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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. After the Grand Cannon shot, the Macross/Adoclass Fleet's attack, the explotion of Bodolza's ship, and the scattering of his fleet, around how many Zentraedi troops were left in the Earth sphere (yes I know that's a Gundam term, but I didn't know what else to call that area...)?
  2. I'd like to see a couple weapons from Soul Calibur 2 made, especialy Nightmare's form of the Soul Calibur and Rafael's form of the Soul Edge.
  3. What shotgun would you guys reccomend for "home defence"?
  4. My issus isn't with the size and not just the price, but how sturdy will the connections with the Tread be... And how big is the Legioss compared to the Banpresto?
  5. I liked the character personalities in the orginal better. Just overall I like the characters in the original better and the original didn't have Basara. In my opinion the Macross 7 (the ship) ain't got sh!t on the SDF-1. I don't know why but I just couldn't really get into 7 until Operation Stargazer. On the other hand I really liked the Varauta VFs, especialy the Fz-109F. I've yet to see a mech that I felt looks as scary/intimidating as the Varuta units.
  6. Didn't Hideki Tojo carry one of those? I think he shot himself in the stomach with one of those...
  7. I'd be hella pissed if they brought the Macross game here only for GC...
  8. OK so is there a way I can play this game without a mod chip and without crapping out another $300 on a Japanese PS2? If it's the slide card, how and what do I need to get it to work?
  9. I wonder what the great Kawamori thinks of the MPC, or if he's even saw one...
  10. yep, those are the swap disks I have, you still need to buy the no solder thing with it. they sell the swap disks seperately for people that destroyed their originals. the thing about the swap disks, you will not be able to play PS1 imports with it. It is made for PS2 only games. At least with the method I am using. I have a modded PS1 for that. OK so what do I need and what do I do to get them to work?
  11. Well as far as the BAR goes I'm not looking for the full auto one, and I'm not taking it out to a range often, all I really want is a bad-ass display piece that can shoot. I wonder if any of the gun laws are going to change here in California with the Terminator as govenor. The gun laws have always been one of the things that piss me off about this state...
  12. So what's nessesary to get one of those? Check this link for info from your state: http://www.packing.org/ Couldn't really find anything on getting a hold of a BAR. But then again I don't even know where to start looking for that info...
  13. Well I found these boot disks, but I'm not sure how they work http://www.easybuy2000.com/store/playstati...20II/index.html I'm looking at the swap magic ones.
  14. So using a boot disk is a good idea then?
  15. Well I'm going to take a look at those boot disks, if they work, I'll be using those. On a note about modchips, I've heard that now if you want to go online there's stuff out there that will scan your system to see if it's modded or not. Though I don't know what will happen if it detects that your system is modded...
  16. So what's nessesary to get one of those?
  17. Hmm, it would be a cool display set up to have my Fokker 1/60 posing with one of those girls... or two... or three... or four... I may as well put a big pimp hat on Fokker if I do that...
  18. Anyway, just don't get a Mortar Head kit and expect it to be like a Gundam kit.
  19. I thought that honor went to the U.S.-Mexico border... Does any here have or used a BAR?
  20. Favorite Mobile Suit... I pretty much like them all.
  21. I wonder if there's some loophole somewhere... Has to be someway of getting one short of breaking the law...
  22. While not resin, I just finished my 1/144 Mirage kit. They have a lot of detail and look really nice but they're pretty complicated (you have to glue the thumb and fingers on the hand) and there's a lot of small parts. I was a little dissapointed by the lack of articulation in the elbows, but it really isn't a big thing to piss over. They're as articulate as the old Bandai 1/144 kits, not the new HGUC ones.
  23. Are you serious, they're making copies of the C-96? Damn, I want one just have to convice my relatives in Canada to buy me a Chinese gun... Are they also making the stock-holster for it?
  24. Speaking of the Macross's city, is it in the legs or the main body?
  25. Real life... Most I've fired was a .22 back in the day in a Philippine rice patty... Dunno if I'll pass the psych test, though I plan on getting a shotgun and making it into a sawed off when I get my own place. I'll probably have an easier time getting a shotgun or rifle from a sporting goods store than a handgun here in California. But then again, here we do have THE TERMINATOR as govenor... Fantasy... The BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol, Han Solo's gun and the magnum of the Star Wars universe. Nicholas D. Wolfwood's cross. That gun Robocop uses. Nightmare's version of the Soul Edge and Soul Calibur. Rafael's version of the Soul Edge.
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