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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. I was at a Japanese restauraunt in Santa Barbara the other day with a friend of mine and I said that if it wasn't for my brother (who introduced me to anime, then I introduced my friend to Macross) we'd be very diffrent people and we probably wouldn't have gone to that restautant (and I probably wouldn't have spent $30 on one f*cking meal) and known about how good Japanese food is, sushi and deserts especialy.
  2. If it comes down to it just skip to the episode with Operation Stargazer, Max finaly takes out his VF-22S in that one.
  3. Couldn't the 52 be an attack version since the Russian's give the fighter's odd number designations and even numbers to the bombers?
  4. Well when it comes to buying stuff I'm a bit impatient, I want my stuff NOW. That, and something is more likely to catch my attention grosing though a regular store than through an online one for some reason.
  5. Just go to Best Buy instead. They actually have reasonable prices on their DVDs. Usually <$20. Well my point is I'd rather go out to a store and get an anime DVD right there and then as opposed to having to get it online and have to wait all kinds for it to come in. I just said Sam Goody since it was the first store that came to mind.
  6. I'll lend you the money if you could get someone to buy me that aircraft carrier up for auction there.
  7. I say bring it over here, I'd rather grouse through an Anime section in a place like Sam Goody than on some online store, and I don't have to wait to get my stuff if I get it at a Sam Goody.
  8. Grab your Glocks when you see Tupac Call the cops when you see Tupac
  9. I wonder how long till Zone Of the Enders becomes reality...
  10. Honetly I liked some of RT's music too... For video game stuff, I pretty much reccomend just about anything by Nobuo Uematsu and Yasunori Mistuda. The soundtrack to the first Onimusha is pretty good too and I've always liked the tracks in Ace Combat 3 and 4. Castlevania Lament of Innocence is good too. For anime stuff, basicaly all I've really heard are Macross Plus, Cowboy Beebop, Neon Genesis, Samurai X, and Gundam SEED.
  11. Are there any design books for the fighters out there?
  12. Let the games begin! Go check out the other Macross 7 thread...
  13. If you want that paint job just buy a can of dark blue spray paint or mix up some black and blue airbrush colors, and grab some black and grey paint. It dosen't look that hard to do.
  14. Two to three weeks here in Santa Barbara California.
  15. Why did they use Y to designate a prototype?
  16. OK seriously Mods... You guys should pin this thing to keep this mess from happening again and have everyone repeat themselfs in a whole "new" thread.
  17. Did Kawamori ever intend for there to be only one right way to interpret his work?
  18. Ah, good, there's one of Misa. Too bad she's not in her form fitting DYRL flightsuit, ah well...
  19. If they ever make a kit or figure of the Fz-109F, some where on it I'll have to put a decal that says "I can smell the mess you made in your pants..."
  20. 9.46746% - Geekish Tendencies
  22. Well in that case... "Let's get ready to ruuuummmmbbbllllleeeee!!!"
  23. I knew the earthquake in Iran was bad but I didn't know it was on the similar level as Monday's quake. It looked like that quake really got them by the balls, how common are quakes around there?
  24. Who ever though an anime series could incite a near online brawl...
  25. The Fz-109F is da' sh!t...
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