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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. In the demo I told them to watch my ass and they didn't do sh!t. I had to nail all the escorts and all I kept getting was a red WARNING.
  2. Actualy I loved it when they did that, if you stayed on your toes they gave the most perfect target you could ever ask for, big and not moving.
  3. Damnit, I guess that kills any hope of a surprise online mode... Damn and I even had the perfect user name in mind too, Hawk of Endymion
  4. The only track I really liked from AC2 was I think it was called Sunset Glow, it was the track you hear when you finnaly attack St. Ark, and the track on the second ending, the one that has the planes flying around during sunset. I acutaly liked AC3 especialy the track, Montage. I certainly liked it more than AC2. By far 4 had the best one. I've played AC2-4 and Agnus Dei by far is the best last battle track, hopefully the last level track in 5 can live up to that.
  5. Hey, what did you guys think about the music in Delta Strike? I actualy enjoyed the music in that one especialy the one that plays during the scramble missions, Operations Skyscraper and that one mission where you had to liberate the elevator.
  6. David you forgot to mention the XFA-27 as one of the super planes. Those last two tracks you mention, they're used in the trial missions. Yes AC2 had a mission in the Comona Islands, you had to attack the enemy's space launch facilities.
  7. I want to know what happend to Eileen Canaver, she was Siegel's right hand person and most trusted ally. On top of that she did launch that coup, from the looks of SEED's end it looked like she was the one going to be leading post-war PLANT.
  8. Is there a red and blue one...?
  9. Well it's a pretty basic plane, just picture two boomerrangs, with one on top of the other. Sort of like a futureristic looking bi-plane with no fuselauge aside from what's between the wings. Oh and in the U.S. version, you're a human pilot. There's a line in the last level from base before you engage the Aurora, something like "show this AI it's no match for a human" or something like that.
  10. My bad... Seemed more like specuation than a spoiler to me...
  11. There's some talk here about a Macross Zero-esque sub carrier... http://acecombat.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=1747&st=30 As Skull Leader said, we both have accounts there... Gai Murakumo = Druna Skass
  12. Actualy I think most planes still had a pilot, they just sat in a VR cockpit. Yeah the AI is way too easy in 3, I went through the whole game with just guns. I only used missiles on the last level.
  13. Since the Alliance got their hands on the Cancellers too (the Alliance needed them to use their nuclear missiles), I bet the data's sitting in a high level classified security file at the EA equivailant of the Pentagon. I can just feel some giant EA mobile armor comming onto the scene later on equipped with an Canceller.
  14. There was a battle over Port Edwards before advancing on the enemy capital St. Ark in AC2. And St. Ark is also mention in 4 as where the last of the ISAF forces were leaving the continent to regroup at North Point.
  15. I would say the most intrguing thing is the scene with Ramius and the mask...
  16. Damn with all this crazy poo about hurricanes and volcanos, all we need now is that fabled big ass earthquake that turns California into an island...
  17. Hey what's the F-110A?
  18. So five takes place in Usea too? Are you sure about that? I know 2-4 were all on the same continent, but if you look at the map I posed a few pages back Yuketobania and Osea are on two diffrent continents and neither of then are on Usea. I still think the door's still open for a conspiracy, when they're looking at the wreaked plane. First guy. "I'm surprised they're still making 'em like this" Second guy "They? Who's this they you're reffering to?" Then it says Enemies in the Shadows. I don't know, I'm going to wait till I see some direct reference to some event that happend in 2 (A battle over St. Ark or Port Edwards, Scarface, etc.) before I belive that war was AC2. I can't tell what kind of plane that was those two guys were looking at with the tarp still on it. Unless it's something totaly new I'm guessing it's either an X-02, XFA-27, or that forward swepted ZOE in the last level in AC2.
  19. If you're good with a Sharpie that's not too much of a problem, I was able to put a nice blue tint on mine.
  20. Either way, after watching the new trailer, they're making it seem like Namco's pulling the Shadow Conspiracy card. I mean what's this demon they're talking about, sounds almost like the decription for a shadow organization. The official site lists Nagase's age as 23 so if 5 has links to 2 and 4 then she's not the same Edge. Daughter? Sister, maybe? Usea's not the only contient so that war could easily be somthing else. I'm pretty sure AC2 was a civil war since they mention a coup de' ta. I'm guessing Yuketobania and Osea never really liked each other but something forced them to an uneasy alliance 15 years ago. Maybe a thrid super-power nation that threatend both of them...
  21. Where does it say that "the war 15 years ago" was AC2? I'm pretty sure that war was on the Usea continent. Comona Islands, St. Ark, were two battle sites in AC2.
  22. I'd like to see these guys do a Yukekaze...
  23. Yup we're getting the F/A-35 though I don't know if it's the VTOL capapble one.
  24. They're nice though they're a bit on the stiff side and a bit of a pain to pose, but overall they're quite nice. They aren't that hard to assemble either, though you'll need a screw driver. Check out this police brutality scene, me and Dat Pinche Haro set up with our Labor kits and his Gouf Custom. You can't tell from the pic but mine (one on right) actualy has L.A.P.D. decals
  25. You are Nyarlathotep! The 999 forms of Nyarlathotep are a point of meditation for the true initiate. It is through these manifold faces that the secrets of the universe are made known. Called "The Crawling Chaos", Nyarlathotep is the disembodied ego of Azathoth and thus the universal "I" of known reality. Some of the many documented forms are; Father of Knives, Nephren-Ka, the Black Man, the Beast of the Lashing Tongue to name a few.
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