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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. There's already one, it's called a Big-Mama-Backhand...
  2. What happed to Drednaught's DRAGOON system? The Out Frame itself looks ok, but I can't say I'm too found of that backpack. Does the Out Frame have Phase Shift?
  3. What the hell happend to Bahamut?! He looks like an FFX fiend now. Hey where's Reno and Tifa?
  4. You got the eyes all wrong, he just looks evil now... Or was that point?
  5. If someone uses that thing on my TV, especialy after I bust out my copy of Ace Combat 5, I will catch the fool with it and shove it where the sun don't shine.
  6. I don't seem to recall Klueze saying anything about any sort of link. MAHQ doesn't mention anything about Klueze realizing a link with her when he captures her at Alaska, though I'll watch that part again tommorow...
  7. WHAT?! Where does it say that?
  8. Well I went and watched that scene again and several things that Siegel said seemed to me that he was talking about some biological problems not just people not being horney enough. "We've already reached our limits" "Life is something that occurs naturaly, it's not something you make" But hey that's just my interpretation. And no matter how hard I try I just can't remember what episode had that speech Partick gave where he said they would solve the birthrate problem and he was showing an operating room in the background.
  9. Who said they can't? I think it was one of the things Patrick and Siegel were arguing about. I'm pretty sure Patrick gave some propagand speech saying they would over come that problem. I know it's mentioned somewhere. From the MAHQ summary of episode 20 Patrick thinks they've evolved into a new species and don't need to exist alongside Naturals. Siegel disagrees and points to the decreasing birth rates in the third generation of Coordinators. Patrick believes those problems will be solved, and he says he doesn't want to de-evolve to the level of the Naturals. He leaves, and Siegel says that they can't de-evolve if they never really evolved to begin with. Maybe they can but it looks like they're having some big problems over it.
  10. Well then why is it that a 3rd Gen can't reproduce with another 3rd Gen?
  11. What would you call a person who has a Coodinator and a Natural as parents?
  12. I wonder if it's possible to create a Cyclopes Cannon. Find a way to keep it from blowing itself up and use Neutron Jammers to focues the microwaves even more into a beam.
  13. Those two are the only two tracks I found memorable, all the others in 2 I was just kind of "meh".
  14. If the music sucks... Well I've got my copy of Information High and Before the Battle.
  15. Is it possible for a movie franchise to Jump the Shark, or does that term only apply to TV?
  16. No the writers said Klueze is one too, and with Klueze being Ariga's clone, Ariga was most likely a Newtype as well. The three junkies have yet to be explained.
  17. I'm acutaly glad to see Newtypes in an AU, as long as the writers are able to sort of re-invent them.
  18. I think a Coordinator's abilities diminish with each generation. Like Athrun (2nd gen) isn't as strong or fast as his dad was at the same age. As for mentioning Newtypes, we're mentioning them because the writer confirmed Mwu and Klueze to be Newtypes. and Newtypes didn't only appear in the UC timeline, Gundam X also had Newtypes.
  19. On another topic I hope they explain this SEED mode since obviously it isn't exclusive to Coordinators. Unless Cagali is one and nobody knows it...
  20. I think ZAFT still had some forces scattered around Earth, they did offer to help ORB and then Patrick ordered GENESIS to be fired on Earth everyone had this WTF expression. There's no mention about what happend to Carpentaria so either they were completly crushed or the Alliance just isolated them. I'm pretty sure Shin is a Coordinator, just not sure what generation. If the Alliance was able to get people into a Gundam project, what else could they have stolen, GENESIS's blueprints? Imagine a new super battleship with a miniature GENESIS main cannon.
  21. Coordinators didn't *need* to invent all that stuff, before that came into play their technological advantage was huge (remember a handful of mobile suits demolishing a conventional EA fleet?) When push came to shove, with their lower resources they made better mobile suits faster than Earth did. By the later period of the war they were already mass producing suits almost equivalent to first generation Gundams, and their own Gundams were well above the Earth Gundams capabilities. Come on now, there's no way PLANT's production facilites could ever keep up with Earth's. There's no way they can produce units faster than the Alliance could. Likewise when push came to shove for Earth, they came up with some pretty nasty stuff that ZAFT decided they wanted too. ZAFT makes the GINN, Alliance makes the S Daggers, ZAFT counters with GuAIZ, well war ended before we could see the next Alliance suit. Seeing how those three junkies always gave Kira and Athrun a hard time I wouldn't place Freedom and Justice leap and bounds over those three. Providence, well the Alliance did develop the gunnbarrel system so it wouldn't take too long for them to develop an equivalant, especialy since at the end they had the Cancellers too. And ZAFT wouldn't even have those Gundams if they'd never stolen those 4 Alliance ones. They'd just have a nuclear powered GuAIZ or something along that line. Now that the Alliance has the Canceller's I wonder if they going to make a GP02 style unit in DESTINY.
  22. Either way, had the war dragged on (no GENESIS and the Alliance used the Cancellers to solve the enegy problem) it would have gone to the Alliance. They would have ran them off Earth and smashed their military. Sure the Dagger lost to the GuAIZ most of the time, but I'm sure the Alliance would have countered with a more advanced model. No matter how far ZAFT gots the Alliance isn't too far behind. I mean I'm sure they could have made a DRAGOON Striker pack, problem is, they killed everyone who could use it and the only one left just ran off to join ORB. Also, Kira and Athrun didn't exactly have it easy going head to head with the Alliance's three junkies. The Alliance people are just as inventive as the ZAFT people, and the have the mass production ability to swarm ZAFT. Whatever short commings they have, they're able to level it all out somehow. The thing I don't understand is why the Alliance member states would let Azrael lauch a nuclear attack on PLANT if they just getting very fat off of those colonies? You think they'd say, "yeah go and nuke their military all you like but we want those colonies back."
  23. Hey David, I heard this from Japanese guy who has it, that your guy Blaze is a clone of Mobius 1!!! Just messing... I've been hanging around the DESTINY thread too long...
  24. My point exactly, when backed into a corner Naturals were able to catch up in a relativly short amount of time, matter of a couple of months. Comming up with tech the so-called supirior Coordinators saw fit to steal from them. If Coordinators were so supirior then there should have been no way the Alliance could catch up. I consider them at best a slight improvement. I'm pretty sure it's safe to say they would have blasted to all hell if they failed in stealing those Gundams. As far as Naturals needing overpowered suits go, I'm sure you've seen just how the GINNs were totally owned by the Strike Daggers. Supposedly the M1 were on the same level as the Daggers. Then there's the non-Coordinator Mwu, who became an one mission ace takeing out 5 GINNS with his ZERO in one battle. Point is, in the long run I really doubt Coordinators are all that supirior to Naturals. If it was up to me, I would have equipped as many nuclear missiles as I could with Mirage Coloroids and blew away all of ZAFT's military bases and factories. I'd like to see Kira and Athrun shoot down invisible missiles.
  25. Looks like the Alliance has themselfs an invisible (and most likely nuke reactor powered) battleship. More and more I'm failing to see how Coordinators are supirior to Naturals, especialy since two of ZAFT's top pilots use Natural built machines through out the war and it's two Alliance designed Gundams that come out in one piece. Crap the Alliance invented: Phase-Shift Armor Mirage Coloroid Lohengrin Cannon Scylla Cannon Gunbarrel weapon system Eurasian's beam sheild system MS use beam weapons in general Cyclopes Microwave Array Laminated Armor Crap ZAFT invented Mobile Suit Neutron Jammer Neutron Jammer Canceler GENESIS
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