. Never on time and always the packages are thoroughly ripped and damaged. They are very cunning as to paste a little sticker that says it is not their fault the damage occured. It was the sender's responsibility for the flimsy packaging. What can brown do for you? Nothing, thank you very much. FEDEX: Great service, friendly and on time all the time. Too bad their shipping cost is a little too high though. DHL: Never used them before so no comments.
  11. Easy. Galaxy Express 999. Main characters: Maetel and Tetsuro.
  12. I saw a kid with that skull on his T-shirt. What group uses that skull igsignia? 321616[/snapback] 321641[/snapback] It's a band. 321646[/snapback] Where's Jem and the Holograms?
  13. Let's count how many posts it takes to shut down this thread.
  14. Btw........hey, Agentdumb, Learn to freaking spell. Trud??????? ....dumbass!!!!!! 321020[/snapback] Tsk, tsk... So now we resort to juvenile name calling eh? You wouldn't be attempting to insult A1 like that if you claim to be 1/10th of the man you said you were. I guess I was wrong about you. You ARE a pathetic attention-loving little snot-nosed runt in need of a little lesson in humility and respect for the community you are in.
  15. the funny thing is we are starting to enjoy it too... it's not like he going away... 321005[/snapback] On second thought, you're right >EXO<. Just make sure you don't hurt his feelings. Too much.
  16. Why do we even bother with this troll? All he wants is attention from us. I tell you, he enjoys all this bantering over his brainless threads because he gets these strange sick pleasure reading our replies to his childish arguments. I bet he stays up every night to refresh the forums so that he could read what we post about his latest crap and shenanigans. Lets just leave him be and get on to more interesting and healthy debates. People like him will chew on old soup over and over again just to prove that old soup taste best with drool mixed in over a 24 hour period.
  17. Listen to the experts here and get the 1/48s first. The 1/60 ain't going nowhere anytime soon. Don't be like me and wait too long to jump on the bandwagon. I got my first 1/48, which is a Low Viz for 500 bucks. Right now, since I'm working full time, I could start collecting them one by one. But the out-of-production ones are gonna cost me as well. OT: Kanzaki, I gather from your location you're Melaka?
  18. Robotech winning an Oscar.
  19. Must...get...sticker!! Jeremy, if you're reading this, we GOTTA get this!
  20. I thought it was a pot of hot steaming piss? 318850[/snapback] Maybe that was what went wrong... 318851[/snapback] I concur.
  21. I thought it was a pot of hot steaming piss?
  22. My recommendations: Wolf's Rain Infinite Ryvius Sunabozu Gantz Zipang Eureka 7 Last Exile I'd especially suggest Sunabozu(or Desert Punk according to Funimation) if you're looking for a good laugh.
  23. Time to sharpen the knives. It's Troll hunting season again.
  24. For all we know, some of these high and mighty senators' kids are playing San Andreas and accessing the Hot Coffee mod as we speak.
  25. Haven't you heard? The dead walks among us.
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