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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. This thing has mutated into something just way out of hand... I'm stating to see this company's logo all over it...
  2. If they make an English one, I'm going to stick it next to a speaker while I play a Slim Shady album and see what happens...
  3. Well there was... Macross DYRL Guardian Heros Well thats all I can come up with...
  4. They should have used a demon skull or something...
  5. But still, even if someone had to buy another unit because one became kaput, they still bought another unit and Sony still sold another unit. That's irrelevant. The numbers they print up during the lifetime of a system are used to show retailers how many potential game buyers there are out there. When in fact there are far less due to this very reason. There might be 100 million PS1's manufactured and shipped to stores, but I'll bet that less than a quarter of them still exist. I thought the point was to see how many units they sold, not how many units are out there functioning.
  6. With SEED comming out in the U.S. and Bandai's favorite past time of whoring the sh*t out of Gundam, maybe they're make an english version. BTW, can you make him say profanity. I'd love to have a Haro that tells people to f*ck off.
  7. There's probably brakes on the wings too.
  8. Hey wait a minute... Is that F-14 in a Jolly Rogers-esque paint job...?
  9. So about how big is this guy, any estimates?
  10. I really like that Ramius one, though Natarle's skirt seems a bit too short (which wouldn't be a problem if she wasn't wearing a military uniform)...
  11. Is there one of Capt. Ramius or Natarle?
  12. But still, even if someone had to buy another unit because one became kaput, they still bought another unit and Sony still sold another unit.
  13. Ugh, it took me the longest time to figure out how to kill that b*tch...
  14. I haven't seen it myself, but from the summaries I've read and from what people have said, Crest of the Stars seems pretty good. 08th MS Team is also good.
  15. That's pretty sad. A country that has two companies comming out with some impressive pieces of equipment, yet they can't afford any of them.
  16. Just for clarifaction, is the legacy Hornet the A and C models?
  17. When engaging MiGs in Vietnam did Phantom pilots use the same tactics the Flying Tigers used with their P-40s against the Zero?
  18. Was there any mention of the Prometheus, is it supposed to show up in episode 5?
  19. I'm just miffed at how off the mark they were on the Macross Cannon's dimentions. They said it was 488m when is totaly obvious in the videos that the Macross Cannon is one HUGE motherf*cker. They may as well nickname it Ma Duce
  20. I was thinking something like those old formations armies during the colonial era used with several rows of riflemen. One row fires, then the next fires while the first one reloads. With the Macross Cannon, have one fire then recharge, fire the second one while the first recharges, etc. Then by the time the fourth one fires the first is full charged and fires again.
  21. They called that plane the X-44 in Delta Strike. Which one's the correct designaion?
  22. Is the name of that ship, German?
  23. Whats with the two spellings of the "bad guys" in SDF Macross? Zentraedi Zjentohlaudy I remember in the subbtitles on the Macross Plus movie version, they used the first spelling.
  24. I wonder if this thing could set it's guns to single fire, instead of fireing all at once. Imagine a rapid-fire heavy particle beam gun platform...
  25. Is that S-55 LFT in Delta Strike an actual aircraft. It's that single engine mini-Flanker.
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