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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. There's a lot of crap in here, but it's informative at times, you should check it out... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=153
  2. Actualy I wouldn't mind seeing something like that, have it like some underground arena in some remote colony world. Definately something illegal but so many UN officials are involved that no one does anything about it. Have everyone and anyone compete in it, prisoners, social outcasts, people needing money, people just looking for fame, VF aces who want a little more money, hell maybe even have one of the Jenius girls compete every now and then. I'm inagining a match beween a full armor VF-1 and VF-11 with mech sized chainsaws... Then I'm pictureing two Zentrans in full armor fighting hand to hand and one guy doing the Stone Cold Stunner on the other... All this in view of a cheering crowd.
  3. If it's something for fan artists I'm picturing an 11 head with a VF-1D style face.
  4. I'd like to start a petition to send to SK, in an attempt to compel him to denounce M7's place in the Macross time line and relegate it to "it's a spoof on the old Macross" status. You got my support...
  5. I wish Bandai would start making those Macross 7 and Macross II kits and release them here. I'd like to see HG try to take on a company like Bandai. Bandai probably has more lawyers than HG has employees.
  6. That had the two eye pieces instead of the VF-1A-ish mono-eye right?
  7. Is that ship Bodolza had (both series and DYRL) unique to him (only his looks like that) or were they mass produced?
  8. Well to be more specific, I'm trying to grt kind of a White Zinfandel color.
  9. Or maybe because it's part of the neverending SEED-MSV line that Bandai wants to cash in on? :-P All I want is an HG or MG kit of it.
  10. I would have done that if I was an Armored VF-11 pilot just for irritating the crap out of me, all the while listening to something orchestrated. Just too bad there aren't any heat swords like that one Norris carried in 08th MS team so I could shove it into Basara's cockpit, the way Norris shanked those GM Guntanks.
  11. What they should do is have him to a "how to..." book or something.
  12. Too angular, looks more Meltran to me...
  13. I want to make a red wine shade of red to paint up an Aegis Gundam and for stripes I want to put on my VF-1A's wings and fins. Thing is, I'm not sure what colors to mix, is it just dark red and black or do I need something else?
  14. I'll wait till someone with a psychology major tells me that kids are turning into wussies (and puts up a good argument too) before I crap a brick over the idea that kids are growing up to be pansies...
  15. Is there any other show out there that just fires people up as much as this one does?
  16. Maybe the Gunbarrel didn't make it because they didn't want to make it look like the Strike could wipe the floor with the Freedom. With La Fllaga piloting it and the right pack it probably could anyway...
  17. Oh sh!t that looks hella tight! I wanna kit of that...
  18. A one of the few good things about Macross 7...
  19. The third guy is probably the boss...
  20. I don't think anyone can top SDF Macross's annihilation rate, come one Kawmori whacked 10 billion people.
  21. Yup that's definatly crack...
  22. Would it be able to tear through thick bulkheads as fast as a vibro-knife? Yeah the Macross was able to do it eaily, but a VF doesn't have that kind of power behind it's fist. I'm just thinking the knife would me more useful that a pin-point barrier shielded fist, since the knife can also be used as a tool.
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