I had one of those ExoSquad destroids (the Tomahawk) I tried to make it a winter camo, long story short I f*cked up really bad on it. I ended up just tossing it into a box. I found it several months ago and decided to fix it and re-painted it Zaku colors.
Anyone have any info on this unit GAT-01A1 105 Dagger with Gunbarrel? Looks like a newtype use Strike Dagger, does this mean La Fllaga and Le Klueze aren't the only newtypes?
Damn, that guy they got to play Anakin looks like her could be realated to Mark Hamil, they playing Tarkin has a strong resembelance to Peter Cushing too.
I wonder if we'll see any Z-95s, Y-Wings, or prototype TIEs.
Ok so if it's all dependent on how passionate about something someone is, how come hardly any (if any) of the UN pilots had generated really high levels of Spiritia? I can imagine that there were pilots protecting their families there with the same kind of passion the RAF Fighter Command pilots had in fighting off the Luftwaffa.
So what you're really saying is that Spiritia = Midichlorians. Brilliant.
I swear, someone was playing Parasite Eve when they came up with that midichlorian crap...
I'd like to see a show where they lock a guy in a room with nothing but a tv and a couch, and force him to watch Macross 7 from beggining to end in one huge session.
When did humiliating people on tv become a favorite Japanese past time.
Is is just a matter of time before we see stuff in the U.S. like the stuff in Japan? I mean the trash they show is is just getting worse and worse...
Kids are strictly forbidden from entering my personal chamber, if any are caught in my chamber they shall be swiftly and severely disiplined. If any are found in physical contact with any part of my collection, then...