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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Well here is what it said on the back of the box of what I was watching... Shoji Kawamori's Anime Masterpiece Macross Plus The Movie My point was that the music in Plus was more of a tool, and enchancement than (in a sence) another charcater like it was in 7. The way I interpreted that pivotal part was not so much Myung's music as her voice getting though to Isamu. And as for Sharon, there are several ways to hypnotize people, I saw her song as an enhancement for the whole process of her taking control. The whole time I saw the music as a mood setter. Not to say I didn't like it or anything, hell I like Plus's soundtrack better than any other anime soundtrack. Fact is people have diffrent interpretations on things and it's hardly life enhancing to argue who has the better or "right" POV...
  2. I'm with imode, 7 was just too over the top for me.
  3. Gundam 0083 Stardust Mermory is pretty good, Kawamori did the designs for the Gundam GP01 and GP02 in it. Mobile Suit Gundam, first one, nuff said. Char's Counterattack, the final closure to the whole Amuro and Char/Federation and Zeon rivalry. 08th MS Team if you want some thing about the avarage soldier in the treanches. Z Gundam if you want something dark. Wing if you want something somewhat philosophical about war. SEED, well personaly I liked it, can't really come up with a way to sum up the theme.
  4. Just to nit pic those were RX-79[G]s Well if you think about it Macross Plus wasn't that music oriented, not in the way 7 was. It was more for back ground music than a story element, so yeah you can have a Macross seris not focused on music. Same with the VFs, I guess you can see them as "enchancements" like how the 19 and 21 enchanced Isamu and Guld's rivalry, but weren't the focus.
  5. Like the Earth Feder... I mean UN Spacy get's fed up with some colony insurections and makes the Tita... I mean an elite task force to put them down?
  6. I found Neon Genesis to be quite intersting, though for me it's kind of like one of those things you can only watch a few times before it get's killed for you. The music on the other hand I could listen to over and over. Of all the characters the penguin was one of my favorites.
  7. I'm still waiting for my Fz-109F damnit! And I wouldn't mind a resin kit of Misa if I had the money...
  8. Aww that kind of kills it. At least Frontline took me a week to beat. Is Rising Sun still a two part thing? I read the second part was about the guy's brother on another ship.
  9. If it is a new Macross I'd like to all new characters, and just slight references to the others. Not that I don't like Max and Millia or anything, just I think they've had enough spot light, I'd like to see something really new. I don't know what the chances of this happening are but I'd like to see a dark themed Macross series. And a Macross version of Full Metal Jacket would be cool. Some UN cadets getting the crap drilled out of them by some hardened drill instructor, then gettig hauled off to fight in some really ugly colony incident.
  10. An Armored Core anime? That'll be interesting...
  11. I plan on getting this game eventualy, manily because the last area is the Philippines. When someone gets there, tell me if any Filipino guerrillas help you. I want to see how accurate the did the Tagalog if they have them speaking it.
  12. M-16A2, M-4A1... Bah, too bad I'm not going to live long enough to see something like those BlasTech E-11 rifles Stormtroopers carry.
  13. Nice, VF-2SS. I want to get one but all you punks got them all before I could snap one up. Just a few tips I got from this one guy running a hobby shop I frequent often. Use spray paint or an airbrush when ever you can, try not to brush paint big things if you can avoid it. Some paints are pretty thick (like the ones in the square testors jars, use the ones in the round jars, they're thinned out already) and you'll need to dilute them a little with just a bit of paint thinner. I had some of same problems till I started talking to that guy.
  14. How does it's battroid posability compare with the new and old High Grade Gundams?
  15. Hey Yamato! I'm still waiting for a Cannon Fodder 1/48...
  16. Woah, wouldn't mind one of those guns... One thing that's always had me wondering was what kind of treads does Bonaparte have? It tooks like there's scales on the treads, are those armor plates?
  17. Did they ever get that one up and running or did it just get completly blasted?
  18. Puny? If this is accurate the 1/60 Freedom Gundam is about 6 in taller than the 1/60 VF-1. Hell the bore of one of those shoulder cannons is almost as big as a GU-11. VF-11 Full Armor, that's standard equipment for some MSs. Koenig Monster - GP03 Orchis, Full Armor Enhanced ZZ, the list goes on and on here too. You´ve proved my point. As you said , MS are bigger than Valkyries , but they´re much heavier and slower as well so for that matter any VF would outclass a MS in a battle. I wouldn´t put much fate in the effectives of MS weapons given the fact that the mechas themselves are too slow to even lock onto a VF , and any long-range mass destructive weapon would be easily dodged by a valkyrie (particularly the latest valks , the Ghost , the Pheyos valkyrie , etc..) Armour-wise , MS would sustain a big ammount of damage for some time but after that they´re pretty much damned against something like the Ghosts beam weaponary or PPB punches. In contrast valkyries would be to fast for Ms to even hit them , and even if they did , the PPB system would endure a lot more than a MS´s armour. even if (some) MS pilots have psychic powers to see what a VF pilot plans , it wouldn´t help much against VFs since the response time of MS are correspondent of the physical reactions of the pilot himself , so even if a MS pilot knows what to do , the VF would be at their back even before they aimed their weapons at it. Well if I've proven your point, you missed one that I've made in a previous post about an MS being able to turn faster than a VF in fighter mode. Seeing as how the Ghost is locked in a fighter mode, yes it may be able to fly loops around an MS, I never said it couldn't, and MS could easily rotate and track it. I really doubt they rotate a the speed Armored Cores do. Oh one question about the Ghost, aside from the missile launchers, what's it's fireing arc. In the Macross Plus movie it only looked like it could shoot forward. If all it could do is shoot forward then I'd give the advantage to the MS with the wider fireing arc. Sure the Ghost is more agile and faster but unless it's gun has a longer range it'll vunerable making it's attack runs. And for all we know units like the GP01fb could have stats equal to a Q-Rau. As for lock ons would that still be a problem for a seasoned MS pilot. With Minovski parcticles I don't think they had much of a targeting system to rely on. And even if the PPBs held out agains the MS's shots would the be wide enough to contain the blast area. And if the MS is wieleding a rapid fire gun then it could just pepper the VF. Another thing is the way a MS is made, all the important suff is in the core and the core can take a pounding. With a VF the engines are in the legs, an MS could lose several limbs and still fight on, you take out a VF's leg, or both leg and it'll be feeling some serious pain. A VF going in for a PPB punch stands a good chance of losing just a limb if it's lucky, the blade on the Freedom's saber is longer than a VF-1. And as I said before, if it looses a leg it's going to be feeling some hurt.
  19. I though that guy's been MIA even before the switch to the new boards...
  20. How does it stack agaist SOCOM II?
  21. But if you lose the war in the air, you'll lose the war, and you'll lose it quickly, that's why VFs rule, you can only do limited things with tanks. Actually, more amor = more mass, and you'll need more powerful thrusters to move. You won't ever be as agile as a Valkyrie. MS are bigger, too. Valkyries have also a more rational construction, they had their main thrusters in the legs, so they can stop instantly in the space by pulling their legs forward. If a VF can be downed by a Macross Cannon, those weapons will work. And a VF alone is really awesome if you need those weapons to destroy it. AU Gundams are not real Gundams, they are only robot which use the same name. And if you keep increasing Gundam Power every show, is only a matter of trial and error before you actually create a robot more powerful than a VF. Compendium doesn't say anything about it. I myself didn't have seen one in Macross 7. FV Man I never realized I was this much of a dork And to think I talk with a slight "gangsta" accent too... ah well... As for being a war in the air, I'm talking about a fight in space. Yes more armor means more mass, and some MSs do have powerful thrusters and while it may not be on the feet some units have thrusters at the ankles like the Zeta series units. Come to think of it I think the Rick Dom has some on the feet. And those four limbs can serve as hard points for thrusters, so some suits would be able to eaisly dodge missiles and would definatly be able to turn better than a VF in fighter mode. As for a VF being "really awesome" same could be said with some MS units, look at the GP units like the GP03 Dendrobium Orchis.
  22. Puny? If this is accurate the 1/60 Freedom Gundam is about 6 in taller than the 1/60 VF-1. Hell the bore of one of those shoulder cannons is almost as big as a GU-11. VF-11 Full Armor, that's standard equipment for some MSs. Koenig Monster - GP03 Orchis, Full Armor Enhanced ZZ, the list goes on and on here too.
  23. Another thing, how well would a VF perform in an area saturated with Minovski Particles or Neutron Jammers?
  24. I was beating the crap out of my friend in Soul Calibur 2 with Nightmare and we started talking about how big his swords are. How big can you make a sword until it becomes un-wieldable?
  25. I heard you could get codine over the counter in Japan...
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