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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. That guy in the Gundam box kind of looks like Albert Ungar from AF Delta Strike, with longer hair.
  2. Oh come on now, you just don't like the Oak. I like the Oak just fine. I just don't want to see him make bad movies. It seems to me that the more you expand on a theme, especially sci-fi the more convoluted and and stupid the story becomes. T3 is a good example of this. The action was good but the story was lame. They need to move on to new subjects. Wait, there was a story? I thought it was just Ah-nold running around breaking stuff... Nothing in T3 could compare to that last scene in T2 where Mr. T-800 gets lowered into the steel and later you see the road at night and Sarah's narrating.
  3. Your probably the only person I've run into who acutaly liked that movie...
  4. See that's the thing I hate about message boards, hard to get sarcasm around...
  5. But hey, look at it this way, if they bothered to ask David Hintegen we just might have that upgraded F-14 or a Naval ATF. I trust the designers, I just don't trust the politicians...
  6. Hmm, so they're bringing back Cameron eh? Maybe I can forgive them for that abomination that T3 was...
  7. I don't know, like some people brought up, it doesn't really look "American" to me, hell it almost looks straight up Russian to me. Ah well, as long as it can help them stay alive just that much longer. Besides I'm just the tax payer, all I do is give them the money and they do what ever the hell they want with it and not bother asking me.
  8. Is there a game that lets you roam around in a AC-130?
  9. I just bought a YF-21 from a friend who had it sitting on a shelf collecting dust for months. I'm putting a custom paint job on it and trying to make it into a VF-22S.
  10. Not just one guy, but a few. The mechanical designs for Macross II were supervised by Kouichi Ohata. Jun Okuda and Junichi Akutsu are also credited. What other works have those guys done?
  11. Who's the guy who did all the VF designs in Macross II?
  12. You know, as much I love the Ace Combat series, I've often wondered that myself. Though it is fun to tell you're friends that you offed Yellow Squ. using the A-10.
  13. I'd say the Yamato VF-11B. After messing around with my 11, my brother liked it a lot better than his 21, which he call a piece of sh*t.
  14. That show has become just pitiful...
  15. Not to derail your thread or anything, I just want to make sure everybody is debating by the same rules. That part always seemed like they ripped off Parasite Eve to me...
  16. Druna Skass is a cheap bastard...
  17. A bunch of SAMs like to show up with the stealths too. I hate SAMs...
  18. I just need a good head on shot that I can print out on decal paper and put on the shoulder and sheild.
  19. If I was able to find one you think I'd ask?
  20. I'd appriciate it if you could take a picture of both if you can, otherwise go with the one from the SWAT car.
  21. I just ordered an MG Ingram 1 kit and I want to put LAPD SWAT markings on it, but I can't find the emblem they use on their squad cars. Anyone know where I can find it?
  22. No, Farbanti was the enemy's capital city... the one I'm thinking of is the nighttime/early morning hour mission... the city's name is "san..." something or the other. I just can't remember it. It's one or two missions after the attack on Stonehenge I think. San Salvacion...
  23. Those things just look... unholy...
  24. If you want to expirience M3, grab a baseball bat and repeatedly strike yourself in the head the expirience is just about identical to that...
  25. There was one time I was in the Tango Line blowing up those Harrier and Hind bases, I decided to push my luck and blow more people up when the Stonehenge alert came in. I ended up flying around those canyons there trying not to die. If you love hauling ass down a canyon with bandits on your ass, play the Wind Valley level in AF Delta Strike.
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