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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. I guess that's why you turn off the sound and pump up Information High.
  2. So what's the whole story in AFDS? I was looking at the PSM screenshots and they said it starts out with a city getting nuke, then there one level with these wheel things rolling around.
  3. The ending seemed a bit 80s-ish to me. The last level was basicaly a re-make of the last level in Ace Combat 2. What mission? You get diffrent paint jobs by shooting down the aces in each level, their names come up when you target them. Like Su-37YELLOW You get money buy blowing stuff up.
  4. Hmm, looks like I'll have to con someone out of $40... Oh one last question, I know you're not too far in to it, but is it longer than Ace Combat 4?
  5. How come they never had the YF-22 and YF-23 go at it in a mock fight?
  6. mikeszekely... What would you rank this out of 10 with 10 being the highest? Tell us about some of the missions.
  7. Yeah really... Personaly I liked seeing the concept planes in Ace Combat 3, I've always thought the R-103 Dephinus III was one of the most bad-ass designs I've seen. I though the music was pretty cool too. Sure it's game play is no match for Ace Combat 04 or even Ace Combat 2's but I though all the other factors made up for that. The only real gripes I have with it are those damned missions where you can only use the Blackbird ("turning" is not in that thing's vocabulary), and it's straight up vauge on what you need to do to get that A ranking. I've never really liked those more realistic PC simulators all that much. I hated haveing to worry about blacking out, and what not. All I want is a flight sim where all I need to do is blow people up, lots of people. And the only thing I need to worry about is the other's guy's missiles.
  8. "Damnit, why do they have to put those black bars on chick's thingies?" Butthead
  9. Like this...
  10. I'm not saying they should have old people, but how come they almost always make them in the early stages of puberty. I mean why can't they be in their twenties or something like most of the cast in 08th MS team? Or at least at the tail end of the teen years. Either way if they're going to make a character girly, I hope they go ahead and just make the character a girl, instead of pulling another Quattra.
  11. I can quite remember but did Britai and Exedol have those "Spock" ears in DYRL?
  12. I've always like the coats the high ranking officers (Global, Adm. Hayase) wore. Though I kind of wish they had fancied them up a bit like the old Royal Navy uniforms of the WWII German Navy uniforms. I also liked the old school look the colony fleet captain's uniforms had, and the fancy look the pilots uniforms had. Of the flight suits I'd go with the Macross Plus, flightsuit and pilots jumpsuit. Though the DYRL jumpsuit looked really nice on Misa. The TV Zentraedi uniforms didn't look too bad either I wouldn't mind having one of those coats, though I wish Bodolza had worn something that had "big-shot" written all over it. Of course the DYRL Meltran uniforms looked nice too, but that might have something to do with the person wearing them too. I realld didn't care much for the VFX-2 flight suits though. I didn't like the helmet, it didn't have that beak shaped visor thing. That's always been one of those things characteristic of Macross for me.
  13. Was the Macross 13 the only one of it's kind or are all following New Macross-classes built like that? And was any of those defence systems it had installed on the SDF-1?
  14. This IS hg we're talking about...
  15. What about some of those quadraped Zoids units?
  16. Story right now doesn't seem to impress me, and more teen pilots **Slams head on desk** I mean JESUS H CHRIST HASN'T THAT BEEN DONE TO DEATH BY GUNDAM ALREADY?! Well there better some female leads. I wonder if the mechs are going to be Armored Core looking, since it isn't another Macross.
  17. "Your code name for this mission will be Humongous Cobra" I sh!t you not...
  18. Well they also made one in 1/500 scale, it's only about a foot long if you count the cannon. As far as that goes, of course I'd accept, but he'd probably be living in his the box under my bed for the most part. The only horizontal space I have left is the floor and I'm not about to risk getting it steped on.
  19. I wonder if this means there's a chance they'll make some kits (HGUC quality I hope) of the cannon fodder units? I wouldn't mind a Taurus unit, or even a Leo. The units Quattra's cronies use look pretty nice too. I've been wanting to get a Tallgeese kit to canibalize and build an idea I have for a Leo Custom (Tallgeese's shoulders/boosters, and skirt). But I don't have a Leo kit to use as a base.
  20. Oh where art thou MG Tallgeese?
  21. I don't know who easy they are to come by (ebay), but the Virtual On figures are pretty nice. I've got a few gripes with the paint jobs, but nothing to really crap over.
  22. There was one episode I can't remember which one, it was the one where Hikaru was suppoed to take Misa out for a picnic or something. Anyway there was a Zentraedi uprising incident and he took one of the Spartans out, I can't remember if he was armed with a metal beam or a gun pod.
  23. Yup you're right. Though I guess it could be debated whether or not Emeralda was Fei's daughter or Kim's.
  24. So you mean a main character mech, not a "good guy" mech? With Crescens, since it's in an RPG, once you get her (I say her since the only one capable of piloting it is a female) on your side you can use her against any boss you want, even against the last boss, "God" (Deus).
  25. How about the Mirage 2000? I heard that version had performance comparable to the F-16, yet hardly anyone uses it aside from the French and I think Peru.
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