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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. I went and saved the screen shot clusters from here http://wgalland.hp.infoseek.co.jp/200309b.htm and edited one. I toyed with the idea of using the shot with Azrael with the gun and the psycho look in his eyes but it didn't look too good with this site's size limit.
  2. Well, what's the name of the song they played at the nuke party and when they shot GENESIS?
  3. Are you sure? I though Meteor was the song where they played when Archangel left Orb the first time and Kira was standing on the Archangel's deck fireing the Launcher cannon at the ZAFT Gundams. The one they played at the Alliance's nuke party was more like an opera.
  4. LOL! I can just imagine some fictional message board in the mid 2040's, where our fanboy descendants would pick apart the "historical inaccuracies" of DYRL. Fanboy #1 - "The real Max flew a VF-1A-16, but in frame 34826, you can clearly see a closeup of his battroid's eyepiece where the FLIR pod is 3mm to the right, making it a VF-1A-25. I can't believe the producers let that glaring mistake get through editing." Fanboy #2 - "Yeah, and whoever did the sound FX should be shot. In the scene where Hikaru locks his RMS missiles onto the pods, the "lockon" tone is totally the wrong pitch." Why is it that I can just hear the nerds from The Simpsons talking?
  5. So in that sense the UN is like Gundam SEED's Earth Alliance and the Anti-UN is like Orb sans the terrorist part later on?
  6. Hey, they did a decent job with the dubbs on Trigun. Vinny... So what's the control scheme like and when does it take place?
  7. Well I've been too lazy to put the nail polish on so I just wraped a piece of used fabric softener around the ball, and it works all right.
  8. I hope so just so we can see a Destroid vs Destroid fight, that and I want to see an early Monster blow some anti-UN guys away.
  9. I don't know why, but it keeps making me think of the Federation's mobile suits
  10. Hey, don't hate on the Ball, there's no better way to humiliate your friends then by taking them out with the humble Ball.
  11. I was really hopeing to see a beam saber only duel (or the Strike with that huge sword) between those two, ah well... On another note, when do we see Le Klueze's face?
  12. Flying around in a Zeta or the Super Gundam with ZOE's controls... ::drools:: Is the Ball in it?
  13. What I'm wondering is, why didn't toynami use the Banpresto as the MPC's base?
  14. Hey, it's the Brahma Bull Sqd.
  15. Maybe Cagali, a little payback for Orb.
  16. I want a Strike Dagger, I'd paint it red and white to look like a GM.
  17. Looked like a J to me with a blue version of Hikaru's paint job.
  18. Didn't the UN release or sanction it to help cover up the Supervision Army while they were trying to figure things out?
  19. Do they ever explain that newtype "ping" La Fllaga has? Was he really a natural or was there something more to him?
  20. On that note, I wonder if Kira goes out in a similar fasion as Amuro did in Char's Counterattack... Is this the only Gundam series where nobody has tried or even thought about dropping a colony or something big on Earth?
  21. 1/60... I can compare it with my 1/60s... Unlike some of you people I'm sh!t broke most of the time... I want the Monster...
  22. Well that's interesting
  23. You know I was wondering that too, I always though it was some acronym for something since it's all capitals...
  24. Then I'm not wrong, PSM's wrong for listing Bandai under Publish/Development in the Oct. issue. I'll only consider it if it surpasses Fed vs Zeon in the controls department.
  25. Speaking of Orb and Heliopolis, what ever happend to Orbs's citizens after the Alliance over ran them? Did they evacuate to a space colony, are they under some Nazi-esque Alliance occupation?
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