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Project Phoenix

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Everything posted by Project Phoenix

  1. 50cm Minmay figure? Nice... I just noticed this: 2007 -->interposing the last 2 digits --> 2070.
  2. Black Heaven was awesome. They've showed it on AXN and Animax before.
  3. Unfortunately no. The Hasegawa VF-1S will be blue with golden/yellow stripes and special 25th Anniversary decals. The YF-19 will be the same except it is in purple. I really hope the Yamato valks will come with custome stickers for the anniversary.
  4. A Turn X or SUMO would be nice.
  5. http://dancouganova.com/
  6. Aquarion 2: Gattai Again Sorry, can't resist it.
  7. It's better not suck ass or it'll have to "kiss" my ass.
  8. Now with the Fast Packs, the Excalibur looks somehow...complete. I hope Ver.2 will have the gunpod alignment corrected. Besides that, I think the toy is fine.
  9. Harvey Birdman, Attorney-at-law. Just kidding!
  10. The joint where the left wing connects to the left hip on mine is a little loose. Any suggestions to tighten it up?
  11. Hey Big F, I have that kit and it's a 1/144 HGUC kit. It's a little on the small side but the details are awesome. Easy to build and it comes with the cool Shield Boosters you see on the back. There several of the AoZ kits that are coming out. You should check them out. Here's my two Hazels. The blue on on the right is the Advanced Hazel. [attachmentid=38172]
  12. It was friggin' cold last night while we lined up. The 'freaks' were all exciting about it, spouting crap, showing off their trivia knowledge about videogames and anime (which half of the time, they were wrong). But me and Skull Leader got our games and I must say it was worth it. I didn't have time to play it but from what I've sampled in the opening stages really made me almost regret putting the controller down. BTW, did any of you who bought the LE Strategy Guide had someone offer to exchange yours with a different cover for $1? Ours does, and he was looking for Ashe's version.
  13. I'm sorry to hear that you're stopping the business, Devin. Thanks for the trouble and time you've put in for my custom set. Don't worry about the chest plate sticker, I'll find a way to fix that. I'm just happy I got those nice custom stickers from you. In any case, please take care and stick around, we will definitely need your advice from time to time.
  14. I am 75% done for the last batch by Nanashi when BT told me "Permission Denied". Anybody had the same problem?
  15. Those videos were neat! I liked it!
  16. They need to make a Budweiser Cup special coloring for the valks.
  17. Hmm...the Jet Truck is located in Galena KS, not too far from my place. Maybe I should check it out.
  18. I thought we're talking about a Transformers toy? It's a robot from another world, does it matter what color it has or what kind of equipment it is carrying? They have lasers and beam weaponry so what do they care about what we humans think what color it should be and what F-15 it is based on. It is a robot in 'disguise' right? After all the backstabber couldn't care less if we humans think the colors are wrong/right/whatever. Great toy BTW, I dig it.
  19. In response to the pictures, I can only say: WTF are you smoking Mr. Bay?! As for the line to speak for Prime: WTF are you smoking Megatron?!
  20. I liked it. But they took too much artistic and historical license with it. Again, this is just a movie, but a good, clean fun movie. I just have to keep telling myself all the time and try not too nitpick every scene... BTW, Jennifer Decker is cute!
  21. I can't stop puking... Make it stop! MAKE IT STOP!!
  22. Great, those pics did it! I wasn't really too awed by the original GBP set but this GBP camo really got me wanting one. I don't think anyone is taking anymore preorders right?
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