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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Just got done watching 45, and all I can say, is they definataly forgot about the Girty Lue and remembered about it when they were trying to come up with this episode. The way it went down was so anti-climactic, I swear it went something like this: Crappy writer 1: Uhh, how should we kill Djibril? Crappy writer 2: ...Hey what if we put him on the Girty Lue and blow it up? Crappy writer 1: What's the Girty Lue? Crappy writer 2: You remember, that one blue ship in the beggining? That ship just went down way too easily, I guess that ship isn't equipped with Laminated Armor. These so called writers should be kept away from all anime projects for the rest of their lives.
  2. Any word on an HG Akatsuki kit?
  3. Oh god not another one...
  4. There's some rumors going around at 4chan that Mwu's going to get the Regenerate.
  5. Wait so you're telling me Ramius should have stayed in Alaska after Mwu told her the commanders were gone and there was an active Cyclopes there?
  6. 45 episodes and you just noticed?
  7. Maybe it uses a power extender like the Rouge did, or the DRAGOON pack has it's own power source.
  8. Cagali just need to be that loud forceful person she was when we saw her in Africa in the first SEED.
  9. OK so the bottomline is that this "museum" is run by a bunch of dorks so they could look cool and impress chicks with some "I have my own museum" line so they could finnaly lose their virginities before they hit 30.
  10. Heine's GOUF made me think of CalTrans, I'm glad he died, damn CalTrans...
  11. That's what these Crappywood crackheads can't seem to grasp. The appeal of games is that it's interactive, the viewer is involved, not just sitting there in a vegitative state with their brain turned off. Halo isn't even all that original, gameplay-wise it's more like an excellent execution of a FPS, storyline wise, well the whole time I was thinking "these guys have definatly played StarCraft."
  12. Wonder if the remaining Alliance forces ally with Orb and form a new Earth "Alliance". I'm going to laugh my ass off if taking out Messiah involves flying down a trench...
  13. Yeah but Metal Gear and Halo hardly have anything in common. MGS is very story oriented and Halo is kill stuff oriented. Metal Gear is more like an interactive novel.
  14. I think the Alliance should be in total shambles, with OMNI completly smashed, but on the other hand ZAFT should be in a similar situation. With Djibril taking out a few more PLANTs with him. Then end it on a kind of cliffhanger with some people in either an Alliance or ZAFT uniform (prefably a Eurasian uniform) in a dark room, saying something to the extent of "It's our time now..." Just to show the whole thing is a never ending cycle.
  15. Speaking of writers forgetting, I wonder if we're ever going to see the Girty Lue again... Has OST 3 come out yet? I want that song that plays when Cagali take the Akatsuki out.
  16. I'm still skeptical. And I really have every right to be considering that just about every video game based movie was mediocre at best.
  17. It's sad really, Destiny had so much potential in the beggining, but after the Junius 7 drop they had to go and f*ck it all up.
  18. And as long as people continue to spend their money watching the sh!t they produced (people who paid to see Stealth, I'm looking at you...) they will continue to produce nothing but crap. Crapywood produces more crap than my bunghole does after eating some really bad Mexican, followed by an exlax brownie.
  19. I really wish I had picked up that Zio Matrix one when AC2 came out...
  20. I like Killzone's story more, kind of like a futuristic version WWII. Halo is like a FPS version of Starcraft. Earth = Terrans Covenant = Protoss Flood = Zerg Forerunners = Xel Naga
  21. Yeah, after I download it.
  22. Meh, looks too generic, I'd take Nightmare's Soul Calibur over that any day of the week.
  23. Well seeing as Halo isn't exactly story oriented on the level of Final Fantasy or Xenogears, we're just going to watch our good Master Chief running around with a bunch of marines shooting stuff. Why watch when I can control him...?
  24. Just saw Djibril unload Requiem, all I can say is about f*cking time. Looks like Gilbert wants to bring back the Tokugawa Shogunate, a ridgid class society. Wonder how much longer till Yzak and Dearka decide to follow their old boss again. Also looks like Gilbert has a Genesis on his little "Death Star." Just how united is the Alliance this time? Parts of East Asia have gone over to ZAFT, haven't heard much from Eurasia aside from little brush wars popping up, and aside from Logos haven't heard jack from the Atlantic Federation. Is Daedalus, an Alliance facility or is it an Atlantic or Eurasian base? So Akatsuki gets a DRAGOON system? Hopefuly a certain someone makes a few things possible with that thing.
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