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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Well I know you see it in the opening sequence on the DYRL side scroller, right before Hikaru launches from the Prometheus in the beggining.
  2. It would actualy look cool it they'd left the A's square camara eye, make it look like a custom job A. But that hexagonial eye, ugh..
  3. WHAT?! It's not his black striped red and white one?
  4. Is that because the series were called Macross, aside from that and a few story line elements like references to Space War I, I don't see how that is so. This is making me think of the dilema that the Xenosaga creators had since they're working for a diffrent company now then when they made Xenogears. They can't make direct references to Gears but have slight hints like names or character designs. The Zohar is still in it and two three characters bear a VERY strong resebelance to three Gears characters. Yes, it's because BW has used the Macross name as a means to market these products. But doesn't that go back to what you were saying about TP/hg not doing anything with Macross since there was a small market? I mean if BW was making decent money why would TP just sit there and let it happen? So if BW had called Macross Plus, 7, and II, say something like Air Cavalry Chronicles, TP couldn't do a single thing?
  5. I want an Fz-109F, I don't care if Bandai or Yamato makes it, though I'd prefer Yamato.
  6. Well I'll snap this one up for $20 just because I like his paint job so much.
  7. Is that because the series were called Macross, aside from that and a few story line elements like references to Space War I, I don't see how that is so. This is making me think of the dilema that the Xenosaga creators had since they're working for a diffrent company now then when they made Xenogears. They can't make direct references to Gears but have slight hints like names or character designs. The Zohar is still in it and two three characters bear a VERY strong resebelance to three Gears characters.
  8. That movie alone with Soul Calibur 2 messed with my head. I ended up having this wierd dream once where I'm in a medival battle royal for something I can remember, anyway I was running around with Nightmare's Requiem sword.
  9. Pretty sure one of the members around here had a Lego Macross 7 build, you could try searching for it on the old message board. Yeah I saw it, these make me wish I still had my Legos, I want to see a Lego SDF-1 Macross.
  10. Holy Crap! Now lets see a Lego Macross...
  11. Well I have some time after all, here you go...
  12. He's the main guy in Battlecry. He has a red, black and white VF. He's voiced by the same guy who does Liquid Snake.
  13. I'll buy it (maybe), but not anytime soon...
  14. Eh? What's this...?
  15. But why would Bandai need to replace the UN emblem, BW is the one that owns it. Shouldn't the both be able to use it provided hg only leaves it on the SDF Macross stuff? Like not put it on a Legioss or a ASC battleship. And as for hg claming that the market was too small, that maybe true but isn't it their responsibility to keep out any "illegal" stuff. And I don't know much about economics but isn't it a bad idea to let the competition take root? And if they were right wouldn't all they'd need to do is send a C&D letter with the proof and that'll be the end of it, would be hard to do even undermanned?
  16. Is it just me or are the legs a little too big?
  17. Hmm, I know some of you guys'll hate me for this but I kind of like the Wolf Sqd paint jobs. Before I settled on the Titans scheme I was going to paint my Banpresto Jack Archer's colors.
  18. Isn't part of that because of hg going around saying the own everything Macross and doing what they can to block stuff from getting into the U.S.? I mean would you say BW hasn't done much internationaly if you could walk into a U.S. TRU and pick up a VF-11, or have the new Macross game reserved at an Electronic Botique type place?
  19. Well, I've got a pretty large Manx cat that roams in and out of my room, but he never pays attention to my stuff. He just crashes on my bed or sits on the window sil.
  20. Cool Nice to see I'm not the only one who like cannibalizing stuff.
  21. OK some of this is giving me a headache... Let's say Wrylac is right, that TP/hg does have the international rights and rights to make derivatives, but what can they do since BW has the line art and the UN Emblem? It looks to like both side would be relegated to an alternate universe type thing, without going into the other guy's "territory." TP can't have the Macross, the UN Emblem or later VFs anywhere, and BW can't call what ever new series Macross.
  22. You can find them in the Macross Mecha Designs book. Though to be honest I probably won't be getting around to scanning it anytime soon, sorry...
  23. The only thing I have that I would consider flimsy would be my MG Zeta. I just put it a very basic pose on my metal cabinet, away from the edges and hardly ever touch it.
  24. You should have made this a poll, so we could see how many people said because of money without having to go through the thread...
  25. Well at least the coloring quality is half way decent...
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