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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. What if they called it bling-bling?
  2. That's pretty much the inherent weakness I've notices with FPS, for me they get old pretty fast. Unless there's stuff to unlock or an online mode, my interest in an FPS tends to nose dive for a couple months after I beat it.
  3. I was wondering the same thing. http://www.millenniumjet.com/index.html Close enough. But where's the coffee cup holder? Hey that thing looks like fun...
  4. Two question for those who've had this for a while... How do I get the rest of Jamie's planes, all I have are Lighting and the Mustang. Every time I go to the shop Harry always tells me there' no planes to sell. How do I get Ellen, do I just shoot down Albert with Ken everytime Albert shows up?
  5. Who's the Guile equivalant in SFIII (if there even is one...)?
  6. Where's the exoskeleton that'll let me jump all high and deflect bullets with a ninja sword?
  7. Too much Ace Combat on the pilot's free time?
  8. For the most part all the Xbox games if seen have a good PS2 counterpart, though the same can't be said vice versa. And if games are what's important to you, the PS2 has the biggest installed base, so it's going to have a massive library, sure there's a lot of crap, but there also a ton of kick-ass games. As for the PS2 being left out in the cold in terms of Star Wars games, there's a massive online SW game in the works for the PS2.
  9. ya but his issues started when he was like 16 You could have PTSD at a young age and have it follow you through life if you don't take care of it.
  10. Does that say "Soul City" below that missile launcher to the CF's right?
  11. Well I flipped through my crisis intervention text book and it could be argued that Guld has PTSD.
  12. Damnit, I have to sit this out, I've got class that day and it's an hour and a half drive to LA from Santa Barbara if I'm lucky.
  13. I've yet to run into those ads, I'm sure I will when I go check out the brutality fest called The Passion of Christ, though I know if Ido see one of those ads I'll have the "do I look like I care" expression plastered on.
  14. Well the first custom I did was a banpresto I painted up in the Titans paint job, and just recently I painted up a Tomahawk I had in Zaku colors.
  15. Well I with my 1/60s I found even the .5mm to be too thick, I'm not sure if that's the case with the 1/48 but if it is, it's nothing more than a nuisance, you'll just need to rub the pencil on some paper to sharpen the tip.
  16. A mechanical pencil works great, and since it's carbon it'll add to that dirty look you see on combat planes.
  17. Well I've never messed with an MPC so I can't say it's like crap, though I have seen it in person and I can say it looks like crap. And I'm not saying that just because it's an hg product (I think the Alpha that's comming out looks pretty damn good) I'm saying that because I really think it looks like crap. It may or may not handle like crap, but as far as I'm concernd it looks like yesterday's dinner after I eat. Being someone who just likes to put my stuff in cool poses, appearance is a very big thing. As for "harcore" or "casual" collectors, I only see collectors as those with money and those without. And those with out have to ration thier meager/depleated funds and go for only the best ones as opposed to everything.
  18. I guess I'm just used to getting my Gundam sh!t for less than $50. But since they're model kits and not figures I guess I'm more a hobbiest than collector.
  19. Somehow this isn't surprising, as he was one of the few characters that didn't piss me off...
  20. If you're just getting it out of the trees then nail clippers work fine.
  21. That's enough to make my colon clench...
  22. Whoa, that would be about the size of oh, a school bus or two o.o ME WANT! No I meant a 1/48 VF-1...
  23. Speaking of the Flanker, how do the Su-37 and F-15ACTIVE compare in performance?
  24. OH god no not a movie, they're going to bitch this up I just know it. A comic book or manga series maybe, but a movie? I swear if they get all these "trendy" teen movie people to start in it, I'll make my own Soul Edge and show them the greatest nightmare.
  25. You know, come to think of it, I wonder if the U.S. has ever tried to get ahold of some Su-27s to use as agressors. I know about the Luftwaffa pilots using MiG-29s, but I meant more like trying to own some.
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