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Project Phoenix

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Everything posted by Project Phoenix

  1. Mission Requirements with Secret Requirements Mission 1: Destroy all targets Secret: Your unit must take less than 100 points of damage Mission 2: Destroy all targets Secret: Nadesico B’s damage must be below 20% Mission 3: Capture all target buildings Secret: Blood Ark takes 90% damage Mission 4: Destroy all targets Secret: Freeden’s damage must be below 20% Mission 5: Destroy all targets Secret: Capture all buildings within 150 seconds Mission 6: Escort the Exodus train out of the area Secret: Destroy above 100 enemies Mission 7: Motherships must reach target point Secret: Destroy all Metalbeasts Mission 8: Destroy all enemy warships Secret: Destroy all ??? targets Mission 9A: Destroy all targets Secret: The Infinite Mobile Cannon must not fire even once. Mission 9B: Gekko Go must reach target point Secret: Gekko Go’s AP must be 40% and above when clearing the mission Mission 10A: Destroy all enemy ships Secret: Successfully avoid all long range cannon fire Mission 10B: Destroy all transport ships Secret: None of the transport ships escape the area Mission 11A: Destroy all enemies Secret: Gekko Go must successfully avoid all enemy attacks while clearing the mission Mission 11B: Capture all target buildings Secret: Capture all buildings within 150 seconds Mission 12B: Destroy all targets Secret: Discover the Dominator’s hiding spot 4 times and defeat her Mission 13: Destroy all enemy warships Secret: Destroy at least 30 satellite cannons Mission 14: Survive for a certain time limit Secret: Capture all buildings within 420 seconds and ensure the allied warship Credo(?) survives Mission 15: Destroy all targets Secret: Ensure all allied squadrons survive Mission 16: Destroy all targets Secret: Destroy all traitor Vulture units (there will be grunts surrounding the neutral Vulture landships that you must destroy thoroughly) Mission 17A: Capture all target buildings Secret: Oukaoh must transform into Hyper mode within 30 sec (i.e. destroy his first form within 30 sec so he can grow bigger and beat the crap out of you) Mission 17B: Capture all target buildings Secret: Capture all buildings within 300 seconds Mission 18A: Destroy all enemy warships (You'll lose the mission if 7 of them escapes) Secret: Destroy all enemy warships Mission 18B: Destroy all targets Secret: Destroy all jamming fields (to do this, you must clear out the grunts surrounding the jamming towers ala capturing buildings) Mission 19A: Prevent the enemy from breaking through your defense line Secret: Capture all buildings Mission 19B: Capture Zondaepta Island (check spelling) Secret: Defeat both Frost brothers Mission 20: Defend all allied buildings within the time limit Secret: Capture all enemy buildings within 100 seconds Mission 21: Destroy Shin Dragon Secret: Successfully avoid all Shin Dragon’s attacks Mission 22: Destroy 100 enemy units Secret: Destroy 8 and above leader units (denoted by a small white star next to their name and long AP bar) Mission 23: Destroy all targets Secret: Destroy all Field Generators within 240 seconds Mission 24: Nadesico C reaches target point Secret: Do not attack any of the G-Bits Mission 25: Destroy all targets Secret: Destroy all Field Generators Mission 26: Mothership reaches target point Secret: Your unit must take less than 100 AP damage and Gekko Go must have 50% AP remaining Mission 27: Destroy all targets Secret: Allied fleet damage must be 25% and below Mission 28: Destroy all targets Secret: Your unit must take less than 3000 AP damage Mission 29: Destroy the target Secret: Your unit must take less than 2000 AP damage Once I completed the A route missions, I will post them up unless someone else has done it. I hope this helps.
  2. I apologize for the confusing nature of my explanation. Here is the screen explanation for a new game. When choosing a new campaign, you are presented with the following options: Decide (Accept whatever settings you made and start the game) Difficulty – Easy / Normal / Hard / Real Ace (available after eating the game once) Controller Type – Shift Type / Select Type Vibration – On / Off Auto Altitude Adjustment – On / Off (Enables your unit to attempt to be on the same height with your target)
  3. Here are a somewhat detailed explanation of the Options Menu that I think may help. Options Screen: Here are the following menus available: Save (Save your game) Load (Load your game) Game Settings (Explained below) Controller Settings (Explained below) Sound (Sound settings) Screen (Screen brightness settings) Under Game Settings you are presented with the following selections: Difficulty – Easy / Normal / Hard / Real Ace (available after beating the game once) Lock Info – On / Off (This allows you to display the target’s additional info if available) Target – Camera view priority / Heading priority / Distance priority / Damage priority (This sets which target your unit will lock on initially when pressing the TRIANGLE button. Camera view targets whichever is in front of you, Heading targets which ever is in front of your unit, Distance targets the ones that are closest to you and the Damage targets the enemy with the least AP) Quick Turn – On / Off (Enables your unit to quickly turn to face the lock on target) Auto Altitude Adjustment – On / Off (Enables your unit to attempt to be on the same height with your target) Attack Demo – On / Off (Enables the Combination Attack movie) Text – On / Off (Enables in game messages to be shown across your screen) Control Navi – On /Off (Enables Fee to pop up every step along the way, asking what you want to do) Default Settings (Returns to factory settings) Under Controller Settings you are presented with the following selections: Controller Type – Shift Type / Select Type Flight Type – Easy / Flight / Easy Reverse / Flight Reverse Radar Controls – Semi-auto / Manual (Semi-auto will zoom in your radar when targets are near) Camera Controls – Normal / Horizontal Reverse / Reverse Vibration – On / Off Key Assign (Enables you to remap the button controls) Default Settings Under Sound you are presented with the following selections: Sound – Stereo / Dolby Pro Logic II BGM Volume Sound Effects Volume Visual Effects Volume Attack Voice – On / Off (Basically lets you hear the various characters announcing their attacks) BGM Type – Vocal One / Vocal Off / Random (Enables the songs for the corresponding anime to be played during missions) BGM Test (Enables you to listen to all the included anime songs) Default Settings Under Screen you are presented with the following options: Brightness Contrast Default Settings P.S. I will try to get Mission Objectives typed up as well as any Secret requirements that I've uncovered. I'm sure mikeszekely would have done that by now. Slightly more to come...
  4. I will try to keep things simple and help anyone who is reading better understand what the hiragana and katakana means in the game menus. The following are my explanation of controls along with some descriptions. After pressing START, the Navi girl(aka Fee) will ask if you would like to load a saved game. If you press CIRCLE, she will take you to the list of saved games for you to load. Once that is done, you are presented with the following selections: Campaign (Basically start a new game) Continue (Continue from your last saved game) Multi player (Self explanatory) Free Mission (You get access to extra mission along with any cleared missions) Versus (Play against your friend/enemy/rival/lover/wife/child/neighbor/etc.) Load (Load a different saved game) If you chose Continue, you will be taken to the Intermission screen which has the following selections: Launch (Go into the Global Meeting screen then the actual Mission Briefing screen) Unit Recruitment (Buy your new units not given to you in the story mode) Keywords (Keywords from the story in the game) Unit Viewer View units that has appeared in the game) Battle Record (Show how many times you’ve launched with which unit so far) Visual Record (View all the movies that appeared during your play through) Options (Explained below) Return (Back to the main menu) More coming...
  5. I would like to add that you need not worry about crashing to the ground at high speed especially with the booster on. You automatically switch to Battroid mode upon touching the ground. One good tactic I use when fighting large of number grunts is to charge them at high speed, obtain lock, drop a missile or two, and just when you are about to crash into them, hit the circle button for the Pin Point Barrier punch(note: you don't have to transform to do that, the YF-19 automatically does that for you). Keep bashing the circle button as you are most likely surrounded by large numbers of grunts and once your lock on target is dead, you will automatically lock on to the nearest target. You don't need to hit the triangle button to switch lock. I find this quick button bashing quickly clears out grunts especially in missions where you have to capture buildings. This tactic is very very fast and since you are moving so fast, the grunts will have a hard time hitting you. Do watch out for leader units. They are denoted with a star next to their name above the health bar. There are always one defending each building and the field generators. One last thing, save the combination attack for the bosses.
  6. You can change the settings in the main menu. They will give you 4 types of control: 1) Pushing left or right rolls your aircraft. Pitch controls corresponds to up or down on the left analog stick. (ie. Push up, nose goes up) 2) Pushing left or right turns your aircraft. Pitch controls are same as above. 3) Pushing left or right rolls your aircraft. Pitch controls are reveresed. 4) Pushing left or right turns your aircraft. Pitch controls are same as above. I wrote this at 3am so my mind is not very clear. If I make a mistake, I do apologize.
  7. I am very sad to hear Tobey Maguire is doing this. Who in HG brainwashed him to do Homotech? This is terrible. I thought Voltron is gonna end up like the live action of Thunderbirds, uninspiring, boring, and childish. But I think RoboCrap will beat Voltron to the punch. The Razzies will have a field day when it comes out. HG should keep spewing Shadow Chronicle junk until they go bankrupt. This is an obvious attempt to emulate Transformers' success by making it 'believable' and up-to-date. I got 3 words for HG: Ain't gonna happen. Remember the live action Fist of the North Star or GunHed? I shudder at Tobey Maguire calling himself 'Rick Hunter'. As far as I am concern, Rick Hunter is name of the titular detective from the 80s cop drama 'Hunter'.
  8. It looks so...so...shiny...
  9. Here ya go. EMS rate Airmail Rate I have to apologize, the Airmail rate is in Japanese only and its from Japan Post's website. Hope this helps.
  10. I know it's a little late but here's a good site to get the game. Here I've bought from them before. Great customer service and very fast shipping.
  11. Project Phoenix

    Graham's Sig

    That is sick! Now I won't be able to sleep, dreaming about it!
  12. Project Phoenix

    Graham's Sig

    I've been hoping for that since the 1/48 valks came out.
  13. Mari Iijima still look as pretty as ever. You can't tell she is a divorced mom too.
  14. You can also make it the Dark Bird version and paint a red strip on its left wing.
  15. I was thinking Lost in Space or something...
  16. Check this out man. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=20661&st=20&gopid=510959entry510959
  17. Ok. I know I'm reviving an old thread but I did this out of love to Wes. Found this for a buck at Wal-Mart. Still working on Space Gandan V.
  18. I hope they make the VF-2SS. I know it is not from an alternate universe but I really do love the design. Either that, make the VA-3.
  19. Finally, I could see better of the valk's right hand and I am glad it's not a claw! Thanks Izakhar! P.S. Those are the actual trailer pics posted on this thread earlier.
  20. Project Phoenix

    Graham's Sig

    So...this is headed towards the Urotsukidoji territory eh?
  21. Actually, I saw the DVD for sale in the local Wal-Mart a few days ago... Boy, the temptation to buy it was great. Only $1.99...
  22. Maybe both so you can change her hair style and dress her up depending on your mood or the time of the day... Nevermind, its not a Barbie. I'll shut up now. I'm j/k btw.
  23. That is weird. I thought the VF-1 is as cool as the 19. Maybe people are tired of the repaints of VF-1 and this is the only other color that is available for the Excalibur and that makes it special.
  24. Thanks. That pic is from last year's Winterfest. I forgot where I go it but I think the hi-res pic is here somewhere. In any case, I will reserve judgment until I see the full trailer and the first episode.
  25. Now all we need is the concert DVD to be on sale.
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