Here we go again. You know what, let save you guys the trouble and just compress what will likely happen for the next 5 pages into one nice post.
Next wrylac will bring out that one report he like to cite so much and say Yamato should make a deal with hg, and everyone else says how stupid that will be for Big West to allow that because it would be saying the hg really does own more than what Big West says. Then wrylac will say something to the extent that the fact toynami is makeing DYRL toys shows that hg has the rights to that, and everyone else will say they're just pushing the line to see ho far they can go. All the while with nothing new comming out of Japan (meaning repeats of past arguments), toynami still ripping people off and me having to pay for the damn shipping chrages and having to sit here a wait when ever I want a VF that isn't crap.