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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. How do those bits the VF-2SSs have work? I mean I doubt they're newtypes.
  2. A little late now isn't it, it's not like the writers still have any ideas left...
  3. Ahh, I can see it now... Genom Employee of the Month...
  4. Me Southcross! Me want it BIGGER!! :beat chest: Woah, settle down there Kong...
  5. What's wrong with making the Monster 1/100? 1/60 is going to be pretty huge.
  6. Why is it so hard for hg to give credit to where credit is due, mainly to Big West for Macross.
  7. **sigh** Here we go again. You know what, let save you guys the trouble and just compress what will likely happen for the next 5 pages into one nice post. Next wrylac will bring out that one report he like to cite so much and say Yamato should make a deal with hg, and everyone else says how stupid that will be for Big West to allow that because it would be saying the hg really does own more than what Big West says. Then wrylac will say something to the extent that the fact toynami is makeing DYRL toys shows that hg has the rights to that, and everyone else will say they're just pushing the line to see ho far they can go. All the while with nothing new comming out of Japan (meaning repeats of past arguments), toynami still ripping people off and me having to pay for the damn shipping chrages and having to sit here a wait when ever I want a VF that isn't crap.
  8. I might pick up a Strike if I find one for a $1.50.
  9. There's some line art here that'll probably help with the transformation question. http://www.anycities.com/user/macross2/vf2ss.html
  10. I wouldn't mind having them bring back the guy who did Gloval to voice the captain again. If he's still alive...
  11. $10? I saw on of those at a anime shop in the L.A. Chinatown for around half that.
  12. If that means I can drive to the store and get the good stuff (Yamatos not mpcs) and not have to order stuff online anymore then I'm all for it.
  13. **raises hand** As far as this topic goes, all I want is to not have to get crap off the internet and deal with shipping and sit here wondering when my crap's going to get here. That's what makes me mad about this whole mess, that I can't get the good stuff without sitting here wondering when it'll come in. I'd rather drive my ass to the store and get it that day.
  14. The VF-1S is the Strike variant. True, but couldn't they just have tossed some Super Ss back to the factory and fixed up on of the back packs?
  15. I'm guessing that since no one knows who has the DYRL rights in the U.S. HG's just seeing if they could get away with unloading some extra super posable stock in DYRL paint jobs.
  16. Now they get to play "what color are the heatshields". But seriously, the f*ck is this sh!t?
  17. OK today nature saw it fit to meddle with my collection. I was airing out my room and had an incence stick buring to in an attempt to kill a musky smell from my room. Anyway a gust of wind knocked over a Gundam kit which in turn knocked my prized EX Albion off the edge of the stool it was on and on to the incense stick. Well the front end of the ship light up and melted, but after the initial rage, I got the idea to make a crashed ship diorama. Anyway, I want to make it appear that the ship had crashed into a city. Mainly how do I go about makeing the buildings, and all the rubble? I also want to try to make it look like the crew had made a perimiter around the wreaked ship.
  18. You can keep an eye on HLJ, they have sales on the chuncky monkey fairly often.
  19. What I'm wondering is, how earthquake proof will this thing be?
  20. Is it just me or does he have the "People's eyebrow" going on in the series?
  21. You need to put a sledge hammer to a chuncky money if you want to break the thing.
  22. Check this out, sort of makes me think of Midgar in FFVII. http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/engin...nteractive.html
  23. Ooohhh, nice... Damnit HLJ where the hell is my VF-2SS, I want it NOW damnit!!
  24. Are they making a second one where they'll say who Incognito was working for? I'm guessing it was Maxwell.
  25. I've never been a big fan of turn based strategy games, are there any real time strategy games similar to Front Mission?
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