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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Still even with the hive mentality with a swarm charging at you, I wonder how much would be left to hit you if you set up a fireing line centered around a New Macross, and just shot everything you had into them, like the Macross cannon, nukes, etc.
  2. Hmm, I was expecting the Regult and Glaug to tower over the VF-1.
  3. Well if there's a diffrence then the Inbit.
  4. OK how do you guy think a UN Spacy vs. Invid war would go. I can see the UN having some difficulty with the way the Invid fight. Even after the swarms of missiles, there would probably be more Invid following and the VFs maybe hard pressed to cover the capital ships, and they'd have to re-load too. I can see it being like a Macross version of a Zerg vs. Terren fight on StarCraft. Though as for attacking Earth itself I don't think they could get though the defence net. Not after a couple blasts from Macross cannons.
  5. The UN civil war idea is making me think of the AEUG and the Titans... Maybe some anti-UN people stir up some patriotism/nationalism sentiments in some colonies. They start rebeling and getting out of hand. The UN tries a more moderate aproach, situation get's further out of hand and results in an all out war for independence on one side, and a for a united front (against what ever else is out there) on the other. Colony planet's rights over the central government's rights. Have the UN forces use a "pound-your-ass-into-submission" philosophy with battleships that rival the Zenraedi's, and VF-19s, VF-22Ss, and upgraded VF-11s (like modernized F-4 Phantoms). Maybe throw in some new type of support craft like the Meteor in SEED, or a new type of weapon system like the VF-2SS's SAP. For the rebels give them a "hit-and-fade" philosophy, with stealth fast attack ships and VFs. Maybe have them inspired by the Varuta designs. And of course, have to have political in-fighting on both sides, after all Global wasn't really happy with Alaska's decions and Bodolza decided to get rid of Britai. Throw in a couple Protoculture relics, maybe even an abandoned colony, or shipyard. End it with both sides encountering a Protodevlin (maybe even of their own making, like they found out how the Protoculture did it and thought they could do it right), or a big Zentraedi fleet, or other revaltion type thing, like some Protoculture records. And just have both sides remeber that their purpose to to ensure humanitie's survival.
  6. The red color is correct, I saw The Sentinels and they showed the SDF-3 underconstruction and it was that almost blood red color.
  7. Cool, but shouldn't it be more lumpy?
  8. As far as ammo goes can someone tell me about those dum-dum rounds? I've just heard little things about them but nothing really on the technical side. I just want to know what they are and why they're banned.
  9. This is me after classes...
  10. I wonder how an Invid invasion would fair against the UN Spacy of 2038...
  11. I'm a little paranoid about wreaking my 11, and I'm a bit hesitant to take it apart. I'm just trying to get the paint off the legs. Can I just have it stand knee high in that Castrol Super Clean or that sugar soap, overnight and not worry about the feet getting warped? Do I reallt need to take the paint off the plastic too or can I just spray paint over it?
  12. I'd like to see the start of it all. The Stellar Republic/Zentraedi Supervision Army war. Maybe see the orginal beings, Britai, Milla, Kamujin, etc. were cloned from. Have the Macross 7 Protodeviln rampaging though the galaxy and see the last fight where they were finnaly contained. And maybe even touch on the Macross's origins a little.
  13. What about Ah-nold's railgun in Eraser, it looks eaiser to use?
  14. Well after sitting on it I really like the F-15S/MTD, but I can't say it's my favorite since I like them all...
  15. I'm still finding DVDs and VHSs of Macross Plus and Macross II around in stores. Is hg doing anything to get them off the shelves? I'll see all four volumes of Macross Plus and the Macross II movie version, then the RT DVDs a bit further down the anime section.
  16. Can't pick just one...
  17. I'm not sure if Rook's is smaller, but I does look more streamlined, and Lancer's looks more like Rooks since his has all those missiles.
  18. Will the Cyclone even have a perfect transformation, or will it be like the VF-1 1/60 where you have to take parts off?
  19. When sanding do I need to use any type of chemicals first or just go ahead and sand way?
  20. I just got a VF-11 that I plan to customize. Thing is, how do I get the paint off the diecast legs since the plastic parts are so close?
  21. My issus isn't with the size and not just the price, but how sturdy will the connections with the Tread be... Why not wait for the toy to actually come out before having "issues" with it? I find it rather difficult to rag on a toy that hasn't be released yet. I'll admit that I agree with most of the trepidation surrounding this toy, considering Toynami's problems with the MPC line, but I am greatly impressed with their Alpha Superposables, so I have some hopes for the Alpha MPC. Well maybe "issues" isn't the right word... My concerns are that the connection's may come out a bit flimsy.
  22. yup, yup... "And in last night's battle between UN forces and the Varuta, the lead singer of the popular rock group Firebomber, was killed in action today by a UN Full Armor VF-11 pilot attmpting to imitate the great Roy Fokker, hero of Space War I, and raise the number of his kills by going into battle with a blood alcohol level of .2. Acording the his wingman and the VF-11's combat computer, the pilot in his drunken state mis-took Basara's red VF-19Kai for a Varuta Fz-109F and fired a massive swarm of missiles at the unaware Basara..."
  23. On that thought I wouldn't mind seeing the Lionheart.
  24. That feature where you can open it into your computer and maybe take a look at some designs (I'd love to be able to look at a 3D VF-1 or VF-4 in cyberspace) with notes (in Japanese or Engilsh) from Kawanori,. Mikimoto, and Miyatake. Maybe have some slo-mo transformation sequences of the Macross, VF-1 and VF-4. And maybe some stuff you can download on to your comp, like wallpapers, themes or something.
  25. Oh come now, Mylene's just like any other 15 yr old girl these days, she's not that bad. What really got on my nerves about Basara though was that he had a habit of being arrogent around the UN Spacy people save for Max and Gamlin. That and every now and then he goes into jack-ass mode. I was actualy hopeing that he would get with Sivil at the end though.
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