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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Spoiled? The storyline is so cliched it's impossible to spoil it.
  2. You compare Stealth to Macross Plus?! The beautiful YF-19 and YF-21 to that abomination they call a plane in Stealth?! If I see you in the streets I am so going to hurt you...
  3. I want to get two Murasames one to paint in Zeta Gundam colors and the other for the Titans Zeta colors. The Murasame is what the Re-GZ should have been.
  4. I think it's more the whole retarded-@ss mentality that video games are just for kids, and the fact GTA has been around longer. Since GTA has been around longer, more people are just familiar with it than God of War. If God of War came out back in 01 or 02 and GTA came out recently, I'm pretty sure the stupid people would be b!tching up their little temper tantrums over that then GTA. Look at Columbine, the morons were saying Doom teaches kids how to fire a gun. Yes it was the game those two liked to play, but there are far more realistic FPS out there. I don't recall anyone b!tching up a storm over the then new GoldenEye or MoH.
  5. Yeah really, you some of you people are being too overly dramatic with this, to the point where you can't be taken seriously. Anyway, who really cares what he does? Sh!t everytime he has a new project or something going on I see someone here b!tching up a storm. If he advances technology and what not, cool. If he tries to write a new story, don't watch it.
  6. No one mentioned Samurai Champloo...?
  7. I wouldn't be surprised if we see some HG 1/144 Murasames a little later down the road. But I really doubt we'll see a 1/100 anytime soon.
  8. Speaking of figures, when are they going to make an HG Akatsuki kit?
  9. I bet that's where the guys behind SEED got the idea for GENESIS.
  10. A. I know that. It's some kind ramjet on steroids. B. Anyone know where I can find any info on that concept. It seemed like an interesting one, but I don't know what that idea is called.
  11. So I take it some of the problems with the shuttle is wear and tear? What ever happend to the scramjet? I vaguely remember some concept thing I came across that used a jet engine to get to the upper atmosphere then a rocket to get into space from there.
  12. A clip show this late in the show, that just goes to show that not even the people behind this show still care.
  13. Yeah, but hey, a UPEO ace could have liked that plane and bought it for himself...
  14. Wow, just install an artificial womb and an AI that works like the human brain and you've got Armitage III...
  15. So I take it I'm the only one here who liked it? I've seen both and this just seems to be a diffrent take on the story. I found this one to be more entertaining than the original. OK and the original came off as a bit evil how? If anything the original guy didn't really seem too far from "normal."
  16. Resident Evil should have been written by SD Perry.
  17. Here's the F-15ACTIVE. It's not as nice as I'd like (like I said, I originaly built it a good number of years ago) so I intend on getting a smaller Hornet and Eagle kit one day and making a new one. With this one, I'm still trying to decide what decals to put on it. I'm leaning towards putting ISAF decals on it, but I might decide to put on a UPEO paint job on it.
  18. Well Druna Skass finnaly found his camara. Here's the PG Zero I've been working on. I got the idea for the wings when I saw my friend's nails done up in black and glitter. I didn't care all that much for the original paint job so I wanted to do a kind of "Dark Zero" with a jet black on midnight blue. I haven't started on the frame yet so the frame parts are still in their bags. I don't intend to paint those parts.
  19. Well that certainly sounds promising.
  20. I never really cared much for 7. Only thing that appealed to me was Max and Millia in their VF-22S and the Varuta VFs. The sound force VFs was like some Macross version of G Gundam, and Bassara was a total @a-hole towards anyone who didn't agree with him. In fact he's the most hypocritical character I've seen in Macross, he acts just like the UN Spacy he likes to shun.
  21. $350 wouldn't be too bad, but $400, well I can wait if all the games I want are going to be on it.
  22. So the ultimate armor would be a combination of Phase-Shift and what ever Akatsuki has?
  23. Where did the idea that you don't pay a price for being in the middle of the road come from?
  24. Maybe I'm throwing gasoline on a fire with this one, but are there any good reasons out there why games obviously aimed at older people shouldn't have nudity in them? An M rating is essentialy equivalant to an R rating in movies and I've seen some pretty damn graphic things in movies like The Devil's Advocate. So why shouldn't M rated games be allowed to have seens as graphic as the ones in movies?
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