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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Well I'll probably be online sometime Monday night, maybe around 9 or 10 pacific time...
  2. Every other anime has to have a mascot, right? Look at Neon Genesis Evangelion and RahXephon. Heh heh the penguin that lives in Misato's freezer and drinks beer has to be the coolest mascot I've seen os far.
  3. Has there even been a figure of a kit of the F-15ACTIVE?
  4. Does anyone know why the hell they do that?
  5. Oh damn how could I forget this one, more of a Mobile Armor (I know technicaly it's not a MA but...) counts... RX-78GP03 Dendrobium Orchis
  6. What's the deal with that black striped brown cat?
  7. Well you can go into the Up-town server and search for someone. My user name there is James_Earl_Cash.
  8. Well if not Macross VFs than the Legioss... Though as for non-variable... X-Wing A-Wing TIE Defender Cosmograsper G-Falcon Vic Viper That fighter from Ray Crisis The Exo Fighter from Exo Squad
  9. Hmm, 30 replies for a dead horse topic... Did someone inject and resurect this horse with the T-virus...
  10. Along with that my opinon as has been that the Ds were used for special roles like Wild Weasels, or ground/anti-ship assaults.
  11. I don't know why but Info High has been burned into my brain deeper than any other song. When ever I think of Macross I think of Info High.
  12. The some of the paint jobs kind of give them a WWI feel, I wonder if that was intentional...
  13. meh... I've had the whole thing downloaded for the longest time now, I don't care what CN does with it as far as showing it on TV goes...
  14. Sh!t you wait longer than that with mircosoft's customer support. China should be reason enough not to axe the 22. They're playing a big game of catch-up and it looks like all the U.S. is doing is sitting on it's laurels. Iraq and all those low level air-forces aren't the ones to use as exapmles. If anything compare the USAF to one that could actualy put up a fight.
  15. I'd take the jet that could shoot down those missiles. You seem to be comparing the U.S. to Iraq's excuses for a military. They are on two completly diffrent levels so of course the U.S. steamrolled Iraq.
  16. So it's the UN's nukes against the enemy's parcticle cannons?
  17. Screw it, just axe the F/A-22 program in favor of a VF-0 program.
  18. On the topic of the UN Spacy Fleet. What would be their plan of attack if they ran into another fleet on the scale of Bodolza's? Would the Earth defence fleet be adequet to drive off another 4 million+ strong fleet.
  19. Aside from the EX kit that was out awhile ago, is there anything of the Mobius Zero? I wanted to get the EX one and a 1/144 GINN and have the GINN surrounded by the pods, but I didn't have the money at the time.
  20. What the f*ck, are you telling me they poured all this capital and effort into a fighter (not to mention hyping the sh!t out of it) just to cancel it over some ill-concived war started by some chimpanzee-looking !@#$%^^&*((*^$#@! who thinks Command and Conquer is like the real world?! If they axe the 22 what are they going to use as a stop gap, upgrade F-15s to ACTIVEs? Or (what ever higher power you belive in) forbid, they say the F-35 can do the air supiriority role...
  21. If you can swallow a teenage girl's singing can stun a fleet of 4000000+ ships long enough for a fleet of around 5000 to defeat them, then changing camos in a video game shouldn't be to hard to swallow as well...
  22. Somebody please meet me at J's Bar, I keep getting stuck with people who just ask for the zombies to eat them...
  23. Yup it's free, only games that make you pay as far as I know are EverQuest and Final Fantasy XI
  24. I used to be on SOCOM awhile back but I haven't been playing much because of class and I've been too broke to get SOCOM II (I got RE with a gift card someone gave me).
  25. Just got RE Outbreak, anyone interested in trying to get out of Raccoon City?
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