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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Butt-ugly comes to my mind...
  2. That's what I'm trying to get at. Some modern infantry troops still carry around some kind of knife, so why not equip a VF with a knife if they're supposed to mirror modern infantry troops when in battroid mode? I'm saying a forearm switchblade so the pilot wouldn't have to draw it, it's already at hand. Yes I know the knife is also a tool, though I'm sure a resourcful VF pilot could find some other uses for a forearm knife.
  3. Ahh what a lovely stroll down memory lane... But, yeah I'm tired of having to repeat myself everytime this thread respawns.
  4. Yeah I wasn't too happy about that either, he was my favorite character. When I saw the Providence, I was hoping they'd dissasemble the Mobius Zero and use it to make a newtype use Strike equipment and have him lay the smack down on Le Klueze.
  5. Nope that screen shot was from the 1st opening, I captured it myself...
  6. I think of this topic as William Birkin, it just keeps comming back in a meaner and nasiter form...
  7. A sword? When did I mention a sword? I was reffering to installing a switch-blade type knife in the forearms and using them as a last resort or when the enemy decides it's a great idea to get into your face. Yes your wingmen are supposed to cover you, so when need to resort to using that blade they're either all busy or all dead, either case they probably won't be near enough to hit. As far as heroics are concerned, aren't they trained not to do that? A fully loaded machine gun can "promote heroics" as well.
  8. I wonder if Kawamori had a really bad cold when he was comming up with Macross 7, with those codine cough medicines and all...
  9. Well VFs didn't come along till the Macross crashed, so it could be set up so the technology was originaly the Protoculture's and since the Supervision had Protocultures in their ranks... I'd also like to see something involving another speicies the Protoculture tampered with. Have it out for galactic conquest, and overrun several UN worlds...
  10. I think it shows up in the first episode too...
  11. You mean they just threw the MBF-P02 in the opening for kicks?
  12. OK I was showing a friend the first episode of SEED and I noticed they had the Red Frame Astrey in the opening. It shows up at that part where an image of each Gundam flashes for less than a second. You see the Astrey show up right before the scene where the Zero deploys it's weapon pods. Did they intend to have the Astreys show up somewhere in the series?
  13. Mods... OK this topic keeps popping up not matter what, just pin it to keep it from re-spawning...
  14. Are we going to see the formation of the Rebel Alliance in the next movie?
  15. Should not be in, but one will find itself in that situation, so why not give the pilot a something to tip things in their favor a little. Just because something's not meant to be in a particular situation, does not mean it will never find itself in that situation, especialy in a battlefield situation. crap happens, doesn't hurt to be prepared. Remember this line... VF-11 pilot: "crap! my gunpod's jammed! Mayday! Mayday!" Like with Isamu's wingman in Macross Plus, you just might find yourself in a situation where the enemy is in your face and you can't shoot them.
  16. How effective would smacking a fully armored Zentran with an empty gunpod be? If their armor is stronger than the gun, you just broke a perfectly good gun. What would you be able to do with claws? Unless they're Resident Evil Tyrant style claws you're not going to be able to stab them too deeply or cut off any limbs. As far as the just shoot them argument goes, typing in IDKFA will only give you infinate ammo in Doom, and wearing a headband won't work either. I'm not saying the knife should be the primary weapon, but it's always nice to have something that doesn't need to be re-loaded or aimed when the enemy's on top of you.
  17. Come on, who didn't see this one comming...?
  18. If a Zentraedi can over power a VF then why not equip them with something like a forearm switch blade. If the pilot can get that blade through the Zentraedi's chest or decapitate them, then the fight's over and the VF wins, instead of the Zentraedi mauling the crap out of the VF Britai style. Just to make it clear I mean a simple forearm blade like the one Heavyarms has, not something like that Schwert Gewehr sword the Strike Gundam has.
  19. I never really cared much for the standard Astreys. I mean I like the design but not enough to really make me want to get a kit of it. The upgraded Blue and Gold Frames on the other hand...
  20. The Russians did that too. Some pilots would use the props on their planes to chop up German bombers.
  21. You know, why is it always guys like that and never really hot girls that cosplay in the skin tight stuff?
  22. I've read somewhere it was in Canada, though I'd put my money on Alaska...
  23. I'd like to see something during the Protoculture era. Especialy huge battles between those huge Zentraedi fleets, maybe being commanded by a smaller Protoculture fleet slugging it out with a huge Supervison Fleet. Hell even have it start out with a squad of Macross-classes opening fire on a Stellar Republic installation.
  24. Damn, I wish they made a MG Sword Strike, that I could customize the crap out of...
  25. Is the Aile the only version in MG?
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