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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. All I can say is this... The YF-19 better not look chunky at all. If Yamato wants my money, I don't care if I have to take the legs and arms off to transform it, it better look true to the line art.
  2. Goddamn... OK, now that's hardcore... I wonder how it would have looked if he went for an Imperial look (the TIEs)...
  3. I just went and ordered a VF-2SS from HLJ, the pics HLJ supplied seemed too small to get a good detailed pic so I wondering if some of you people could put up pics of this thing.
  4. Damn, I don't know how I could forget, there's also my 20th Annaversary edition MG Zeta Gundam.
  5. More missiles mean more carnage...
  6. Robotechnology was pretty much a substitute term for "Overtechnology." So just switch robotechnology for Overtechnology in your mind.
  7. Put them in a high place where they can't reach them and every time they look longingly at it, tell them what would happen if they so much as touched one.
  8. Once it get's here it'll be my VF-2SS...
  9. 1/60 scale The VF-1 goes up to around the area of the cockpit hatch on the Freedom Gundam.
  10. He just dosen't seem to be a versitile actor to me.
  11. Druna Skass


    Whoa... VF-19 meets VF-3000...
  12. In my case it's a "Talim on a zweihander"...
  13. Is there ever a time where that guy doesn't portray a retard?
  14. Thanks for the heads up...
  15. No... I have enough things to spend my money on...
  16. Do the Zolan's have their own UN style galactic government, (colonies) or are they just in their own solar system? Can a Zolan breed with a human or Zentraedi?
  17. Any other VFs?
  18. It got destroyed by a pack of disorder units...
  19. Whoa, that would be cool to see...
  20. AHHH they Macek-ized the names! Though seeing an Eva in live action would definatly make it look more scary since now it looks real...
  21. Hell yeah. I'd love a Metal Siren most of all and a couple VF-2SS to keep him company. I'm not so big on the VF-2J or SNN. But yeah give me some of Feff's Gilgamesh armor, too. As well as Phalanx II, please. I've been wanting the VF-2SS and VF-2JA for the longest time now... ...And all you bastards got to the VF-2SS re-release before I could
  22. I never said there was... Though I preffer the power of an Legioss/Tread combination.
  23. I actualy like the raspy tone Nightmare's English voice has, makes him sound more evil than his Japanese voice. Since I use him a lot I just leave it on the English default.
  24. Well what I mean is that it doesn't look like Ace Combat with the Legioss. The only thing they show in the screen shots is the Cyclone. Though I'm not sure that thing is a ship or a Tread in one of the shots. No nevermind, that thing can't be a Tread...
  25. Damnit... I guess that means no releasing hordes of missiles from a red Legioss...
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