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Project Phoenix

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Everything posted by Project Phoenix

  1. I am not very up-to-date in the state of Gundam toys so I'll ask this since I don't want to read through 60+ pages of post. What's the difference between MSIA, EMSIA, HCM Pro and GFF?
  2. Thanks for the link F360. Now that is a detailed review. The Deep Striker looks huge. Bigger than a 1/144 HGUC S-Gundam I believe. What about the Mk.II Titans Color? The figure any good?
  3. Thanks for the info guys! I'm a big fan of the Sentinel series MS(hence I asked about the X-type) and anything between 0079 and 0093. The Crossbone is certainly something worth considering. However, the Xi Gundam caught my eye for its sheer weirdness. Any comments on the GFF?
  4. I have a few questions to the MW experts in GFF collecting: a) What is a good choice for first timers seeing how there are so many different Gundam and Zeon MS variations out there? b) Any inews if we are going to see the X-series(Xeku Eins, Xeku, Zwei) being released under Zeonography? Thanks!
  5. Oh... my bleeding wallet... where art thou?
  6. LOL. It's Mizuki from Gravion Zwei!
  7. How about poking him with a cow prod until he dies of shock?
  8. Just picked the ADV boxset with Skull Leader at Best Buy an hour ago. We got the last two. I've just finished watching it and I'd say they did a fairly okay job dubbing it. Although the issue of Muh-cross and Mah-cross irritated me a bit. It made my skin crawl when the mayor initially said it. After 10 minutes, I didn't care anymore. I'm glad they kept some of the original sound effects for the English dub and mix it with new ones. But the sound of the unmanned space fighter from ARMD-1 firing its missiles sounded too much like a Decepticon unloading energy rounds. Roy's voice was alright but Hikaru sounded like a midwestern boy trying to speak Japanese. Minmay was, to me at least, sounded right. I guess it is because it was Mari Iijima after all. The Asian accent made all the difference. Misa's voice is too high pitched for me. often enough she sounded on the verge of panic. She should've been authoritative and firm but yet nerous. Hopefully it will tone down after more episodes. Global, Britai, Bridge Bunnies and the rest are acceptable. Exedol's voice is similar to Homotech's. Can anyone confirm this? I'm happy with his voice acting. These are my $0.02. I still love this new version even though I owned the AnimEigo version. Hell, I even have the licensed HK bilingual version in VCD format in a 2' X 1' box. I'd say buy it just because it's Macross in English.
  9. Crime of the century.
  10. Happy New Year Y'all! Hope 2006 brings you more Macross goodies and emptier wallets!
  11. I got a Takatoku VF-1J Max. It's the sweetest present I got this past two and half-decade.
  12. In layman's terms: Stopgap fighter.
  13. Cast list for the US dub is out here.
  14. That could be it. So far we've seen models of Number Six, Aaron Doral, Leoben Conroy and Sharon Valerii and that makes only 4 confirmed models. As for the council of 12, didn't they already have the Quorum of 12? I am still waiting for someone like Cassiopeia to show up fr Apollo. How about Luicifer, could be another organic Cylon of a type we have not seen or something unique. Well they should hurry up and form the council of 12. Also Apollo needs a love interest so he can get some of his pent up fustration out (not Starbuck). 345744[/snapback]
  15. Any news if the Ship of Lights are going to make an appearance or the Prince of Darkness for that matter?
  16. Oh most definitely yes! These are the flagships of the various commanders in the Galactic Reich Star Fleet. You can see the protagonist's white battleship towards the back which is called the Brunhilde. I also see the Barbarossa, Kvasir, Beowulf and either the Berlin or Ostmark.
  17. Alright, I'm digging up a dead thread. Has anyone seen the secret theaters they are going to include in MGS3: Subsistence? Me and Skull Leader just finished watching some of the funniest MGS parodies of all time. I must say, it gave me a slight bellyache for laughing too hard. Check out "Metal Gear S..." You'll know what I mean.
  18. The did the same thing to stuff like books and shoes sent by to my gf by her parents. I made a formal complaint and all I get was an e-mail asking me what actually happened. I wrote them back with pic of the damaged packages and damaged books and demanded an apology and compensation. They wrote back SIX months later saying basically "Sorry it happened, but we did nothing wrong and we won't pay." This blatant destruction of the box is evident that U.S. Customs have really losy employees. Or maybe the cutom agent thought the micro-missiles and beam cannon were real and just had to take a look? In any way, this is totally wrong.
  19. Doesn't hurt to dream.
  20. Holy Moley! I can even see the Fast Pack attachment points on this baby's arms! I hope that stand won't come standard to prop it up.
  21. shoot, after reading your post, I watched the preview and yes, they do say next will be the final episode...-sigh- 337097[/snapback] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Sorry, got a little carried away. Man, this is gonna be like on an extreme caffeine high. First they take you up, way way up. Then they drop you down without so much as a wink.
  22. Whoa...isamu, chill out man. Disagreeing with you doesn't mean the game won't be good or won't sell. They are just stating what they like or dislike about racing games. It so happen RR6 did not meet their expectations. That's all. You don't have to insist they agree and praise RR6 the way you do. You can still get the game and enjoy it yourself. Their opinions don't matter as long as you are having fun.
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