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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Well before I picked this thing up I went around and asked around and the Toshiba is the one I got the most reccomendations for. The one I got is one of the new models the A20.
  2. The most memorable scene? The Macross ripping into Bodolza's ship, letting all those missiles loose towards his command center and sitting back and enjoying the show under the protective green glow of the omni-directional barrier.
  3. Speaking of fanservices... Can someone do a gif of Ramius in the captain's chair when an explotion rocks the ship? I was reading Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and this kind of caught my attention, though I'm sure they're not related in anyway. Klein faction = German Conspirators, a small group of military officers trying to boot out a mad man. Andy Waldfeld = Erwin Rommel, famed high ranking officer who sides with rebel faction, gained fame/infamy fighting in the deserts on North Africa.
  4. It's like that laser sight for sniper rifles, only bigger and for the Macross cannon...
  5. Back view, you can see where I sawed the missile end of the booster off and put the Arii's Strike cannon in.
  6. About $7 for the Banpresto and $5 for the paint. Crap missed a spot...
  7. OK this clearly shows two things, I don't have an @ss load of money to customize a 1/60 despite the fact that is a brand new laptop in the background (I took your advice and got a Toshiba, Super O and Capt. of the SDF-1 Macross), and I had some time to burn. My friend pick up some Banprestos and he said they were on sale so I went and snapped one up myself. Since all the had on sale was the Hikaru DYRL, which I already had, I decided to mess with it a little. My friend suggested I make it Titans colors so I went with that. The Strike cannon may look mind of big but that's because I took it from a FUBAR Arii Strike Gerwalk that got mauled in the process of moving house. Mods if it's too big could you resize it, I haven't installed Photoshop on this thing yet.
  8. Looks better and isn't always spounting off with all that total pacifisim stuff. And Lacus's personalitly seems more "real" to me.
  9. I wonder if the EA will form a Titans-esque force for SEED2... Duel went out with Strike's spare sheild? They should have sent him out with the Schwert Gewehr sword or the Agni cannon too.
  10. I still can't stand that sun shaped back pack on Providence... So do we get to see Le Klueze's face?
  11. Actualy, don't ask me how the hell they pulled his off, but a couple of guys I went to high school with programed a Mario game into a couple Ti-83s. Straight looked like a GameBoy game.
  12. I haven't gotten to see the last episode yet, so which Gundam comes out intact, if any?
  13. Worst console...? Hmm... Well I have had hours and hours of fun with GoldenEye... I guess I'd have to say Virtual Boy, because of the "display" I could never tell what was going on.
  14. That's the Macross game by Sega, go check out the pinned thread in this section...
  15. I'm guessing an A, nothing on it really stands out like an emblem or 001 or someting to denote a sqd. leader, and you can see the other VF with the same paint job.
  16. I think that's just a regular tan VF, with the lighting making it look like it has the VT's paint job...
  17. I'm not exactly sure but I think some time between the end of the series and Macross 7 he had himself macronized again and "altered" (lack of a better term) to preserve his brain abilities, and the tentacle things came with that.
  18. OK I'm going to need a custom red motorcycle with a grenade launcher...
  19. I just want to see a bunch of UN recruits getting drilled by a sergent who is obviously influenced by Hartman.
  20. Actualy I'm still kind of skeptial about that since Kojima likes to screw with the fans' heads, remember how Raiden just came out of left field? The Big Boss indications seem a little obvious... I wonder if that could be Solidus, since Solidus did look a bit older than Snake...
  21. Ahh ok, thanks...
  22. I could have sworn I saw some Gongaga style houses in the Midgar ruins... I'll have to see that sequence again, with Knights of the Round that should take about 5 min...
  23. Hmm, I though eveyone's mitochondria was evolving to be like Aya's. Since at the end Aya said something about her's evolving diffrently from Eve's. I just saw the eyes glow instead of them turning into freaks like with Melissa/Eve. Anyway what's the Chrysler ending?
  24. Aww I'd love to see that. "You will not laugh! You will not cry! You will learn by the numbers! I will teach you!" Wasn't Kawamori a Kuberik fan? Maybe they'll be someone based off Hartman...
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