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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Even built with Legos the Strike looks a hell of a lot better than Impulse. Great Job.
  2. How's the online?
  3. Well the Impulse may be a better suit than the Strike, but I still say it's design is butt-ugly compared to the Strike.
  4. The coating can't be that strong if Ed the Ripper was able to slice off the bridge of a Nazca-class with just anti-ship swords.
  5. What kind of armor was on the GENESIS? It can't be standard Phase-Shift since the Kusanagi's Lohengrin barrage had no effect on it. It's definatly not Laminated Armor since they never got their hands on Archangel.
  6. ATTENTION RAZGRIZ SQD. OK for those who haven't found out yet, here's how to choose between A and B paths. http://acecombat.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=2148
  7. Man the replay here SUCKS compared to Delta Strike. Hey does this game have multiple endings?
  8. I would real be surprised seeing Duel and Buster show up with ZAFT. I was thinking more of the lines of them ending up with ORB and being heavily upgraded like the way the Gold Frame was.
  9. Hey is just me or does Wardog Sqd, bear a strong resembelance to the 08th MS team? Blaze = Shiro Nagase = Karen Chopper = Eledor Archer = A less annoying Michel
  10. Eeeewww, that's just gross...
  11. I for one wouldn't mind seeing an upgraded Archangel, Duel, and Buster. Hopefuly if Duel makes a reappearance it'll be upgraded to the point where it doesn't look like a GM of the Strike. I really wouldn't doubt if it was Blue Cosmos behind the whole colony drop thing. They had no problem sacrificing two large combat forces just to draw ZAFT into a Cyclopes attack. Dropping a colony somewhere on Earth and blaming it on Coordinators just to garner more support for another nuclear assault isn't beyond them. Wouldn't it be an interesting thing if Gilbert turned out to be with Blue Cosmos, hence the easy theft of the Gundams. I'd like to see Elieen reappear and PLANT break up into a pro-Gilbert and a pro-Elieen faction. While PLANT is fragmenting have the various members of the Alliance squabbling amongst themselfs. Like a little cold war between the Atlantic and Eurasian Federations, with South America struggling against the Atlantic for their independence. And in the background of all this the Blue Cosmos is just sitting there saying "dance puppets, dance" while ORB is the only one who really knows what's going on.
  12. Falling Down... That was a great movie. I should make a custom plate saying D-FENS.
  13. Just throw on some green cargo pants, a black leather jacket, a toy gun or baseball bat, and presto, you're the guy from GTA3.
  14. Well that explains why the Sword Calamity is also listed under the ORB suits. I have a feeling we're going to see a ressurrected ORB as a powerful contender in DESTINY. Alliance = Titans? ZAFT = Zeon? ORB = AEUG? What the hell kind of name is Uneasy Cherry?! That sounds like a slang for a virgin, or a porno name for a 18 year old? Any word on Rene Imelia (Buster Dagger), Jane Houston (Forbidden Blue), Mogan Chevalier (Gunbarrel Dagger) showing up?
  15. I was kind of disappointed to see that Dearka and Miriallia haven't gotten togeather, well maybe later on in the series...
  16. Ugh... Can't say I'm fond of the paint job...
  17. I don't have a guide redily available, you know of any websites?
  18. When you put it that way, the Impulse can be disabled just by damaging the Minvera's power relay system. I think I'd rather take the Trans Phase-Shift and battery system over the Impulse's system and just use the relay system as a back-up.
  19. Kira was also in the middle of the explotion from the self detonating Aegis (with the integrity of the armor around the cockpit compromised no less), and Andy was in his unit when it exploded. When the Aegis blew up, it made one very BIG bang. In the Astrey manga that explotion nearly took out the Red Frame which was watching the fight from the other end of the island. Both of them had to have escaped death somehow, Mwu might have dodged death in a similar fasion. Weird stuff happens, even in real life like with Hitler and Stauffenburg's bomb that killed everyone in the room except Hitler.
  20. That's very plausable, and with all his ties to the Alliance either dead or with ORB, there's little chance that anyone friendly to him will know who he really is. Unless they were scrapped Archangel, Kusanagi, and Eternal should be stashed somewhere. Perhaps he'll run into on of those ships or a ship of the same class and trigger something. It'll be very interesting to see what he'd do if he ran into an upgraded Archangel with Ramius in the command chair.
  21. Hey I wasn't the first one to mention that name...
  22. Does anyone know where I can find a pic of the Falken? What does that word mean anyway?
  23. If we no longer see Mwu's shattered helmet then I would have to lean towards the assumption that Neo = incognito Mwu. I mean if Kira somehow managed to survive the Aegis explotion with that huge gouge in the cocpit armor then no reasn Mwu couldn have made it out in a similar way. As to why Mwu m is doing this if it is indeed him, then I'm guessing he wants to make sure that there aren't any more Ariga clones running around, before he settles down with Ramius. And for some reason or another it would be better if a lot of people though he was dead, though there's no way it could be everyone, someone has to know who Neo really is. Raww actualy looks younger than Mwu, but that might just be me... I would say the reason they were so easy to ripoff in DESTINY is that ZAFT had some major security breaches.
  24. It was removed as Canard (who now has Dreadnaught since Hyperion was destroyed) wasn't able to use it. Yeah I noticed they listed Canard as the Dreadnaught pilot, is he still considered a Super Coordinator like he was in the manga (In an issue of NewType they said he was also created as a Super Coordinator like Kira at Mendel)? How did he end up with that unit? On another note, does anyone know Prayer's (original Dreadnaught pilot) backstory? He seems to bear a resembelance to Mwu and Raww.
  25. Does he look like Mwu with long hair?
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