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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Anyone know if there's going to be an airshow at Vandenburg AFB any time soon?
  2. Were those bulges intentionaly meant to look like thumbs on the Prometheus and Daedelus?
  3. You do know that's a riot waiting to happen...
  4. Judging from the comic books, at least six... Four were destroyed defending Earth and two were used by Nexx to fire on Inguss's ship about the same time Feff rebelled.
  5. Do the trim colors on the uniform mean anything?
  6. Wonder what happend to Edgar...
  7. I don't know about any of you guys, but that looks pretty damn disturbing...
  8. I hate SAl it's slow as all hell. Since they don't use UPS anymore, I avoid HLJ when I can.
  9. I've been a Garfield fan for as long as I can remember, I always watch the show when I was a kid and the comic strip is the first thing I looks for on the Sunday paper. Needless to say, I'm checking this movie out. Though Odie needed to be CGed, his toungue is almost as big as he is. And yeah Bill Murray was a good pick, he almost sounds like the original guy.
  10. None taken, the only naval warfare stuff I know about are terrestrial fights. Anyway both of you (ewilen, Hurin) had some intersting things to say.
  11. Wouldn't that re-orientation affect your speed or heading in some way? If they need to get up to a desired speed before having to re-orient (I'm pictureing a fleet speeding up, then rotating, so that they're moving sideways) then wouldn't that cross shaped ship have a faster response time then, since all it needs to do is face the enemy, without haveing to re-orient themselfs to bring all guns to bear?
  12. What I'm pointing out is if you had fleet of those cross shaped ships advancing on a fleet of "traditional" ships, those cross shaped ships allready have all their guns trained on the other fleet, while the other fleet would need to either rotate themselfs or change heading. Since most if not all it's guns would be facing the direction the ship is going it doesn't need to rotate to deliver a broadside style attack.
  13. Can you re-phrase the question... As I said, I only used "upright" for lack of a better term. What word would you suggest I use in it's place?
  14. Hence the quotes around upright, couldn't think of a better word to use.
  15. Well since Macross-class ships are variable, it could just switch back to cruiser mode when the fleet starts comming under heavy attack.
  16. I was just leaning back looking at my Macross wallscroll and thinking about Air Force Delta Strike when this thought came to mind. Wouldn't an upright spac battleship be able to point more guns at an opponent, than one based off an ocean going style? In Delta Strike, the enemy has these upright cross shaped battleships, and the whole front of the ship was just a bunch of guns. If they had mounted more guns on the New Macross-classes wouldn't they be able to bring more firepower to bear in attack mode? Don't know if this has been brought up before, I don't think anyone can keep track of all the proposed reasons.
  17. Is the trim on Misa's uniform blue or green, in DYRL?
  18. I'm just going to pretend I never read that...
  19. I don't know if it counts as a toy, but I'd say my MG Zeta.
  20. Guessing that battleship is around 2000-3000m or so...
  21. I'm guessing Miyatake had a cold when he was working on Macross 7 and ended up pounding down a bottle of codine cough syrup.
  22. Does anyone have a screen shot of that thing in attack mode?
  23. Ah OK, I was trying to find a Northampton ship...
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