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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Yeah but are we going to be paying more than $50 per game?
  2. So essentialy Sony has just reduced the cost to develope games for it's console? What does this mean for the consumer, we're not going to have to pay more than $50 for a game would we?
  3. Whoa I really like the Akatsuki, I think with the proper pilot it would be able to take on Destiny and Legend. I think it would be more on the level of the first Justice. If it were up to me, I'd add in a DRAGOON system and that weapon the Amutrasu had that could drain an MS of it's power. Solar reflector, so the Alliance has a Solar System then? This should be interesting.
  4. Well this is Fukuda we're talking about... Do people in Japan hate this guy too?
  5. Quite a bit to pick from... Idolo taking on all the UNSF and BAHRAM Phantomas at the end of the ZOE Idolo OAV. Gundam XX against Ashtaron, and Virsago. Neo in the Exass taking on both Shinn and Rey.
  6. I was looking at a pic of Legend, and I didn't notice it before, but Legend and the Bling Bling Gundam sure, look a lot alike...
  7. How is the PG Zero Custom? I've got one but have never done more than look at the parts & all the pretty pictures. Keep wanting to paint it anythign but white. 312302[/snapback] Well right now I'm still painting it. Gloss black wings with glitter. Gloss black on what ever was blue and a custom mixed midnight blue for the white and red parts. The internal frame looks pretty complicated and a bit intimidating to be honest with led lights, wires and crap to deal with. It doesn't look that bad, not too many parts, just a lot of small ones.
  8. And right now the rumors are saying that the Destiny Plan has something to do with making everyone Naturals or something. So not only has this idiot made the Naturals look evil, but now he's making the Coordinators out to be something wrong as well if the rumors are correct.
  9. PG Zero Custom and an F-15ACTIVE, I'll take pics when I find my digi cam.
  10. Hmm, if X is becomming more popular, then I'm hoping they re-do some of the kits. Wouldn't mind an HG 1/144 Gundam X Divider or XX.
  11. I like the idea of where Bandai was going with the Cosmic Era idea. Right now there are all kinds of posibilites open for it, and I think it could turn out to be a really good timeline. They just need to get rid of morons like Fukuda and bring in people who can actualy write a decent mech story. Guys who did 08th MS Team, I'm looking at you...
  12. I 'd like to see him a Strike with a DRAGOON Striker Pack actualy. I'm sure Lacus has specs to that system. Like I said earlier, I'm pretty sure the Strike still has a lot of fight left in it, it just needs some updated Striker Packs to keep pace. If the Strike doesn't have enough power with it's battery, it's not like anyone is still abiding by the Junius 7 Treaty, so they could probably install a reactor.
  13. I wouldn't say the Strike was showing it's age since Kira wasn't really fighting. He was more interested in keeping Eternal safe as opposed to taking out hostiles and once Andy told him to get aboard and pick his new ride up, fighting wasn't priority one. I think if they developed some new Striker Packs, the Strike would still have a lot of fight left in it. It was only missing it's lower arms and legs, and the main body wasn't damaged that bad. There's still a chance they repair it and give it to La Fllaga.
  14. As much as I'd like to see Sentinel or animated, the next thing will probably be in the SEED universe. Hopefully they animate Astray. Either way, I just hope they axe that can't-write-for-crap Fukuda. Personaly I'd like to see something like 08th MS Team in the SEED timeline. Something following a squad of 105 Daggers.
  15. I wonder if that means Rouge is going to get handed down to La Fllaga. I'm going to be a bit irritated if that happens, the man just keeps getting short changed in the MS department.
  16. I'd say an MC equipped long range missile would be better since you could fire it from the Moon Base. With that you wouldn't even have to get near PLANT.
  17. The problem with putting mirage colloid directly on a nuclear missile is that mirage colloid requires tremendous energy to maintain (which is why Blitz had to turn off its Phase Shift when it went invisible). How do you plan to generate the energy to shroud each missile in mirage colloid? I imagine that a mirage colloid system and a power source to maintain it would be prohibitively expensive if it could even feasibly be installed to begin with. In fairness, Azrael and the Alliance couldn't reasonably have expected that Freedom and Justice would show up and be able to pick off the individual missiles, and earlier in Destiny, the Alliance had no idea that ZAFT had developed a weapon that could cause nukes to explode prematurely. Adding mirage colloid to the whole missile barrage would have seemed like incredible overkill at the time, so it's tough to blame them for just lobbing naked missiles at PLANT. Loading up a mirage colloid-equipped ship with missiles is more feasible, but then you'd have to send separate ships on suicide missiones to each and every space colony, which also seems rather excessive. 311004[/snapback] Well the fact that a nuclear reactor can be loaded onto a 17m tall MS, means that in this era, they are not very big. So just modify the missile to accomodate an MS style reactor. You make the missile invisible then you don't need to make it super agile or as tough as the Archangel herself. Now that things like the N-Stampeder have been revelealed the Atlantic Federation knows what it expect. So what good will a Stampeder do if you don't even know where the missiles are. As for price, the MC is installed on the N Dagger Ns, the mass production version of the Blitz, so that system isn't that expesnsive if the Alliance is mass producing it.
  18. Well here is what they say at the official site. The most distinctive feature of the prototype Gundams developed by the Atlantic Federation. While active, this special armor nullifies all attacks by physical weapons, including blades, projectiles, and conventional explosives. However, it has no effect against beam and laser weapons, so most of the Gundams also carry shields treated with anti-beam coating. And because PS Armor consumes large amounts of energy, it cannot be used for extended periods lest it drain the mobile suit's energy battery. PS Armor changes color upon activation. The Gundams which use this technology thus sport brilliant colors while in their Active Mode, and turn a dull gray when they switch to Deactive Mode. So for the mean time I'll go with the "PS on the sword cancelled out the PS armor" explanation. Unless the Impulse's sword was made out of the same stuff the Raider's hammer was.
  19. The ultimate weapon would be a mini-GENESIS, or a nuclear missile with a mirage colloid.
  20. Well a beam sheild does jack against a anti-beam coated physical weapon. The Hyperion Unit 2 learned that the hard way when Gai used the Tactical Arms in sword mode to get through the sheild. So it is possible someone with an anti-beam coated sword/knife/axe/lance or bullet can take out the beam sheild emitters. A PS equipped blade or point would be able to penetrate PS armor. So that explanation would make sence.
  21. They wanted to make it sound cool...?
  22. It still doesn't answer my question about what the heck Deutrion is....Interesting that the Wings of Light are another Mirage colloid effect.... So...is Shinn going to tell Luna that only his new "powers" can save her from dying? 310673[/snapback] I want to see Athrun cut off Shinn's legs and left arm.
  23. Eurasia. Eurasia doesn't encompass all of the Asian continent, just Russia, the Mid East and Central Asia. China, Korea, and Japan form their own political enitity.
  24. I've played the demo, and control-wise, I still prefer Encounters.
  25. I though the Allied fleet that joined ZAFT was from East Asia. I actualy like the Bling Bling Gundam, looks better than anything else in Destiny. I wouldn't say it's outclassed until we know whats on it. Since they brought in some stuff from the MSV maybe Bling Bling has some of the Amuterasu's systems. Though considering Cagali's poor performance as of late that thing should be given to La Fllaga. I'm guessing he'll get his memories back at Orb since in the opening we see him wearing an Orb uniform the way he wore his old Alliance uniform. When is this going to back to space, it just seems like Fukuda just forgot about the Girty Lue. And yes the Alliance is run by morons. The Destroy's should have been gunning for the Minerva from the get go. And this would have been a perfect time to launch an attack on PLANT, since ZAFT had all those units on the ground. The Alliance should have kept a Destroy or two on the Moon, and when ZAFT showed up at Heaven's Base, they should have launched a massive counter attack into PLANT. Carpentaria should have been nuked long ago. They could have ended it all with a couple Mirage Colloid equiped nuke missiles aboard the Girty Lue. Man I hope they put Fukuda out to pasture after this.
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