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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. I've always wondered if the V-22 would make a great weapons platform if they ever got all the bugs out...
  2. Hmmm... I'm surprised this incarnation is still alive...
  3. How many ships of this class are there?
  4. Are there an pics of Nova and Marie yet?
  5. Yup there's a Grumman guy somewhere with all the data on a laptop that he's hiding somewhere from the Hornet Cartel. Ahh the XFA-27, I remember that guy, I kind of like the X-02 better though. Seemed like a cross between the XFA-27 and the YF-23.
  6. They haven't said anything on a Tread, I guess it depends on how well the Legioss sells.
  7. Couldn't they just shorten the lenght the chest sticks out? Though with the supposed release date in about two months I guess we're stuck with this. Ah well, I have my eye set on the red one anyway, hopefuly they'd find a way to fix it...
  8. I really like that armor...
  9. I saw a thing on the History Channel about some aeronautical war games that go on the U.S. one of the participating groups was a Luftwaffa MiG-29 squad. Has the Supah Fly gone up against those planes yet?
  10. Uhh, I don't think "buy" is a synonym for "steal"...
  11. Ugh, now there's a truly disturbing thought...
  12. For some reason the first thing I heard in my head while reading that part was... PRO-TO-CUL-TURE
  13. What is the designation for the New Macross-classes? Like how the Macross is SDF-1 the Uraga is CV-404.
  14. Judging from the comic book it was one giant blast... Thing is in the comic book they depicted those Thuverl-Salan look alikes as having heavy parcticle beam cannons.
  15. I wanna build a Macross Cannon and fire it at the hg HQ...
  16. Hmph... I don't buy games based off movies anyway...
  17. Well if the B-1 survied the axe, the F-14 just might get a ressurection too...
  18. I thought it was another branch of the UN military, not the politicos.
  19. Enough VF-1s already, I want a VF-14/FZ-109F.
  20. Police 911 has you dancing around the mat too, only you're trying to dodge bullets. Playing that game with about $15 worth of quaters in your pockets can get kind of tireing if you're ducking all the time.
  21. I wonder how Project Super Nova would have gone if the beuracrats decided to interfear. The UN Spacy would probably be stuck with a "Super Thunderbolt".
  22. You know this is kind of funny, the West has a bunch of money to pour in to air craft programs, yet it seems they can't get it right anymore. The Russians on the other don't have any money yet they seem to be able to get it right.
  23. Hey what the hell, is it just me or is the chest touching the ground in fighter mode?
  24. Well, I thought American has a weight problem? It was under the weight limit... ...Then the pilot got in...
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