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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Did Kawamori design the Az-130? The Fz-109 design is in the Macross Mecha Design book but not the Az-130.
  2. I wouldn't mind the Mirage Knight cross either.
  3. The guy at a model shop I frequent pulled off some really good panel lines with a sharpend mechanical pencil.
  4. That looks like the Gyrfalcon in Ace Combat 03.
  5. Now only if they'd make some patches, like that Hellsing patch. I'd be happy with just a Federation, Earth Alliance or UN Spacy patch on my jacket.
  6. I've always seen the VFs as the fast and agile units and the MS as the tanks, and I still think a VF vs MS fight would be fairly even with VFs holding the agility edge and MSs packing the armor and firepower. I'm sure some MSs would be able to hold their own with a VF in terms of mobility, put manuvering thrusters in the right places on the limbs, like the GP01fb and it could prove to be fairly agile. And really aside from the 100mm machine guns what MS weapon can a VF take mulitple hits from? A buster rifle? The Agni Cannon? The Dober Gun? Wouldn't a direct full blast shot from a double buster rifle, Mega Cannon, Satelite Cannon, or some other "anti-colony" weapon overload a pin point barrier? And some of those big guns have a pretty decent rate of fire. I'm still not convinced the standard gunpod and micro missiles would do much against Phase Shift armor. Since they're both Kawamori's creations I'd like to see a match between the GP01fb and a VF-1S Strike, with no nukes.
  7. Beam sabers are plasma? I thought they were laser energy. Plasma or not I doubt a VF can take more than one Dober Gun round, and there's always the heat weapons.
  8. Well I think there was a way to get the US launch model PS2s to play imports. As for getting a mod chip I heard it's a bad idea if you plan on going online with your PS2.
  9. That depends on your laptop. You know, little details like CPU speed, amount of RAM, video chipset... OK my connection got all screwed up and didn't post the specs Pentium 4 3.06 GHz 480 RAM
  10. Ok so what would be the best for my laptop, it's a standard Toshiba A20
  11. Zero System, with that both of you'll konw what each other will do.
  12. What about Zechs, Treize or Mwu La Fllaga?
  13. How manuervable are nuke missile anyway, I 'd assume unless they have some proximity fuse they wouldn't be to hard to dodge or shoot down. Kira and Char didn't seem to have a hard time shooting the Federation and Alliance's nukes down. With a VF-1 since the nukes are exposed would a lucky shot set one off?
  14. Would it gobble up all kinds of memory if I ripped, say, FF7, FF8, Xenogears, and Castlevania SOTN?
  15. How do the nukes VFs carry compare to the nukes the GP02 has?
  16. Any PS emulator should allow real CD usage. ... I personally prefer PSXeven, which is currently superior to the commonly recommended ePSXe. And where can I get this, Kazaa?
  17. Speaking of PS emulators what a good on I can get that'll let me play my PS1 CDs on my laptop?
  18. OK someone needs to pm me how to put multiple pic in one post... My other two custom Gundams are in here Custom GP01, fighting my Mk.II Queadol Magdomilia and Macross the Serpent on the toilet
  19. Some where behind all that is my Chunky Monkey In here are my: Blue custom Albion (Still trying to come up for a name for this ship) RX-78GP03 Dendrobium Orchis, with the 04 Strike Gundam Custom Gundam 01 (need name for this guy too, thinking Raganrok Gundam) Titans colored Double X Tallgeese III VF-19S Mirage Iowa class battleship Gundam Mk.II TV SDF-1 Custom GP01 Core Fighter VF-1 Zeta Gundam
  20. My VF-1S with a double buster rifle. Whoops wait a minute, that's a Yamato not a model...
  21. Not too big, but big enough...
  22. Apparenty to some people it's theology...
  23. I think you might be better off making a VF-11. Will the B-52 be able to drop "bombs"?
  24. Druna Skass

    Future customs

    Well if an Fz-109F ever came out, I'd paint it black with a red trim and put UN markings on it. For a background on it, one squad in the Macross 7 fleet noticed that the Fz-109 outclasses the VF-11 and since they had a number of captured units they put a request out to swap their 11s for some of the captured units. If I ever got a Koenig Monster I'd either paint it silver or olive drab and put some kind of raunchy nose art on it. And when I get around to cleaning off the paint on my 11's legs I'm planning on painting it black with a dark purple trim.
  25. I think a VF against certain MSs would be a fairly even fight. Like a fight against a variable form suit like all the Zeta versions, some of the Titans suits, the Aegis, etc. And some suits have some little bit of technology that I'm sure would make them a pain in the ass like the Blitz Gundam and it's Mirage Colloid or the Phase Shift armor the other SEED units have, Wing Zero with the Zero system could end up being a nuisance as well.
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