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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Yeah but they didn't get taken out of the picture. Neo Gundam?
  2. I don't know if I'd say Anaheim Electronics has been run over by both sides.
  3. I think the Requiem is going to be something similar to the Federation's Solar System. He doesn't really seem afraid of Djibril as opposed to reluctant to follow him.
  4. ZAFT Armed Keeper of Unity dunno what GOUF stands for
  5. Shinn is part of FAITH now. The only person he listens to is Palp...I mean Dullindal. And Shinn has has his fill of BS from ORB so unless the good Sith Lo...I mean the Chairman was right there barking orders, Shinn will just say screw you. 314851[/snapback] Twisted by the Dark Side, young Asuka is...
  6. Is she negleciting the former role? She's rallying Orb's demoralized troops as well as launching a quiet coup de ta. She's got the military part down, by ralling her troops and regrouping the defences, and the political part by taking back power in Orb. Kind of reminds me of Episode 1 where Padme is leading Naboo's forces and kicking the Trade Feds off the planet.
  7. Here is what happens when natural selection is not allowed to take place... The stupid people are able to breed...
  8. When Djibril is talking to the elder Saran, he says "He's in space" when he mentions the Requiem. So who is "He"?
  9. Nope, I'm saying Cagalli need to examine her priorities. The same situation during the end of WWII Japan, the government examined their options and their priorities, and picked a course of action that didn't involve even more of their people killed. You have to remember, for them, famine was a real threat toward the end of the war. Here, Cagalli need to examine her priorities, defending her home is one thing, defending her home at the potential cost of all those civilians getting caught in the cross fire is quite something else. Which was why a step like a broadcast to ZAFT and giving them an option of not continuing the assult is a good idea, again, everything to gain, nothing to lose. Although she doesn't know this, Dullindal have to appear to act reasonably. Squashing Orb when they appear to give into you isn't a reasonable action. Dullindal would need to tread carefully, or his subordinates might rebel. The odds of success is not all that tilted. Remember, if nothing else, she is buying time. 314730[/snapback] I don't think WWII is a good analogy, since the U.S. wasn't demandeing the Japanese to hand over anyone. If you're saying preserving the lives of the citizens should be Cagalli's priority, then you're still saying Orb should capitulate. Since you said it yourself, they would just be delaying the inevitable. Azrael has a good point here. Like I said earlier Cagalli and Lacus already know Orb is next on Gilbert's hit-list, so why would they even bother? The only person Gilbert needs to worry about in his own ranks is Talia (and to a much lesser extent, Dearka and Yzak) and he pretty much has Talia isolated. Gilbert doesn't need to worry about looking unresonable since almost all of ZAFT (and possibly parts of the Alliance) seem to blindly trust him. The situation would be more like if Saddam, said "Wait give me some time to gather up my WMDs" right when U.S. forces were already in Iraq. Do you think the U.S. and Britain would believe him? When the invasion force in on your soil, there is no negotiating. ZAFT already tired talking and Yunna told them to to away. ZAFT is done talking.
  10. As far as I'm concered this whole thing is just stupid as hell. Some of these ignorant-ass parents need to wake up and smell the expresso. I see all kinds of straight up nudity in R rated movies and I don't see this kind of shitstorm following it around. There shouldn't even be anything wrong with sex and nudity in video games. First off games like this aren't even directed at kids. Secondly this country is so bent on coddleing it's kids that gotten to the point that anytime kids and something "mature" common sence goes out the window. They should change the ratings to be like the ones used in movies, that way parents would be more familiar with it. Instead of M they should just use R. Video games don't make people violent, it's utter bullshit like this that make people violent, I just want to knock some of these retards the hell out. There is something seriously wrong with this society if violence is more accepted than something natural like a naked person or sex. Honestly I'd rather a kid saw some softcore porno (have to draw the line somewhere) than Kill Bill or Saving Pvt. Ryan.
  11. So you're saying Orb should surrender?
  12. Well if you're talking about reducing casualties, the only thing Orb can do surrender. ZAFT is invading, there is no negotiating at this point. It's either surrender or fight back, take some damage or foreign occupation. Cagalli wouldn't look resonable since Gilbert would just accuse her of buying time for Djibril. If anything he could probably twist it around and make it look to everyone else that Cagalli's collaborating with Djibril. Though I agree that Orb's best bet was to play both sides against the middle.
  13. Either way the guy's a jackass and he lives Florida, we can probably feed him to a shark and make it look like an accident.
  14. Though Gilbert could just as easily say that they're just stalling for time so they can send Djibril into space with their mass driver. So either way he can still make Orb look bad towards his people. If Cagalli told him they're looking for him, he'd probably demand that Orb stop fighting and if they did, that would just give ZAFT and opportunity to just walk right in. Probably the only person who's not blindly following Order 66 is Talia, and now Shinn and Rey don't have to listen to her so basicaly she's been isolated. So the only person who would likly listen to any requests from Orb would be Talia, who's basicaly powerless.
  15. I don't think a mass driver would be able to work in North America, I think it needs to be in a equatorial region. They could probably get away with a facility in the Carribian or Mexico. They way I see it Gilbert is taking Orb down regardless, Lacus and Cagali seem to feel the same way. So telling him to hold back while they look for him would just be a futile action. Archangel won't be combat ready for at least 2 days, and Gilbert isn't likely to believe them.
  16. "Mike Powers" has his crosshairs on The Sims. http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/07/22/news_6129609.html
  17. So all we know is Uzumi ordered it built right? So we don't know when it was completed. It could have just been the frame sitting around somewhere and the Alliance just had more important things to deal with than an incomplete MS. Either that or the Alliance was only interested in occupation and didn't really go around looking for secret weapons. I want that Sky Grasper.
  18. Technology leaps notwithstanding, the whole let's rush the show and then not have any reasonable strategy on either side makes no sense to me. Now, may be GSD has great back story about realistic military operations, like assault on Carpenteria and Gibralter, but we sure as hell don't see it. Heck, I didn't even think ZAFT could hold on to Gibralter base at all, considering how EAF would nearly have that rock surrounded. It's as if the writers all took a stupid pill between GS and GSD. Now, may be the CE universe doesn't have to die, but we could have a short series (20 episodes) or OVA focusing on specific battles in a region. You can have overlaps into GSD, but kind of like 08th MS team and 0080 side stories. Those were great. That might actually really flesh out this so called second war they're having. Example: You could have a story about how Dullindal got his hands on Destroy data. I assume he didn't just hand over a design to EA. Or something to that effect. Or may be a development of Destiny/Legend, and have a decent side story. Hopefully, it'll make up for some of the poor story telling going on in GSD. 313995[/snapback] I'd like to see a little OAV on what the Girty Lue has been doing. I doubt it's been sitting on the Moon colleciting dust.
  19. That 40% of the Alliance fleet that was wiped out by GENESIS, I'm willing to be was either all or mostly Atlantic Federation. I don't the SEED universe has screwed itself just yet. What they need to do after this is just a long state of relative peace, with no one really making any overpowered suits, just a new mass production model here and there. Most of the tecnological advancements being made in the civil sector and very little in the military area. I'd like to see PLANT lose a lot of it's power after this war. Then much later on down the road, with no common enemy the Atlantic and Eurasian Federations start going at it again, with PLANT and various new space colonies and the Moon, picking sides. Have the war start out with both sides still using the Agamemnon and Nelson classes.
  20. Just my 2 cents... I'd say a lot of the crap hitting the fan is from the misconception that video games are just for kids. There are movies for kids and adults, TV shows for kids and adults, why do these people have such a hard time grasping the concept that there are video games for kids and video games for adults. Man if they think GTA is bad, I invite them to take a trip to Japan with me...
  21. I would like their physical adresses...
  22. It's not just them two who aren't happy with Fuckerkuda's piss poor story. I'm with Effect on the whole way the Alliance is portrayed. And with kalvasflam about spending too much time on Orb. Destiny's plot has more holes in it than all the corpses from the Valentine's Day Massacre combined. Honesty the only reason I'm still watching this crap is I just want to see how it ends. I've followed it up to this point, I may as well see the rest.
  23. Well all I really did was cannibalize an old F/A-18 and F-15C kit I built as a kid and were collecting dust (they were covered in dust bunnies), so it's more like the F-15S/MTD from Delta Strike and Ace Combat 3.
  24. Yeah, we here in California tend to sleep though earthquakes.
  25. Well seeing as how Kisaka walked right into Gibraltar, I'm guessing some of Lacus's people probably just walked into what ever base Gaia was at and showed some bogus transffer orders and just walked off with it.
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