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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Yeah I'm kind of neurotic about my conrolers too, I used to go off on my brother over the way he wraped the cord around the controler. I always end up cleaning it every other week or so.
  2. Yeah sometimes I'm eating something while I'm playing, if it's snack food I always have a damp paper towel around, I hate greasy controlers too.
  3. I don't know why people rail on the PS2's loading times so much, it's hardly a big deal and not worth pissing and moaning about, it just means you have more time to take another sip or eat another Cheeze-it before the next fight. Though the slow downs do get on my nerve a little.
  4. Asuska looks a lot like Elly from Xenogears in that pic...
  5. Is this based off the movie or the series version? And any info on the other guymelf units like Allen's or the Alseides?
  6. As far as a new series is concerned most I ever heard were rumors going around at one time about an alternate universe kind of thing taking place in that alternate reality Shinji saw in the series. The one where it looks like Asuska is Shinji's adopted sister or something like that, he lives with both his parents, Gendo is still Fyutski (sp?) student, Misato is Shinji and Asuska's teacher and Rei is aa transfer student to their class.
  7. I read some stuff in a PSM a while ago (when Final Fantasy XI came out in Japan I think...) that the hard drive can act as a giant memory card, and can possibly speed up loading times.
  8. Speaking of the GPB-1S armor, is there one/will there be one for the Yamato 1/60?
  9. I've never done any cosplay stuff, and I was wondering if anyone here can tell me how to go about turning a coat into a UN Spacy ship captain's coat like Global's or the Macross's captain in Macross Plus.
  10. Can anyone tell me how to get Nightmare's Soul Calibur?
  11. Ah, for me it comes down to DYRL and Macross Plus...
  12. Interesting, as much as I piss and moan about it, I'll probably end up getting it if the Sega one doesn't make it State-side anytime soon...
  13. I agree as well, I won't get excited, until I read, "...it is slated for release in the U.S. in [insert date here]..." I'm not going to pay about $100 (about $60 to for the game, and about $40 to get a boot disk) to play this, I like Macross as much as everyone here but $100 to play a game, it's just not going to happen at this point in time.
  14. How old is this info? As far as I know it was supposed to come out about that time several years ago but HG reard it's ugly head...
  15. When I saw that part I thought that that was just the command group on the ground and the rest of the fleet was destroyed in space. As for the transmission I was thinking that was just some bogus message Gepernich sent to lure the 7 fleet there.
  16. The fighter mode kind of reminds me of one of the Core Fighter's incarnations, and the "battroid" mode kind of reminds me of the Zeta Gundam.
  17. An Arii Battroid and Gerwalk I had broke when I moved house... An Arii Macross took a fair bit of a beating as well, I ended up turning it into a non moving figure... Messed up a 1/60 CF hard point, it was too small and it tried to make it bigger with my Swiss Army knife, didn't work...
  18. I can't wait to get this game tommorrow, I've got it reserved so I get the art book too. I'm getting the PS2 one but I really don't care about the special characters, Nightmare is my favorite one.
  19. Well I don't own the game, I just borrowed it for a long ass time but I still have the memory card data so I can't post a pic of my main unit, but heres a description of it. It's grade is Excellent I built Tallgeese Kai for both area and missions, my usual armaments are the Karwasawa rifle, a heavy chain gun, a grenade launcher, and a heavy beam saber. My basic tactic with this thing is getting up close and personal with it really and even if it's heavy it's still pretty fast. For arena fights sometimes I'll swap the arms for grenade launcher arms. When I beat the No. 1 guy I had it equiped with grenade launcher arms, and two back granade launchers.
  20. The "realism" in Armored Core is nice but eversince I first saw this game on PS1 I thought I found a game where I could dance around like a Gundam. Yeah I could do that in ZOE but it's no where as deep as Armored Core. As for the laser rifle, I like the Karwasawa rifle in Armored Core 2 because it packs as much firepower as the grenade launcher, and with the radiator and generator I have it's drain is almost negligeble.
  21. There's already a tradedy in Macross Plus, look at Guld. Started out as an upstanding guy it looked like, then he snapped over Myung, and just lived in denial for the next seven years, only to realize the truth and decide to kill himself.
  22. I just hope Capcom (it is still Capcom developing it right?) gives you a bigger variety fo weapons. What I missed the most in the space missions with the Feds was a bazooka/rocket launcher since all the GM had was that dinky little beam pistol. I'm not about to use the RX-78 on easy missions and sometimes the Guncannon's dosen't work either.
  23. I've yet to play AC3 and since I'm going to be VERY busy next semester I'll probably just hold out till they make an AC4. In AC2 I've always been partial to the heavy mechs, my main mech is this heavily armed monster that has as much firepower as Buster, Lepard, and Heavy Arms Gundams. It's a bit short on ammo, but I've got it loaded with a grenade lancher and gatling gun on the back, a heavy saber that can fire energy blasts, and the Karwasawa(sp?) rifle. I have it built out of a Zio Matrix heavy torso, and arms, and a ZM head, the legs are Emuraude(sp?) heavy humanoid legs. My biggest gripes with AC is the conrols, I'd like to be able to use BOTH sticks ala SOCOM, and that the mech rotates to slow.
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